
Saturday 15 November 2014

Saturday this and that

Hi everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
 Friday started off here wild, wet and windy, but it did get better in the course of the day. The wind chased the rain clouds away, so it stayed dry, and in the afternoon the wind died down and it was quite pleasant. I had fun on my walks, as always.

For 'Inspired by the Masters' at Art Journal Journey I made another Georges Braque (1882-1963) inspired piece. I love playing with my home-made stencils to get different effects. The background has been brayered with acrylics over a blue water-colour wash. I used some textured paper  in A3 size. The bird and sun have been cut from some black glitter card I found in a drawer, and have a lovely texture, but are hard to photograph and look brown on some of the pics - sorry!

Today I enjoyed 'looking up' and taking pictures of various parts  against the sky. 

The castle ruins look very pretty with the autumn leaves.

In the afternoon I went by the lakes again:

I love these mossy trees by the water.

There was no flaming sunset this evening, it just got darker without the glow. The silhouette of the tree looks like it has a face in profile - can you see it, too?

My visitors are already onto the second fat ball, and this one has already been much reduced.

Have a great weekend, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely inspired work, you know so many artists' styles. Great photos today too. Yes, it's getting colder.

  2. Hi Val, love your painting again, the colours are gorgeous. Great photos, too, my faves are the lamp and the mossy trees. The kidss are coming, so will have my hands full again! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. Fabulous and unique the colour tones and the design is gorgeous...have a great weekend...
    aNNie xxxx
    The Journey is the Start

  4. Amazing Sweetie!
    Dein Braque ist spitzenmäßig Valerie-
    und Deine Fotos sind ebenfalls mehr als gelungen heute wieder!

    Ich wünsche DIr einen schönen Samstags Walk und SONNE ( wenn nicht draußen , dann zumindest im Herzen)

  5. Danke - es ist heute grau und trüb, aber Sonne im Herzen ist vorhanden!

  6. White space made this piece delightful. The texture is gorgeous.
    Love the trees on your great photos, too.
    Hugs xx

  7. Das ist wieder ein absolut tolles Werk!!! Ich habe das Gesicht am Baum auch gesehen - dem Baumgeist steht vor staunen der Mund offen ;o) - sicher weil du ihn entdeckt hast.
    Hier ist es auch grau - aber ich wollte mir heute eh viel Zeit im Bastelzimmer gönnen. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  8. Beautiful page Valerie and I love that you cut out the shapes.

    Show stopping photographs today everything I love. Shapes of building against the sky, a wonderful textured wall. Beautiful trees and the amazing old fashioned lamp. Wow ! Forgot about your little birdie friend the always great to see any birds in your photos.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  9. Great artwork Valerie, really stands out on your pages. We have lovely blue skies this morning and no wind at all. Beautiful pictures as always. Enjoy your Weekend. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. Great photos and a wonderful piece of art.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Lovely pics Valerie, most of us don't 'look up' often enough! It's a bit brighter here with us today but still overcast. Seems like it's going to be a rainy winter. Xx

    1. Get your wellies out, keep the wet out and the smell in...

  12. Oooh I love your colourful art Valerie, and your photo's are fab, they have a lovely Autumn feel to them, but the skies are definitely saying Winter now xx

  13. Ganz toll Dein Braque!! und die Fotos auch, der alte Baumgeist ist Spitze.
    Schönes möglichst sonniges We und lG Anja

  14. So, jetzt bin ich durch die letzten tollen Kunstwerke bei AJJ durch und wieder bei dir.
    Du unermüdliche Künstlerin: eine klasse Braque Adaption auf interessanten Hintergrund!
    LG Ulrike

  15. Lovely colorful background on this one! The bird and sun really are dramatic!

  16. Oh boy, I sure did miss our walks together this week! lol. It does sort of feel like I get to spend some time outside, when I come and visit you Valerie...hope you've been having a good week! hugs :)

  17. An awesome silhouette bird , it stands out form the wonderful colourful background.
    Wet and wild here, hope its not heading your way.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Beautiful, good that you are getting so much done too! Big hugs, ~Diane


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