
Friday 10 October 2014

The last drippy forest....

Hi everybody!

It hasn't rained yet today, and the sun is shining, so it was nice to have a dry walk again! The paths through the fields and trees are still very soggy, but better than they were!

This is the last of the drippy paintings for my forest theme. I have 2 more 'ready-dripped' ones, but they are more in an under-water colour scheme, so will use them for another project. The background was painted with left-overs again, using brown, orange and some gold metallic, and then sprayed, dripped, and dried in various layers. I used more of the metal patinas this time, too, and some gold ink which I dripped on. I had some spray ink residues in my bottles, so dipped a brush into them and flipped them on, which gave a nice mottled look. Just having fun playing and experimenting, as always. I added lots of fairy dust, and some bistre powders sprinkled on very sparingly. I found lots of sprites, strange beings and little monsters, which I outlined with white or other gel-pens. I drew and painted the toadstools and used some die cuts as templates for the bats. The bats are white to show they are VERY hungry and in need of a good meal.... The spider just crawled on the page, so I left it there.
I am linking to Paint Party Friday and Art Journal Journey
Frilly and Funkie, colours of autumn and
ACC, Halloween

The close ups with the fairy dust are hard to photograph!

When I go for my walks and come back along the Rhine, I am always happy when I see the spires growing larger as I move towards them:

This is the gateway-tower over the entrance to the Marien-Hospital

 Here is the spire of the Basilica:

That's all for today! Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. They just get better and better! Love the colours, and all the sprites and monsters, and the creepy bats and the spider - spookily GREAT! Love the photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Very colorful drips and drop today! The toadstools are adorable! Glad it has dried out some and the sun is shining again even though I know it does not stop you from walking!

  3. Das ist sensationell schön Val... atemberaubend!
    Was Du ad alles findest und wie geschickt Du es hervortreten lässt!
    Die kleinen Pilzchen und die Spinne und Fledermäuse runden es perfekt ab!

    Die schönen Turmspitzen hast Du perfekt insziniert für uns!
    Fein dass DeinSpaziergang trocken war ....
    lass es Dir noch gut gehen heute..

    hab grad Mittag und lecker Honiggesüßten - Apfelmusnachtisch hinter mir ...heute hab ich den allerletzten Eimer Äpfel in Arbeit gehabt... jetzt sind nur mehr 10 Stück übrig...
    mach ich meinem Mann morgen dann nochmal nen Apfelstrudel.....
    dann bin ich endgültig durch mit der heurigen Apfelernte.

    Bin so froh, dass es mir wieder besser geht neute !
    knuddel Dich

    AJJ dankt aller♥lichst!

  4. Great shapes. I love that you allow the painting to tell y what it is.

  5. More fun drippy art. I like the outline in white, Valerie.

  6. Love the shapes in your drippy forest Valerie, it's amazing how we see' 'things'. I love to find faces in clouds.
    Great pics from your walk, you live in a beautiful area.
    Avril xx

  7. Oh, these are wonderful .... Love you creepy creatures!

  8. Valerie, your final piece this Friday appears more scary as I dislike spiders and the strange beings would scare most of us. Great fall colors for your final for this week. The photos are wonderful and I enjoying viewing the different spires you view as you walk each day. Have a wonderful, creative weekend.


    1. Sorry, didn't want to scare you!I hate spiders too.

  9. Awesome and wonderful art piece. Your today's photos are in beautiful autumn colours, too.
    Hugs xxx

  10. Valerie, I love this drippy masterpiece and the way you incorporated the images. Very cool! Lovely photos to share on your walk. Hope your weekend is gorgeous. Hugs!

  11. Hi Valerie, Love your church steeples. Your drippy painting is awesome. I love reading how you create your masterpieces. Love the spider that just happened to crawl on the page.
    Have a great weekend and enjoy those dry walks. We are supposed to have rain here for the next few days, but still off to junkin!!
    Hugs and Blessings

  12. Wow!!!! Really fabulous Valerie!!! I would give anything if I could watch you work - I love what you create and I so envy your walks!!! There is so much texture in so many of your pictures. That has to be inspiring!!
    Sandy xx

    1. Yes, I would love to have you by me, too - that would be fun!

  13. Welch großartige farbenfrohe Hintergründe! Mir gefällt besonders, wie du die Figuren nur mit Linien herausgearbeitet hast, das wirkt so mystisch und auch ein wenig unheimlich.

