
Friday 31 October 2014

Happy Halloween and Happy Mail

Hi everybody!

Happy Halloween to all who celebrate it, 
and Happy Friday to everybody!
And Happy Birthday to Annette, she was lucky enough to be born
on Halloween! Have a great day!

Today I am showing 2 Halloween pieces made in the past, but which I like very much. The canvases are both 8x8", and the images used are from Gecko Galz, 'Little witches' and 'Owling for you'. They have been printed onto canvas, and fixed to the painted and textured canvases before being embellished.
I am linking to Paint Party Friday.

This beautiful Halloween card arrived today from Diane - thanks a lot Sweetie, I LOVE it! It must have taken ages to fit all those little parts together, wow! What a fantastic project! Thanks again!

Today was milder than yesterday, which made walking more enjoyable, and I went for one longish walk and 2 shorter ones, which made 17000 steps altogether, so that was good. I thought the sheep were looking very snooty today:

This is the path which leads past the castle ruins:

As I came back from my evening walk, the sun was setting over the Rhine:

And the wild geese were also hurrying home

Have a great weekend you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good Morning Valerie. Love both Halloween pieces and it's so nice of you to share with us today. Love your wonderful pictures too. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Happy Halloween to you too Val and Happy PPF!
    Zwei geniale Keilrahmen und herrlcihe Fotos präsentierst Du heute!

  3. Good morning Val! Love your Halloween canvases, hard to pick a fave there, both are gorgeous! Love the photos too. Have a nice day, and take care! Hugs, Sarah

  4. BOO - Happy Halloween to you!
    Great art works!

    my blog - > BLOGitse

  5. Wow - das sind ja zwei tolle Halloweenojekte!!!! Und die Halloween-Post ist einfach nur fantasti- eine tolle Deko! Hier kommt gerade die Sonne raus und es verspricht ein schöner Herbsttag zu werden. Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

    1. Hier sieht es ähnlich aus, gutes Wetter zum Laufen.

  6. Happy Halloween! Stunning projects! Xx

  7. Happy Halloween to you Valerie--I know that you love it.

    Your artwork for Halloween is terrific--I love the owl one best of all.

    Wonderful photographs with the amazing sky pictures and the terrific animal shots you captured.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  8. Wow,zwei fantastische halloween keilrahmen und super post,auch die bilder sind großartig,ganz besonders das letzte gefällt mir sehr.
    hier ist es leider grau in grau,aber ich geh trotzdem raus.
    wünsch dir einen tollen tag,liebe valerie.


  9. Happy Halloween Valerie. I hope you have all your wonderful Halloween projects displayed today. Love these fantastic two pieces, the first one would be my favourite. Super photos of todays walk.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Happy Halloween Valerie! Love your canvases, the autumn brights with the Halloween darks, such great contrast pieces! Wonderful gift you received, that must have been a pain to try and package, wow! Looks like you had a lovely walk today! Have a great weekend! hugs :)

  11. Happy Halloween. I love both of your Halloween pieces. I just wanted to reach out and touch the first one. The textures looked amazing. The card you received was awesome. All of those pieces - amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your walk with us. I have been trying and trying to get myself to begin walking again. After seeing your pictures I think I have to find a new and interesting place to walk. That may make the difference.

  12. Happy Halloween Valerie and thank you for the birthday wishes. Love your wonderful projects.
    Happy PPF, Annette x

  13. Beautiful makes all of them and thanks so much for the reminder about Netty's birthday!
    Happy Halloween!

  14. Wish I had happy mail! :) Love it all and the photos are spectacular. :) Happy Halloween!

  15. What a wonderfully atmospheric autumnal pay. Great Halloween pieces and your friends card is amazing! I love those sheep-they look very different from the ones up here in Scotland! Beautiful photos and good in you walking 17000 steps. I use a pedometer app on my phone and it's harder than you'd think to even do the recommended 10000 steps a day!

  16. I love the owls in your second painting and the sheep! :-) Would you allow me to use the sheep-photo as a reference for a drawing?
    Have a beautiful day and a great weekend!
    Happy PPF

  17. Fantastic Halloween art! The canvases are beautiful, I especially like the Owl :) Your photography is stunning ! Happy Halloween, Shirleyx

  18. Those 2 Halloween frames you made are Fantastic. I also enjoyed the photographic tour, especially the eeriness of the last photo, which reminded me of Hitchcock's "The Birds." Happy Halloween!

