
Friday 12 December 2014

A collage with Frida Kahlo

Hi everybody!

We had very changeable weather today -   storm, thunder, lightning, gales, rain, hail, and in between even some patches of blue sky....I was lucky that I got back from my morning walk before it got really bad, and the rest of the day I had to stay here and play with pieces of paper.

My collage for Art Journal Journey was made with the other half of the brush-wipe page I used for the undersea collage last week. The main image of Frida has been fussy cut from a postcard, and the other images were stamped onto tissue and collaged. I added a parrot stamp, as Frida loved those birds, a few scraps of old letters, some lace flowers and a couple of rub-ons. 
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

My first visitor this morning was the jay, sitting in the tree and looking right and left to make sure that it was safe to flatter to my balcony....

When I came back from my walk the birds had  eaten everything, not a crumb was left, so I had to put out some more.

The seagulls seemed to be the only creatures enjoying the weather today -

The rest of the town was deserted:

The shutters were banging in the wind

The rain was really heavy:

This afternoon the magpie ventured a visit again, hungry as always.

In the evening the moon came out, just beautiful:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful collage and what an awesome moon! Glad you escaped the storm.

  2. Eine fabelhafte Hommage an Frida hast Du da wieder mal erschaffen Valerie und ich freue mich wieder sehr über die schönen Bilder !
    Der Winter heuer beginnt ähnlich eigenartig wie der letzte (nicht vorhandene)Sommer...mal sehen was er noch alles für uns auf Lager hat!
    Hab einen schönen Tag ♥♥♥

  3. Fantastic collage, Valerie. It's full of thinks Frida loved.
    Wonderful photos again. Hugs xx

  4. Was für eine tolle Collage!!
    deine Naturbilder sind klasse!

  5. Die Collage ist einfach wunderbar, Valerie! Danke auch für die schönen Bilder!

    Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes besinnliches 3.Adventswochenende!
    LG Gaby

  6. Wonderful collage, glad you have been busy with Frida again! Lovely photos, too - my, it did rain, didn't it! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  7. Love the collage, it is so unique, so many layers. By the way we have the same weather, when I saw your photo of the heavy rain and I read how the shutters were banging, I said to myself, we aren't the only ones to be in "weather-depression". Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks. I think the weather-front just swept over west Europe, so we all got to share it!

  8. The collage is beautiful, lov e that particular photo of Frida. The moon photo is awesome.

  9. This is a beautiful piece, it draws me in and I need to go and have another good look, great work!

  10. Fabulous photographs Valerie though everywhere looks a bit deserted. Nice that the birds still come to visit you.

    Beautiful collage wonderful Frida images on your interesting background

    Have a good day and I hope the weather is better for you.

    Love Chrissie x

  11. We are just starting to feel the effects of the 'Weather Bomb' coming our way...... time to batten down the hatches!!!!

    Loved your art today Valerie and your photos. Your home town does look very empty..... well done you for going out and about when everyone else thought better of it!!!!

  12. Love your fab collage, hugs Annette x

  13. Wow, diese Collage ist hammermäßig toll, liebe Valerie. Ganz, ganz großartig, würde ich mir sofort ins Zimmer hängen! Grüße von Ulrike

  14. Yes, wonderful pictures, really nice Frida your collage !!

  15. Beautiful collage Valerie, I love the drips in the background! That is some heavy rain, wow...I just LOVE rain, but we don't get a lot of it here. Have a great day. hugs :)

    1. Wish I could send you some, we get more than enough!

  16. Great collage. I like how the shadowy Frida is there.Make all the other Fridas pop out. Interesting how you can tell its her from so little detail too.

  17. Another fab collage Valerie, love that central image of Friday!

  18. Love your collage! It's stunning...

  19. Too bad (Not) the weather made you stay in and play with paper! So many beautiful details in your Frida colllage!

  20. wunderschön ist deine frida collage und die bilder sind sehr schön.
    ich hab auch gerade zu tum,und stricke handstulpen für mein wichtelkind,ich hab mir welche aus grünen samt mit stickerei auf dem weihnachtsmarkt gekauft,sehen wunderschön aus und haben sogar ein glöckchen vorne dran.
    eine collage hab ich auch noch gemacht.
    wünsch dir ein schönes adventwochende,liebe valerie.

