
Friday 19 December 2014

Lots of this and that.

Hi Everybody!

Today has raced by! My neighbour Gabi invited me to breakfast this morning before she took her Mum home. Then she asked if I wanted to go along for the ride. So I did! Then we decided to go to Holland to do some shopping, a lot of things are much cheaper there, so we ended up in Venlo, did the shopping, ate a huge portion of chips (French Fries), looked round the town and then came back home in time for me to get ready for the Philosophy Circle in the evening, to get some new thoughts into my head. All in all a fun and busy day!

At Art Journal Journey our theme for this month is still collage. I made another page in my giant journal, using paper napkins and gesso as background. The music instruments were cut from the old Sears and Roebuck catalogue from the 1890s. I used some washi tape and stenciled the word 'music' to finish it off. I think the prices for the instruments are not valid these days!
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

And of course I took some photos of Gabi and Maria, her Mum:

And of Gabi with Lilly:

And with Lucky:

These are Maria's geese, which have to be kept in a shed just now, as there have been cases of bird flu, and they are not allowed out, which makes them very unhappy, poor things - they miss their meadow and pond!

In the supermarket in Venlo we met Santa Claus, who was really charming:

This is the old Town Hall in Venlo:

And one of the lovely cafés:

The Christmas skating rink:

And a last look along the street before we drove home.

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love that you used old catalog art for your collage - great idea!

  2. Good morning Val! Love your collage, great idea with so many layers, love the catalogue pictures. The photos are gorgeous, too, glad you had such a wonderful day, Hugs, Sarah

  3. EIne ganz traunhafte Collage Valerie und um diesen herrlcihen Ausflug beneide ich DIch...ganz ganz toll!
    Danke für die schönen Fotos.... die Katzen sind ja Riesen...du meine Güte!

    Einen schönen Freitag!



  4. I love the colours in this journal page. I love those cats-my cat is called Lily too! Venlo looks lovely-I love the architecture in cities in Europe-always so beautiful compared to the modern monstrosities!

  5. Your collage is very stylish!
    Your weather is like ours. Here kids are waiting for white xmas but right now it looks very black...
    Have a relaxing weekend!

  6. ps. I like your new 'prove you're not a robot' just one click, great!

  7. I have been visiting your blog but not commenting - apologies. Always love to see what you are making, and what you see on your walks. Another wet and windy day here today. Looking forward to visiting your blog again in 2015, but for now I am packing ready for my visit home to England - hmm, not sure I can go 10 days without crafting something, but I do have a pile of books waiting for me. Best wishes as we get ready to turn the page to 2015!

  8. What a fun filled day you had Valerie, truly lovely pics and what a wonderful Santa, I can assure you they don't look half as good over here! Have a lovely Friday. Xx

  9. A great collage and such happy holiday photos, I love those Geese!

  10. Thank you for sharing these great photos, wow you did have a great day. Love the new collage Valerie. Have a great Christmas. Hugs Annette x

  11. Very fun collage, goes very well with this festive time of year.

  12. Beautiful collage - and I also love your christmas-pictures :)

  13. Stunning collage, love the blues and browns all blended together with the instruments! Your town is so picturesque, must be a lovely place to live! holiday hugs :)

  14. Funny Christmas atmosphere, I love it. beautiful photos !!!! And a nice composition with musical instruments, great!

  15. What an exciting day, a trip to Holland to meet Santa and then the Philosophy Circle. Love the pictures of cats, Lucky is not a thin cat but he is obviously saying "So what?". Really terrific pictures of people and places and a very good one of you with Santa.

  16. what a lovey post Valerie, your trip and time with friend, your art. Beautiful! thank you for sharing and merry christmas to you and your dear ones!

  17. Fabulous creation, it's colour and design is gorgeous.and your shared photos are just beautiful.xx..enjoy your weekend.
    ♥aNNie {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  18. I want one of those $1.95 Stradivarius violins, LOL! Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! You make me want to go abroad again; maybe next year.

