
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Another Double Tuesday

Hi everybody!

Every 2 weeks here it's a double day, with new challenges at Try it on Tuesday and Tag Tuesday. At TIOT our them is 'spooky' , and at TT 'Autumn extravaganza'. Both themes that I really like.

For Try it on Tuesday I made a witch house from an altered box. I painted the outside and inside 'walls' a nice, mouldy looking black, papered the walls with Halloween paper, and hung up some fancy curtains. The furniture is minimal, the witch Evilena, does not like clutter, and is quite happy with a pumpkin to sit on, a broom to get rid of spiders and to fly,  a good selection of poison bottles and a spell book she inherited from her grandmother.  Her daughter wanted TV, but Evilena did not allow it, so her DD left home.

For Tag Tuesday I made a quick autumn tag. I used a scrap of cardboard (8") from an old box, which I embossed with Utee gold into which I stamped while it was still warm. The other side is a scrap of painted card. The leaves are natural ones, which have been embossed with tinsel EP, Frantage gold and Frantage aged copper. A few seed pods and a scrap of burlap, together with some recycled  embellishments finished it off. I am linking to Soartful challenges, leaves.

I have been trying to get a photo of this woodpecker for weeks, it flies off as soon as I move to the window. But yesterday I managed to catch it, sitting in the branches of the birch tree.

I saw this web today between the stones and drain-pipe of one of the ancient houses here. I was surprised to see how strong and waterproof a spider's web is, and how beautiful:

And the evening sky was once again a treat to see:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. nice work on your favourite themes! Lovely photos today too!

  2. I LOVE seeing what you create. Your work is awesome my friend..


  3. Your witch house is just fantastic! So many little details in every corner! Love how you used the cheesecloth! Your tag is so beautiful with the natural leaves and the stunning background! I love that embossed strip! hugs :)

    Oh my gosh Valerie, did you climb up into that tree to get a photograph of that web with the dew drops?

  4. Das Hexenhaus ist ein richtiger Hit Val und das quick tag ist wunderschön mit diesen tollen Texturen und Glanz und Embossing und allem drum und dran...schwärm... Deine Naturaufnahmen gefallen mir heute wieder besonders-da denk ich manchmal direkt ich bin vor Ort mit dabei so schön setzt Du Deine Wanderungen in Bildmaterial um!
    Hab einen guten Tag Val!

  5. Love the Witch house, Evilena is looking good! Great tag too, with lots of beautiful details. The photos are lovely, as usual, especially the cobwebs full of rain drops, you really have an eye for seeing things that others don't! Have good day hugs, Sarah

  6. Ha, ha, your witch's house is fab, i love how she's airing her witchy feet, she must've had a busy day! A beautiful autumn tag and great pics. I don't know if I've ever seen a woodpecker IRL. Xx

    1. She washes her feet once a year, and wanted to show everybody how clean they are! The woodpeckers seem to be very shy!

  7. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie! Und Glückwünsche zum neuen Haus :) Ein wirklich feines Hexenhaus hast Du gemacht und ich bin sehr entzückt. Eine tolle Idee! Auch die Spinnweben mit den Wasserperlen sind wunderbar. Ich liebe diese Naaturspiele.
    Eine schöne Woche wünsche ich Dir und viele liebe Grüße zu Dir!

  8. Your witch house is amazingly gorgeous. Wonder how you have time to make all these wonderful works. I love the tag, too and the photos are impressive.
    Have a great day!
    Hugs xx

  9. Fantastic witches house and no wonder her DD left home :) Love all the things that she surrounds herself with--I expect you helped her to choose those.

    Wonderful tag and the stamping into the Utee is amazing and adds wonderful texture.

    Beautiful photographs and so wish our sky was that colour it made me feel happy just looking at the beautiful colours.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  10. Fabulous projects, both of them! The halloween scene looks amazing, and I adore the tag! You have been busy! Great photos too!