    Auch hier war es heute mal trocken, bis jetzt. So war ich auch lang unterwegs in der milden Luft...
    Schönen Abend dir von Ulrike

  14. Ooh, this one's a bit creepier, your outlines look like zombies! Xx

    1. Don't worry, they are forest zombies and vegetarians.

  15. Das ist ja eine geniale, mystisch-schaurig-schöne Seite !!!
    Hier war es heute auch trocken aber ich habe heute nur eine kleinere Runde gedreht, da ich mir eine dicke Erkältung eingefangen habe ;o( Aber besser jetzt als nächste Woche - da feiere ich meine bestandene Prüfung mit lieben Freunden, guten Bekannten und netten Nachbarn ;o)
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  16. WOW Deine bunten herbstlich halloweenigen Seiten sind echte Kracher, so einzigartig! Und die Fotos sind auch mal wieder allererste Sahne mit schöner Herbststimmung.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes WE,
    lG Anja

  17. Wonderful! a bit scary but a lot of fun! Glad that the zombies are vegetarian!

  18. Excellent colours, designs, drips & textures! Did you notice, your photographs match the colour palette perfectly too :o))
    Have a fab weekend ((hugs))

  19. Thanks, I try to choose photos which fit either to the colours or themes

  20. lovely drip art and very architectural photos today!

  21. Awesome people shapes, they look like lost souls to me, scary thoughts. Its a fantastic page.
    Yvonne xx

  22. I love the way the colours run and work together on your paintings Valerie,
    Fantastic photos too.
    Thanks for sharing... happy PPF to you

  23. Wonderful colors, very creative composition, I like it!

  24. I love your drippy forest people. They look a little spooky without being terrifying. I'm curious too about your walks. You pass some beautiful scenery. Do you take the same walk every time or head out in different directions?

  25. Gorgeous drippy background for the scary forest creatures. Beautiful artwork ! I've been busy with family visiting, so behind blogging. Take good care, Shirleyx

  26. Stunning artwork Valerie--you use d the dripping backgrounds in such wonderful ways and the colours just explode from the page.

    Great photographs today with all the angles against the sky--my fave type of photography :)

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie x

  27. great autumnal colours love the photos and the drippiness but not the spider agghhhhh

  28. This is fabulous Valerie, the colours are gorgeous and I love the sprites.
    xxx Hazel.

  29. There is lots going on down on the forest floor and the bats are curious, not to mention the spider. And then there are these larger seriously frightening beings above - who are they and what (or worse - who) do they want? Great art, Valerie, raising all sorts of questions, and I think I'll just stay out of this part of the forest for the time being.
    I love to see your architectural photos, these spires are beautiful.

    1. Those strange beings look bad, but they are harmless, and completely vegetarian! Don't worry!

    2. Thanks for the advice and I'm sure you are right, but I might just go for a walk elsewhere anyway.................... just in case. They look awfully tall and floaty.

  30. Great drippy and spooky effects of your ghostly beings in the woods. Nice bats. xox

  31. Wonderful steeples! Such cool subject matter! Marvelous, colorful drippy painting! Happy PPF!

  32. How perfectly spooky!! lol It has been so bright and beautiful here in Oregon--totally uncharacteristic of our area this time of year. But it looks like it's going to make up for lost time this Tuesday with the Pineapple express--we're to get 2-3 inches or more. I love your drippy painting! :D

  33. Fabulous imagination, this is so cool! Big hugs, ~Diane

  34. WOW! So different Valerie - I love how you've really worked the design around those drips. Thank you for joining us at Frilly and Funkie. Jenny x

  35. Wow, Deine Halloween-Kreation ist großes Kino - toll gemachter Hintergrund, und die etwas unheimlich wirkenden Gestalten....und malen kannst Du auch noch! Hut ab!
    Lieben Dank für Deine Teilnahme, lieben Gruß, Carmen

  36. This is so cool. I absolutely love the colors and the ghostly figures. Super piece - thanks so much for sharing it with us over at Frilly and Funkie!



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