  19. Happy Halloween! It was fun to see your Halloween art today. The 3D card from your friend is amazing! Must have taken not only time, but real patience to put it together! Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Love you canvases, they are amazing! So happy your card arrived on time,I was getting worried. I thought you would enjoy it! Great pics of the sheep too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  21. Love your Halloween pieces, Valerie! Happy Spookiness to you :)

  22. Wonderful pieces and love the photos, especially the last one. Happy Halloween!

  23. Perfect Halloween creations! Looking fantastic! Love the photos too as always :)

  24. Apt art for the Halloween! Lovely pictures :)

  25. Happy Halloween Valerie!!!! Love your art and that card you received is so cool!!! So much detail ♥ Yes the sheep are a little snooty looking but warm. Love the picture --looking through the weeds over the river with the boat in the distant background ♥ Tonight we get our first freeze of the season and we have finally turned on the heat in our house. Winter is at our door :(

  26. This is a FABULOUS post. I love your art. The texture on the first on is just beautiful! Your photos take me with you and make me want to be there. I love the goats. LOL Happy Halloween

  27. These are spooktacular my friend!! Love all the texture and then these rather vintage looking picture inserts! Really wonderful fun work... The card you got is so cool too!! Your photos are classically beautiful and timeless!

    Hugs Giggles

  28. I am absolutely smitten by that owl in a top hat! What an elegant gent. Happy PPF

  29. Fantastic Halloween inspired art-love the witch girls! That is some card-totally cool! And wow, if I had scenery like yours in my back yard I'd be taking LOTS of walks too. Happy PPF!

  30. Valerie, my list of favorites is growing adding the two projects you shared today. I love how you create great amounts of texture to your backgrounds. And, as a person who so willing shares her photos, you are becoming very popular as friends want to use them in their art. I love your walks so much. HAPPY HALLOWEEN. I need to go wish Annette a Happy Birthday too.


  31. What lovely Halloween creations. And your photos are beautiful!

  32. Beautiful work. Lots for awesome texture Valerie. I love those sheeps who do look snooty. tee hee. Hope you are doing well and as always you are very creative. Congrats on that very long walk with all those steps. Yay!!

  33. Very excellent canvases, I especially like the owl one. And what a fabulous card you got from Diane, it's delightful!
    I love those sheep with their floppy ears, so sweet.
    Have a wonderful weekend Valerie ((hugs)) :o) x

  34. Exquisite compositions for Halloween, I especially love the first! Wonderful and creative results!

  35. Wonderful canvas art works. Super textures and nice pictures, really love these.
    Thank you for beautiful photos, the lamb is my fav.
    Have a happy Halloween weekend, hugs, xxx

  36. Heute war wirklich ein ganz schöner Tag zum Laufen in der Natur... auch ich habe Schafe getroffen, meine aber hatten alle schwarze Köpfe!
    LG Ulrike

  37. Beautiful post, full of November spirit. Thank you for sharing, Valerie.

  38. Happy Halloween, Valerie! Fabulous canvases, I specially love the first one. Great photos, too.
    Mar x

  39. A joy to re-visit your Halloween creations from the past, they look so stunning.
    Diane's Halloween creation is an absolute wonder with brilliant details on it. It also makes me smile :)
    Sending you Happy Halloween Wishes, I know how much you embrace this time of the year.

  40. Fantastic Halloween art! Happy PPF!

  41. So much eye candy! Love that first frame, especially, with the canvas print. Happy Halloween from NY!

  42. Wow-what a post. Beautiful Halloween pieces (yours and the card) and what great photos too.

  43. Beautiful colors, I love these pictures of autumnal atmosphere !!

  44. Wonderful halloween pieces and such beautiful photos! Happy Halloween and PPF, too!!

  45. Love the dimensional components of all your art

  46. the Halloween pieces are great. The photos are extraordinary. Love the sheep. OMGosh the horse has a raincoat (I don't even have one!!!). Love this blog you are so creative. . . of course, I follow! Blessings, Janet, PPF


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