
Monday 8 December 2014

Another bird collage

Hi Everybody!

The weekend went by very quickly.  I managed a nice walk this morning, and this afternoon went to a friend so she could finish crafting the things she started last week. I got some collaged stuff done, too. We also ate large amounts of wonderful brownies, smothered in thick chocolate and walnuts, yummy - Need I say more?

My collage for Art Journal Journey today is the second of the black background birdy ones. I deepened the colour a bit with pastel chalks. I am really having fun playing with these geometric forms, it seems to be rather addictive. And the mounds of scraps are not getting less....

The pictures are from our outing to Xanten yesterday. The  town was founded by the Romans, who called it 'Colonia Ulpia Traiana'. There is an archaeological park there, which is most interesting, but we did not get round to visiting it yesterday.
The first view when you arrive is of the twin spires of the beautiful Cathedral of St Viktor.

Before we went inside, we visited some of the more profane places. We discovered a wonderful hat shop, where the sweetest creations of hand-felted wool and silk are made on the premises.

The ladies were busy at work:

Gabi was delighted with all the colours, as I was too.

The hats were unfortunately too expensive for me to buy, but it was nice to be able to look at and feel them:

The entrance to the Cathedral:

My fave place inside was the crypt, with very ancient, thick walls of rock and stone, and all rather dark and mysterious:

Then we looked around the Christmas Market, and had fish fried in batter with garlic sauce - totally yummy!

We went to the Gothic house, a very ancient building which is now a café /restaurant. Gabi is showing her heart....

And last but not least, Gabi and the donkey:

When we left Xanten, we drove to Gabi's Mum for coffee and cake, so we did not exactly starve....

I will show the photos of the second part of our day out tomorrow.

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a gorgeous collage using the most gorgeous of images and'll have to do one on hats next, love the picies....x
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  2. first lets talk about the collage, which I love, love, the birds, the papers, and the black background, they all go together so well. Now oh you are making me jealous, I have always wanted to go to
    Christmas Markets, and the town lets just say ah........the hat shop where they were working, and felting, I have felted only 2 hearts and that was a lot of work, imagine for hats,, no wonder they are out of our price range.

  3. die collage sieht toll aus,und viel spass habt ihr gehabt.
    ich muss bald los ,also daumen fest drücken,bis nachher.


  4. Love your collage, the black and metallics combination is very striking. Wonderful photos in Xanten, of course, my faves are the hats, my, they are so gorgeous. I think I must get P to take me there....Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  5. All this cake and brownies you will be needing new clothes or even longer walks :) I just love the hat shop photographs I would have been lost in there for hours I'm sure. The other photographs give a real feel for the place as well.

    I am loving these black background pages--what a fabulous idea to use up the bright scraps this way and the adorable little birds just finish off the pieces as well

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Yes, brownies are dangerous! Today will be a veggie soup and fruit day!

  6. Impressive collage, Valerie. The black gives it efectiveness. Thanks for the wonderful photos. It seems that you have a great joy with the friends.
    Have a great day, hugs xx

  7. The golden papers against the black ground look fantastic! Fab composition too and the photos tell the story of this wonderful outing brilliantly. That hat shop looks fantastic!

  8. the Collage is wonderful - and you seemed to have a perfect day!!

  9. What a lovely post Valerie, that hat shop looks fabulous. I was gifted a heap of felting "stuff" but so far I haven't had a go at it. Something to try in the new year. I think the birds in your collage are playing hide and seek! Lol! Have a happy Monday. Xx

  10. Die Collage mag ich... besonders den schönen Glanz den man sieht gegen den dunkelne Hintergrund!
    Was für ein toller Ausflug! Diese Stadt scheint richtig idyllisch! Ich freu mich dass Ihr so einen schönen Tag hattet und bin schon gespannt auf den Rest dear Fotos !
    Hab einen tollen Tag!

  11. A wonderful collage Valerie, love the textures and colours. Fabulous photos to look through too TFS xx

  12. Festive colors on these bird collages. Great hats but I know here they are quite expensice, lots of work that felting and shaping. Loks like you had a wonderful time. xox

  13. Fabulous collage, Valerie. I love the black background and the amazing pieces you've added. And I love the fabulous hat shop!
    Have a lovely day!
    Hugs, Mar

  14. I LOVE your collage, which reminds me of Mondrian's work. It looks like you had a fabulous time with your friends. Blessings!

  15. Great collage Valerie, love the wonderful spicy colours! Looks like you had a fun day at the hat shop and market! hugs :)

  16. Die Collage ist wieder große KLasse und die Fotos zeigen einen gelungenen Ausflug:-)
    LG Anja

  17. That is a fabulous collage. Look forward to seeing more of your trip. You are eating the best stuff!

  18. Just around for a day or 2 before I go back to my Mum's. Love all you have made! Hugs, Barb

  19. Another exciting collage with such an array of patterns, shapes and birds too. Your photos are marvelous and what a treat to share your trek to Xanten. You live in a magical, historical area and I'm learning a lot from your adventures and photos. The entrance to the cathedral is exceptional.


  20. I love your Birds and shapes. Fabulous page.
    The photos are a sister lived in Europe for a while and she shared photos like must be fabulous to see the beautiful buildings in real life.
    susan s

  21. I have to add one more comment..I just love the hats :)
    susan s

  22. Looks like you two had a splendid day, I am happy for you. Your collage looks gorgeous. big hugs, ~Diane

  23. It looks like you had a wonderful time! Hat making by hand must be a lost glad it is being kept alive! I had to laugh when you said your pile of scraps gets bigger the more you use it! The collage is beautiful!

  24. I do like your geometrics and birds collage, something really original and attractive to look at.
    I also enjoyed "my" trip with your friend Gabi and hope to get another photo of you tomorrow!

    1. Thanks, I'll tell Gabi, but no more pics of me - I prefer taking the photos! But there are some lovely pics to look at tomorrow!

  25. Another fabulous geometric style collage. Wonderful photos, loved those hats and the cathedral looks majestic, beautiful glimpses of the crypt.
    Will be waiting to see the rest of the photos.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Love your collage, Valerie... AND love all those hats too!!! ~tina

  27. What a wonderful day!! Thank you for taking me along!! Those hats---mmmYummy indeed!! and I am still drooling over your brownie description! lol xo

  28. Deine Kollage - wie auch die im vorigen Beitrag - sind großartig! Geradlinig und sehr elegant! Tolle Farben und wunderbarer Kontrast!

  29. Die grünen Hüte habe es mir angetan! Sehr cool - Ulrike

  30. Oh Valerie, I have so much to tell you but it will have to be In letter form. We will be moving and I really have to whittle down my craft supplies. No more cards but I will art journal which I have been wanting to do. I love your collages and the ones using geometric shapes really appeal to me. The one today is fantastic!
    I also loved all of your pictures - as I have told you before, I love old architecture with all the carvings and statuary. The arched doorways and the weathered stone have such allure. Maybe one day I will be able to visit a Germany Christmas market. I have been told they are wonderful.
    Okay, now you have had all of your sweet treats, it's TVtime for a hearty veggie stir fry!
    Sandy xx

  31. Hi Valerie, I have been trying to catch up and what a wonderful creation you once again designed. It reminds me of stacked Christmas presents. Looks like your outing with friends was special. Love all your pics. The hats are stunning and the desserts sounds so luscious!!
    Hugs and Blessings


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