
Monday 29 December 2014

Collage, icy weather and waffles

Hi Everybody!

The weather is keeping us on our toes! After snowstorms yesterday we had a sunny, but icy day today, which was once again good weather for being out and about, well wrapped up with lots of warm clothes.

For Art Journal Journey I have 2 collages today, a 'real' one and a digital one.
The first one was made with a brush wipe sheet (A3) which had lots of yellow, white and some ink spots on it. I got a wonderful present of some brushos and pan pastels - more about them in tomorrow's post'- and used the red pan pastels and some stencils here. The head is one of 'my'heads, which I have in various sizes. Actually I only have one head, and it's size does not vary, I am just talking of my head stencils. The other 2 stencils are both from The sentiment has been computer generated, also coloured with pan pastels in red and yellow, and collaged.

The second collage has been made from a series of photos I took this morning, digitally enhanced and coloured, and then put together to make a 'stained glass window'. Can you guess what I photographed?

The day started off with clear skies and sunshine:

The Rhine was unbelievably blue:

And I enjoyed the play of light and shadow

This afternoon I was out and about again, and was invited to wonderful, freshly baked waffles with hot cherries, cream and coffee - yummy!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend! Have a good start in the week, and make the best of the last days of the year!
Look after yourselves, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely collages, cannot guess the digital one, trees? Your waffles looks scrumptious! A picture is worth a thousand yummy words!

  2. Both collages are great, but I don't know what you have photographed for the second one? Love the wonderful colours of the first one. Lovely, sunny photos, and those waffles look very yummy! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Great artwork and photographs. The head collage is just amazing and the photograph enhancement wonderful.. Looks like it might be ice but I could well be wrong.

    The blue water and brown against it are stunning in the photographs and what can I say about the waffle party--YUMMY.

    Have a great day my friend

    Love Chrissie x

  4. Super stencilled collage Valerie, I love the little girl in your head! I think your pics are the frosted pattern on a window? You girls certainly know how to treat yourself, those warm cherries sound delish! Have a good day!

  5. Guten Morgen Valerie, eben habe ich deine ganzen Bilder der letzten Tage angeschaut... wie schön ist dein Raubvogel!
    Die Collage von heute sieht super aus, ganz irre Farben! ...und bei deinen digital veränderten Fotos vermute ich Eisbildung auf Pfützen...
    Gute letzte Tage in 2014 wünscht dir Ulrike

  6. noch bevor ich Ulrikes Kommentar gelesen hatte, war mein gedanke auch: eisstrukturen. würde sich bei diesem wetter anbieten... aber die farben verfremden es toll!
    oh, Waffeln sind eine gute Idee, hatten wir lange nicht. vielleicht mach ich gleich heute welche...

    1. Und ich habe noch Waffeln zum Mitnehmen bekommen, kurz getoastet machten sie mir ein tolles Frühstück!

  7. Always a pleasure to visit your blog!
    And that sunrise ... ::sigh::
    Love the collage too!

    Merry creating!

  8. What a great quote--will definitely have to write this one down! I'm going to guess your digi collage is photos of frozen water puddles. The waffles look delicious and cherries in any form are one of my favorites!

  9. Interessante Collagen, so mal ganz modern,klasse. Schöne Fotos, der Sonnenaufgang ist ein Traum,immer wieder schön Sowas.
    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr,bleib gesund und kreativ.
    Alles Liebe

  10. Great collages Valerie!! And yum- I'll be over for waffles! teeheehee

  11. Oh wow- die erste Collage St so genial- bei den Köpfen habe ich spontan Ideen, was ich dort "hinein" arbeiten würde :-) Alles was mir so durch den Kopf schießt an kreativen Ideen- hihi .
    Ich bin viel mit meinem Mann und den Hunden unterwegs und abends schauen wir endlich mal Filme, die hier schon lange darauf warten - mein Bastelzimmer ist gerade etwas verwaist. Aber morgen wollte ich mal wieder dort abtauchen :-)
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  12. Those waffles sure look yummy; almost as yummy as your lovely collage. I love the colours, the little girl with the balloon and the sentiment. I also had a laugh at your head joke. :)
    Happy New Year.

  13. Beautiful collages, love how beautiful your stencils look too. Looks like you had a lovely meal with the waffles and hot cherries too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  14. Very excellent collages Valerie. I cannot guess what you photographed, except perhaps some trees ? lol
    Your afternoon treat looks delicious; how nice you could join in and enjoy :o))

  15. Fantastic collages, loved the little girl with the balloon and the words you used on the first page.
    Lovely photos and the waffles sounded delicious.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Oh waffles when it's cold and icy sound perfect. Cold is back here again although bright sun, like your first collage, warming us up. xox

  17. This is a really really clever collage. And waffles-they sound delicious.

  18. oh I sure liked the wee girl with the Balloon. We have brrr weather. Hubby already is outside yesterday cleaning up snow. I took a quick picture of him on my page blog. Was cold taking it.


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