
Tuesday 2 September 2014

Double Tuesday

Hi everybody!

We had another cool and misty day, but this afternoon and evening we saw some patches of blue sky, so I  hope that's a sign that things will soon get better!

Today is new challenge day at Try it on Tuesday and Tag Tuesday.

At TIOT our challenge is 'How does your garden grow?' This made me think of the rhyme 'Mary, Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells
And little maids all in a row'

As you can see, I have been using lots of white painted cardboard again....
The challenge runs for 2 weeks, so you have lots of time to join in - hope to see you there!

At Tag Tuesday our theme is 'Silhouettes', and these tags also fit the TIOT theme.
The images are from Gecko Galz, and have been printed onto some Prima DP, and matted with light blue card stock.

And some pictures from the sky and clouds in the course of the day:

Have a great day you all, hope the sun shines for you! Take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning! Love your pretty tags, one lovelier than the other, and the photos! I hope your weather is better, the sun is shining here! Off with the kids to the doctor today! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful artworks, Valerie. You've embellished the tags so charmingly. I've leart to love white and painted carboard from you, too:) The silhuette card you've did very delight with the white, beautiful embellishments. Thanks for the great photos.

    Have a joyfull day, hugs!

  3. Was für entzücende Tags und Karten! Da stect so viel Liebe ♥ drin Valerie, das sieht man ganz deutlich !
    Begnadet schöne Naturaufnahmen auch wieder zum Genießen!

    Hab einen schönen Tag...
    Du bei uns ist wieder Regen Regen Regen ..
    schick mal die Sonne weiter, wenn es möglich ist ..

    1. Ich schicke Dir etwas Sonne sofort! In der Zwischenzeit, bleibe daheim mit den Hunden!

  4. ooohhh was für zauberhafte wunderschöne karten und tags,gefallen mir einmalig klasse.
    die naturbilder sind soo traumhaft und man genießt es,danke dafür,du liebe.
    geh gleich zum arzt und hab keine lust *seufz*
    wünsch dir einen wunderschönen tag :-)


  5. Fabulous textures and images on your garden tag Valerie, lovely silhouette and beautiful sky photos. A great post TFS xxx

  6. All of the tags are gorgeous and the idea of using the theme of the Nursery rhyme for your garden tag is just right.

    Lovely photographs again--how is you always find a corner in the distance that tempts us to want more lol.--now I want to know where it leads :)

    Love Chrissie x

    1. It leads to exactly that spot in you imagination where you always wanted to go....

  7. Yes Valerie, the sun is shining here, it looks like it's going to be a lovely day. Beautiful tags,I particularly love the silhouette under the arch. Have a nice day! Xx

  8. really like the silhouettes, and the white corrugated backing - I knew my junk journal was needing something to lift it - white paint, thanks. Fab sky pics too. Autumn is here, I see a chimney below sending out smoke, but I'm hoping we get some blue skies and sunshine this week.

    1. I am always astonished what a difference white paint can make.

  9. Marvelous dimensionality in both pieces and dramatic skies. xox

  10. So, super cute and love the corrugated!
    Hugz, Z

  11. Yay! Here I am all caught up with you! The tags are all wonderful, especially the first with that awesome picket fence! It is really hot and humid here today--looking for a break later in the week! Hugs!

  12. Yay for you and thanks for visiting!

  13. Wow, these are all so beautiful, I love the cardboard with the pretty little flower girls and both of the silhouettes are beautiful too. What a stunning sky in the last pic! Big hugs, ~Diane

  14. Gorgeous garden tag with lovely flowers and cute images, I really love it. The GG images are fabulous too. Well done, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  15. Oh my goodness Valerie, your tags are so wonderful. Love them all. Hugs Rita xxx

  16. Just love your flower faces! N xx

  17. Wonderful set of tags Valerie, silhouettes look stunning against the blue background, but how sweet are those little faces.
    Avril xx

  18. There is nothing kite a picket fence to say "home". Those little girls are precious. The other two tags are quite magical and I am particularly drawn to the children.
    Heavy rain this afternoon but we needed it as it has been quite hot and dry.
    Sandy xx

  19. These are fab Valerie, I really like the idea of printing onto designer paper. Gorgeous photographs, I believe we're due for some sunshine again here - hope so! xx

  20. Stunning creativity once again. My favourite image is definitely the girls dancing around the tree. Awesome sky photography.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  21. Deine Werke sind total schön, ich mag es sehr wenn Wellpappe mit eingebaut wird :) Wir hatten heute auch garstiges Wetter... Regen, Nebel - nicht wirklich schön. Ich hoffe ja, dass wir ab morgen das angekündigte Sommerwetter bekommen :)
    Sind deine Himmelfotos bearbeitet ? Oder leuchten die Farben echt sooooo traumhaft schön.
    Da fällt mir ein, du hattest neulich gefragt, ob ich wirklich auf der Karte genäht habe... ja, hatte ich, ab und zu mache ich das ganz gerne.

  22. Valerie, the Queen of Tags, has not disappointed us with these new tags. Don't you just love them!
    I like all of them equally.


  23. Awesome new tags Varerie. The nursery rhyme was running through my head all day after I did the post. lovely photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Love your tags a great take on the challenge, the rhyme is also running around my head, hugs Bee

  25. Hi Valerie, your tags are darling. Love the theme you had this time and the silhouettes are gorgeous. Lovely photos and sky!

  26. your tags are lovely and the photos are so beautiful
    susan s

  27. Beautifully made. I love the flower girl scraps, reminds me of my childhood swapping scraps. x


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