
Sunday 26 October 2014

Sunday this and that

Hi everybody!

We had to put our clocks back during the night. My clocks all adjust themselves, but I am having difficulties getting myself adjusted. And this afternoon it will get dark very early, which I don't like at all. How do you feel about summer/winter time?

This is the last of the metal tags made for Moo Mania and more.
I used a TH texture fade folder, and then heat embossed using clear ink and hologram EP. I added gilding flakes for the foliage, or pine needles or whatever. I sewed it again onto some gold netting and gold corrugated card.

Some more views of the Rhine, taken on my walks last week:

I love this old barn, which looks as though it might fall down any time:

I visited the brown cattle...

 And the white ones

The ducks love this place where the stream tumbles into the Rhine:

And I am still fascinated from the fungi everywhere

This magpie was perhaps looking for a worm

Or for its lost feather?

The seed pods and dried grasses all have a beauty of their own

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good morning Val. A lovely post again today! The metal work is beautiful, and with sewing again, Miss Harvey would be proud of you! Great photos, too. We have the kids here again - nice, but exhausting! Have a good day, hugs, Sarah

    1. She always looked at our needlework as though it had bogeys on it!

  2. Our clocks went back as well but we forgot last night so were up at stupid o'clock.

    Just love the piece of artwork with will be so beautiful in the sunlight I imagine-it looks splendid on the photograph with the different metal colours.

    Amazing photographs. I just love the close ups of the grasses in their Autumn apparel.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  3. Das Tag wirkt einzigartig schön Valerie! Die Fotos sind super... die Scheune macht wirklich den Eindruck als fiele sie jede Sekunde in sich zusammen!
    Zauberhaft auch die Pflanzenfotos!--
    Süßes Kälbchen !
    Eine Kuh macht Muh - viele Kühe machen Mühe!
    Meinethalben bräuchte ich diese 2x jährliche Zeitumstellung eher nicht.. die jetzt im Herbst, wo man eine Stunde am Sonntag zum Schlafen gewinnt ist mir allerdings lieber, als die im Frühjahr...

    Moo Mania & More dankt aller♥lichst!
    Schönen Sonntag!

  4. I think this is my favourite, the embossing looks fantastic, such a lovely glow to it all! I love it when the time changes, don't like the dark evenings either, but a whole extra hour in bed in the morning is bliss! Happy Sunday!

    1. Yes, but I always wake up early, so the extra hour doesn't help me!

  5. The gilded TH trees look fab Valerie, I've loved all your metallic work. A nice sunny day here but yes, we'll be dark by 4 o'clock too, the short days are the one thing I don't like about the winter months. Xx

  6. Love to look at your metal tags. I especially like the trees. Yes, the darkness will be hard to bear in the beginning. But I'm looking forward to candle light, snuggling in a cosy blanket on the sofa and more crafting time than during summer.

  7. Awesome creation and loving those metal tags, brilliant...thanks for another journey.
    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  8. Amazingly gorgeous metal work. So much fine detail and embossings.
    Have a happy Sunday,
    Hugs xxx

  9. This metal tag is awesome, Valerie. Love the amazing trees with the super embossing. And great photographs, I specially love the duck into the Rhine.
    Have a lovely day! Hugs, Mar

  10. Love your tag! The pine tree die cut looks wonderful on the vibrant metal background! Love your pics today too, the cows look like they are enjoying the weather! hugs :)

  11. Lovely art again today! We change our clocks Nov. 2....I don't like it getting dark earlier! Love the close up of the duck and all the fungi!

  12. beautiful tag and photos. Thanks for the heads up on the time change, ours is next weekend, I looked it up.

  13. Hi Valerie, your metal Moo tag is gorgeous, love the trees and texture. Your photographs are also beautiful as always. I don't like the time change, we change the first Sunday in November, so next week. I wish they would just leave it at summer hours. Cheers, Shirleyx

  14. Terrific metal tag, Valerie, love those shiny trees and the gold netting frame, works really well.
    Fantastic seed pods and grasses, the wonders of nature and your photographic skills, and a lovely thought of the magpie looking for his lost feather. Was he going to ask you to sew it back on?

    1. Probably, it often sits on my balcony and watches me sewing....

    2. Maybe he would like you to make him a warm woolly winter jacket?

    3. Hah! I'm waiting for someone to make me a nice warm winter jacket!

  15. Hi Valerie ... Just gorgeous. Really love the gilded flake on the TH embossed trees. Thanks for sharing your photos. It's a beautiful world ... even if it gets darker earlier in the afternoon :) -- Mary Elizabeth

  16. Another wonderful metal piece with stitching. Lovely views of the river. We don't plunge into darkness until next weekend I think. Ah winter is around the corner isn't it. xox

  17. Beautiful, beautiful! Would make a gorgeous wall hanging! Love your pictures, always have and always will!
    Sandy xx

  18. Valerie, I love your metal tags and hate to read this is the last of them, at least for now. The cows look content and your other photos most enjoyable to view this Sunday morning. We haven't changed our clocks just yet. But the time change definitely is hard to adjust to. I keep wishing they would leave the clocks set at all year long rather than going to daylight saving time.

  19. I think you live in paradise, Valery. What a lovely bucolic landscape! Summer starts only in December but DST started last week and I am 3 hours ahead. It is difficult to adjust as you said. But we will survive.Love your metal work: it's super inspiring.

  20. Another lovely walk and your metal tag is gorgeous! Big hugs, ~Diane

  21. Fabulous card Valerie. Amazing pictures too. Hugs Rita xxx

  22. Wonderful photos . Loving the metal project, the tress look fabulous. Same feelings here in the UK about the clocks going back, I feel I have been awake for more hours today , with still no time to spare.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Lovely tag Valerie, the metal looks fab with the gilding flakes. Our clocks went back too so it's going to be long nights again. I love your photo's, though I don't know how that shed is still standing lol xx

  24. Wieder so ein geniales Metall-Werk. Ich bin echt beeindruckt, Valerie

    Danke für's Mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA & MORE

  25. Hi Valerie, Gorgeous tag. I love the metal in this creations. Your walking pics are wonderful. I just love the cows.


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