  19. Gorgeous music collage with such wonderful textures. Your photos are fantastic as well, looks like a wonderful day! Enjoy the season, Shirleyxx

  20. Philosophy Circle, that sounds interesting!!! I love your journal page with the catalog cut outs and amazing prices! And thanks for the wonderful photo tour!!!!! Happy Holidays and PPF! Deb

  21. fabulous music page! isn't it fun looking at those prices in the old magazines? What a festive time you had and it looks like a great city to visit and shop in! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  22. Love the music page, Beardo would be in awe at those prices...all relevant of course! Beautiful festive photos love them all, you all look beautiful! Amazing how joy shows up! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!

    Hugs Giggles

  23. Love the collage!!! Wouldn't it be great to pick up instruments at those prices :) Looks like you had a wonderful day and love the picture of you with Santa!

  24. I feel as though I have spent a day in Holland traveling with you! Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing. The vintage instruments add so much to your collage!

  25. Valerie!! I love your collage!! I just heard something on the news the other night about music being part of what keeps the brain from dementia- keep on singing and playing is what they say!

    Oh I so want to come visit!! What beautiful photos- where are you? I see you went to Holland... Our small towns here are not quaint and cozy as yours- very romantic and magical to me!!

    1. I live in a little and ancient town on the lower Rhine.

  26. Lovely musical collage, Valerie is that you in one of those photos? What a lovely time, it's neat how you can just 'drive over to Holland', very exotic from my point of view!

    1. Yes, the second one with Santa is me! Holland is about 50 kilometers from here, so not far at all!

  27. Beautiful pages. Music is such a great subject. Merry Christmas to you! M.x

  28. Deine Collage ist wieder total schön - danke für die tollen Bilder - am meisten freut mich natürlich das von dir und dem Weihnachtsmann ;o)
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  29. Awesome photos, wishing you the very best of the Season

    Much love...

  30. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and can see you enjoyed your trip too. Great pics!
    Fliss xx

  31. Looks like you had a great day Valerie, the town you visited looks so pretty, and Santa looks OK too!
    Great musical collage, love the images and colour tones.
    Avril xx

  32. Aren't napkins a must have in art journaling? hehehe :)

    Also how a nice coincidence! We have also a blue russian cat... her name is... Lucky! Ha. :)

    1. Yes they are! I always ask friends to bring me a napkin when they buy nice ones, this adds a lot to my collection. Greetings to Lucky!

  33. Fantastic music collage, love the instruments, can just imaging them playing. Super photos of your day out, looks like you had a lovely day. Santa looks a happy fellow.
    Yvonne xx

  34. What a fun trip to Holland! Your music collage is beautiful!

  35. Hi Valerie, such a wonderful musical collage. Looks like you and your friends enjoyed a wonderful day out and your pics are so festive. What a wonderful time and trip to Holland.
    Have a great weekend.

  36. Your page is beautiful, rich in texture and in history.

    Lucky looks like he has another cat in his belly. No really. If you look carefully you will see what looks like a cat face. Or maybe that is just me. I see faces in everything.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.


  37. Don't know how I missed this wonderful posts. Now I know who the cats belong too. Wonderful photographs of all of you looking so happy and festive.

    Love the Artwork with the wonderful musical images and stunning textures.

    Have a great weekend

    Love Chrissie x

  38. So viele tolle Eindrücke die du zeigt, die ich gestern glatt verpasst habe, aber in den Blogs geht ja nichts verloren!
    So freu ich mich heute. LG Ulrike

  39. Your musical collage is very charming! Hug Lucky for me....she is such an adorable fur ball. Happy PPF

  40. Your collage is great! Love the instruments from Sears. Thanks for sharing about your trip to Venlo - the photos are wonderful. Hope you have a wonderful holiday! Visiting from PPF (Truffle Art).

  41. Fabulous musical collage - I love all those instrument images. Looks as though you've been having a great visit.
    Alison x

  42. The collage is great.. .. so creative. You got into a car and drove to Holland. . .Good Grief, I would love to do that. Thanks so much for all the Holland pics. It looks like a fascinating country. Merry Christmas and Blessings, Janet, PPF

  43. love your collage and the BIG cats


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