    GLG Jeaaannete

    1. Die Stulpen kligen total süss! Freut mich dass es Dir besser geht!

  21. You made great use of the brush wipe paper, Valerie. Your Frida page is vivid and bright, colors I think she loved. It is beautiful especially with the addition of the parrot stamp

  22. Fun seeing your Magpie and Jay which are different again from what we see here in the states.
    Everything about your Frida collage is wonderful.
    I can feel her energy and passion in the colors and elements you used (great use of the brush paper too!)
    Happy beginning of the weekend liebe Valerie!

  23. Ahhhh Valerie! I really LOVE your Frida collage ♥ Your weather looked pretty miserable ther but you still managed to get some great photos.

  24. What a marvellous walk around your town, I didn't mind the rain at all.
    Your Frida collage is so full of energy with that warm colourful background and the parrot stamp.

  25. Thanks for a peek into your town! it is raining a lot here but I don't mind....The Frida Kahlo collage is intriguing and beautiful. Happy PPF and stay warm!

  26. A beautiful piece and gorgeous placement. x

  27. Such beautiful work, really special.....and gorgeous pictures to enjoy ....fantastic!

  28. I love frida and the collage is so great, I love the look of the town and the birds, a little bit of where you live is so great

  29. Your Frida page is beautiful! The colors are perfect. Loved going on a walk with you too :)

  30. Love those splashes of orange and blue ....

  31. Lovely collage and painting with such great colors! Oh we have had a blasting of rain and wind with some flooding! I think it has let up for now! Enjoy the weekend!

  32. that collage is lovely and you use layers so seamlessly... the photos of the own looked a little spooky being so empty I must say... great photos though

    1. It's mostly quiet, except for nice summer weekends when tourists come! I prefer it empty!

  33. Das ist eine wunderschöne Frida-Collage mit tollen Details. Bei uns war es heute den ganzen Tag grau, stürmisch und regnerisch... so richtig herbstlich.

  34. Stunning collage, just beautiful. Big hugs, ~Diane

  35. Fantastic Frida collage. Loved the photos you captured the weather changes so well.
    Yvonne xx

  36. Beautiful Collage Valerie and your walking pics are great as always. You capture such great photos of the birds.
    Have a nice weekend.

  37. Fabulous Frida collage today. The wind has been blowing hard here all day and it is dreary and dark. Tomorrow should be much better. Hope for you too. Your photo of the rain is really something. Glad you weren't out in it.


  38. I have so missed visiting all my online friends - it's been a very busy time. I don't think I have ever been away from blogland for so long. Your collage is beautiful - I love your sense of color and composition. And what gorgeous photos - especially that last one of the moon. Have a good weekend my friend

  39. Beautiful collage! A really nice pensive piece, vibrant and thoughtful!!

    Hugs Giggles

  40. What a beautiful Frida collage! I always love your color play, Valerie!
    Keep warm and cozy during this damp weather! hugs

  41. Wonderful collage - love the color harmony! So cool to see the birds in your neck of the woods - we don't have either of those here!

  42. such a pretty jay
    it is different colors than ours

    your collage is wonderful and i can only guess that it was fun to breathe life into

  43. Awesome pics! I had a beautiful woodpecker visiting me! I never saw a cuter and more colorful. I love seeing your birdies too ♥

  44. Your collage of Frieda is lovely. I especially like how the orange and red move your eye around. It looks like you have had some weather. We in southern California had a day of rain. We were thrilled as we have been in a drought for such a long time. But the rain stopped and the sun came out again. A happy medium between your home and mine would be ideal.

  45. Awesome collage and photos.

  46. Awesome collage with Frida! Watched a movie about her on Thursday. And we had storm and rain here, too. Glad the Christmas market was indoors. Happy PPF!

  47. Beautiful work done on your collage! I so enjoyed the visit through your town, too!

    Stay warm!


  48. So many emotions in your Frieda painting/collage. You captured her beautifully. OMGosh, I love the pictures. I want to BE THERE. Absolutely wonderful where you live. Birds, my favorites. Blessings, Janet PPF

  49. Oh my goodness - your moon picture is GORGEOUS! ! Also I always enjoy your village as well as your journal pages and collages.
    Sandy xx


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