
Saturday 6 December 2014

Building paper houses

Hi everybody!

We had another grey and chilly day here, not good for my poor old bones!
Still, it's winter, and we have to accept it.

I spent a lot of  time in my arty kitchen, sitting next to the radiator, and making more collages. Although I have used so many scraps, the boxes seem to get fuller and fuller, they are definitely multiplying overnight!

My project for Art Journal Journey today reminded me of houses, so I put some roofs on and gave one of them a metal button as window. I used various scraps of hand-painted papers mixed with metallic and glitter scraps, glued onto craft paper and fixed into my giant journal. The stitching has been added with rub-ons, as my sewing machine has been having hissy fits these past days.

I enjoyed my walks although it was cold and misty, and crunched my way over the sand, stones and shingle, and didn't meet anyone, just a couple of wild-geese. I like these rather wild stretches of shore::

I loved the pattern on the burnt logs in one of the fire-places, it reminded me of a snakeskin:

The dried up flowers by the basilica still look pretty:

Happy Nikolaus to all over here; have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lo for coming by!


  1. beautiful collage of houses, creative touch with the button window. Yes, it's cold outside.

  2. WOW, total schön! Wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende und 2. Advent - Irma

  3. Wow, another amazing collage Valerie. Love those cute houses. Thank you for showing us the beautiful area that surrounds you with more stunning pictures. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. A wonderful collage again, love the neat rows of houses with their pointed roofs, great idea. The photos are a nice contrast with their cold and grey atmosphere, Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  5. ein wunderschönes fröhliches Häuserseite,gefällt mir seehr gut.
    mein arztermin war gestern noch nicht sehr aufschlussreich und es gab viele missverstände das ich zuletzt geweint habe,erst dann hörte die ärztin zu,und nun wird montag endlich ein MRT vom kopf gemacht,also weiß ich bald bescheid was los ist,manchmal muss man für sein recht erst kämpfen.
    ich wünsch dir ein schönes 2 .adendtswochende,ich wersd mir gemütlich machen bei kerzenschein und Zimtsternen,nächste woche will ich dann kekse backen für Weihnachten.
    das einzige was mir etwas gut tut ist das raus gehen und das basteln.

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Gut, dass du dich durchgesetzt hast, und Basteln und Rausgehen helfen immer, also halt' dich dran! Und lecker Kekse helfen bestimmt auch!

  6. Creative house-collage and beautiful photos. Thank you Valerie for your nice comments and have a wonderful St Nikolaus Day,
    Hugs xxx

  7. Beuautiful collage, Valerie! Hope you're well. Your nature images are gorgeous! Xx

  8. The collage is wonderful Valerie and I have never seen rub-on stitching before--I thought it was real.

    Great photographs of the peaceful place you found to visit. Love the burnt wood pieces--did you bring any home with you?

    White here with frost at the moment and the heating is working hard to keep us warm Going for a beach walk into town so I hope the wind isn't NE.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  9. Another delightful creation to view, gorgeous image and wonderful colours. A lovely scene. xx {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  10. Das ist eine ganz tolle Häuserseite Valerie..mir gefallen die genähten Elemente auch so gut dazu!
    Die Fotos sind auch wieder toll...danke!
    Du das kenn ich mit den Schnipsel und Resteschachteln, ich denke auch, die vermerhen sich eigenständig... statt weniger wird es immer mehr.... lol!

    Hab einen schöne Tag heute!


  11. I love those houses Valerie, I don't know how you can make scraps of paper look so good! Great photos too, love the old wood on the stone. ( have you tried cleaning your machine, it's maybe full of glitter and glue! Lol) xx

    1. Yes, I cleaned all the fluff and bits out, but it is making a noise like somebody hitting nails with a hammer - help!

  12. I love your fancy houses touch with a bit of gold. Festive beginning to the holiday season for you. So happy to have a stretch of salty river beach nearby to walk the dogs. Seaweed and stones and th
    e smell of salt. xox

    1. Yes, I love the river, and really NEED to be there everyday.

  13. Love your paper houses, especially the glittery ones! Great photos, the water reminds me of where I grew up, no water here! Sad face lol. Big hugs and happy weekend Valerie! :)

  14. Fabulous houses ! love them. The photo of the dried up flowers at the bottom is beautiful. It's cold and dreary here too. Have a great weeekend, Shirleyxx

  15. Meine Knochen mögen diese feuchte Kälte auch überhaupt nicht... und es ist tatsächlich so, dass man an solchen Tagen nur ganz wenig Menschen in der Natur trifft, was mich aber überhaupt nicht stört.

    Das ist eine fröhliche Häuser-Collage geworden. Ich mag auch das Packpapier als Grundlage, benutze ich auch zu gerne.
    Beste Wünsche für einen gemütlichen 2. Advent von Ulrike

  16. Cute page in your journal... Love all of the pictures...especially the ones around the water. I am always drawn to rivers, lakes, streams and ocean. I am a Water Spirit :) Happy Nikolaus to you! I had to research the holiday to refresh my failing memory ♥

  17. Love, love, love this collage - I really like architecture. All of your pictures are delightful - I liked seeing all the stones on the beach. Snake skin? You could have gone all day without saying THAT!!!!
    Sandy xx

  18. Fabulous collage Valerie, love your houses!

  19. Fabulous row of houses, you are so inventive with those scraps. Must get started on my pile soon, before I loose the desk completely.
    Yvonne x

  20. What an inspiration -- you can dig through your scrap box and come up with the most unusual projects. I love the houses you created for your large journal. Fantastic colors and stitching. Look forward to the next page.


  21. Eine schöne Collage mit den Häusern ist das geworden, solche Papierstücke sind so anregend, da könnte man jede Menge Fantasien ausleben, ich finde momentan auch kaum ein Ende damit..
    Danke auch für die tollen Fotos wieder und dass Du mich zu AJJ ermutigt hast :-) ich war mir nicht sicher.
    Schönen 2.Advent und lG Anja

  22. Hi Valerie, I love designs with houses. Your creation is gorgeous. You make such great use of your scraps turn them into masterpieces. Love your walking pics on your grey day. The shoreline is beautiful.
    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  23. It always refreshes me to walk around our lake, and I can tell you enjoy being near the water, too. The collage of houses is very festive looking!

  24. Awesome photography once again. And your scrappy designs are so creative. Never knew scraps could look so arty.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  25. Love the house and the pictures look like it is so cold there too! Big hugs, ~Diane


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