  11. LOVE the photos and LOVE the most awesome creations.xx
    The Journey is the Start

  12. Wonderful witch's house with amazing elements, a fabulous spooky project, Valerie.
    The tag is so lovely, the natural leaves are amazing. I love all beautiful photos.
    Hugs, Mar

  13. Love your witches house - spooky and fun! Gorgeous sky photos too. Nikki xx

  14. Great job on the altered box witch house. Excellent tag as well. Always enjoy your photography. Love photography but had little time for it this year. - Jim

  15. Goodness me, Valerie, your witch's house is beyond anything. I am peering at it trying to see everything and hoping she doesn't spot me. Love her feet and the pumpkin is giving them the eye.
    Just briliiant and totally spooky indeed.
    Your leaves are terrific too, I love the way you make your art from such different materials. Thanks very much for joining in with Soartful once again.
    The photo of the woodpecker is marvellous, a great photo catch and I am in awe of these skyscapes.

    1. Don't worry, Evilena is very shortsighted, so she won't see you unless she puts her spell-specs on.

  16. Valerie that house is absolutely fabulous, love all the details. Evilena looks very scarry - I'm not surprised her daughter left home!
    Love he Autumnal tag and as usual some fabulous photos. Loved seeing the woodpecker, we once had one in the trees at the back of our house, but didn't manage a photo. TFS
    Avril xx

  17. Your Halloween house is awesome! But do watch that Evilena doesn't get into the jam you just made! Tee Hee!

    Congrats on getting the photo of the woodpecker---they are very hard to spot here, too, and are always moving around the tree when I try to search them out.

    1. Too late! Somebody has already been at that jam, must check if Evilena has sticky fingers!

  18. Love your spooky creation! The witch is fab! xx

  19. Love your altered Halloween box and all the fun additions! I have one to share soon and like you, so much fun to do! The photos are amazing and that woodpecker is cool! Enjoy the day!

  20. Adorable witch house just in time for Halloween. I like the bell hanging down also. It had to be fun making this one, Valerie. Pretty fall photos to end the day on your blog.


  21. The witches house is brilliant, love it hugs Bee

  22. Love the tag, but your witches house is brilliant. Hugs Annette x

  23. Sag mal Valerie, lebst du in einem anderen Land? Solche farbenfrohen tollen Himmel gibt es bei uns hier gar nicht! Du bist zu beneiden!
    Happy Halloween!
    LG Ulrike

  24. Love your autumn tag, but have to say the Witch's house is the star of this post.
    Every detail and area is full to the brim with interesting stuff. Shame about the DD moving out, her mums home looks brilliant.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Marvelous witchy theme. Her feet are quite a fright. xox

  26. Gasp! I HAVE to start with your photos - all so wonderful! I do not have a woodpecker here that looks like yours. I have three different sizes and will send you pictures when I can. Your key pictures ate always glorious. I cannot get over you spider Web pictures - really beautiful!
    Your witch house is certainly a winner - from the mushroom to the witches toes - outstanding!
    lest I forget your tag - so very pretty!
    Sandy xx

  27. Well I meant to say that your sky pictures are always glorious.
    Sandy xx

  28. Your lovely photos and both of your art pieces are wonderful! I'm partial to the leaves one, cus it for soartful, but I have to say I love them both equally. We love to have you take part in our challenges!

  29. Such a fun scene and she is definitely living the simple life, the best. Awesome cloud photos.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  30. That little witch house altered box is so adorable!!!! The fall tag is really beautiful... today I am going to get outside and try to find some pretty leaves to preserve for later use with my art and what ever :) Love the woodpecker!! Some birds are very hard to try and photograph. They just move too fast and too often.

  31. Love that Witch House Valerie......looks like she will be cooking up some poison or other :-)
    Gorgeous tag and as always your photographs are amazing.

    Best wishes
    Annie x

  32. Deine Halloweendeko ist der Knaller, total klasse. Auch das Tag gefällt mir super gut.

  33. Super cute shadow box! The tag is really great too!

  34. Such clever decorations, love your witch and her shelves too! Big hugs, ~Diane

  35. your art is so versatile and all mediums are beautifully made!!!
    I ALWAYS love to see your photos!!!


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