
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Another Double Tuesday

Hi everybody!

I have a hospital appointment today for a little operation on my right arm, so will not be able to get round and visit your blogs today, and perhaps for a couple of days. I don't know how I will feel afterwards, and how sore my arm will be, so I will catch up with you all when I am fit.

Today is another double Tuesday, that means new challenges at Try it on Tuesday and and at Tag Tuesday. At TIOT our theme is animals, and you have 2 weeks to create something, so hope lots of you will join in.

I made a large hanging, using an image of the 'Bremer Stadt Musikanten' (The Bremen Town Musicians, a German fairy tale). I printed the image onto some printed linen, and fringed the edges. I painted some scrap cardboard with rust Vivacolor and embossed the corners with Frantage aged gold. I sewed the linen to the cardboard, and sewed on a strip of braided string to hang it up. The beaded embellishment was once on a T-shirt many, many years ago, and has been recycled here. 

I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, living beings, as today is the last day of the challenge, which has been great fun.

At Tag Tuesday our theme is 'opposites'. I used my favourite quote from Ecclesiastes chapter 3, as it is full of all the opposites we have to deal with in our lives.  I had to leave out a few sentences as it was too long for my tags, so here is the complete text:

To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to harvest;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose;A time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time of war, and a time of peace.

And here some impressions from my walk today:

Not ripe tomatoes, but ripe belladonna - deadly nightshade - which is related to tomatoes and potatoes:

This lonely leaf was suspended in the air, stuck to a fine cobweb thread.

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care,  
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. beautiful tags, wow, fascinating leaf trapped there. And all the best for your right arm, hope to see you back here soon!

  2. Stunning hanging Valerie. Love all those beautiful and colourful pages. Sending you Get Well wishes for a speedy recovery after your operation. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Fabby creation and your colouring pages are wow, love them....take care lovely lady and keeping in touch.
    .xx aNNie
    The Journey is the Start

  4. Moin valerie,

    ooohh dein Tag ist ganz bezauebrnd schöööön,ich mag das Märchen und die tiere sehr gern.
    deine Bilder sind ja wieder traumhaft,deine Umgebung ist so wundervoll.
    ich hoffe deine OP ist gut verlaufen und das dein Arm schnell heilt,alles gute für dich und gute Besserung.
    gleich muss ich zum Arzt,hab keine lust *seufzt*
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag,GLG Jeannette

  5. Love the tags, with the beautiful words from Ecclesiastes, very true. The wall hanging is wonderful, I like that you are using linen and sewing on your projects. Good luck with the OP, I will ring you tomorrow. Hugs, Sarah

  6. Das Tag is traumhaft schön Valerie.. wie liebevoll und meisterlich alles zusammenspielt!
    Ich denk an Dich .... und drück die Daumen, dass Du heute noch heim kannst und keine Schemrzen haben musst und dass alles reibingslos verläuft!
    Diese Opposite Tags sind auch so hübsch und ein toller Text!
    Verliebt bin ich in das letzte Fot mit dem freischwebendem Blatt!
    Dicker Knuddel!

  7. Ich wünsche dir zuerst einmal alles Gute für die OP und das du schnell wieder fit wirst (Arnika Globuli helfen beim heilen) - die Bremer Stadtmusikanten hast du toll in Szene gesetzt und das Dekoelement ist echt das I-Tüpfelchen! Auch dein Tag ist einfach traumhaft schön!
    Alles Gute für dich - liebe Grüße Dagmar

  8. Stunning work on the hanging Valerie--love the fabric and sewing.

    The tag for Tag Tuesday is wonderful and your writing is always so neat and looks beautiful against the pictures to illustrate the verse.

    The photographs today are amazing and show nature at its very best

    Love Chrissie x

  9. Oh my, I hope all goes well today and wish you a quick recovery. Great makes Valerie, lovely words on your try pitch and I do love your animal hanging, lovely mix of textures. Take good care. Xx

  10. Was gibt es Schlimmeres für einen rechtshändigen Künstler, auf sein wichtigstes Werkzeug, die Hand zu verzichten? Ich wünsche dir ganz schnelle Heilung und keine Schmerzen.

    Ein tolles Tag hast du wieder gezaubert - ich liebe die frechen Musikanten sehr!
    Ganz wunderbar auch deine Blatt-Fotos!
    Alles Gute von Ulrike

  11. Best wishes for you and your arm and hope everything goes perfectly.
    The verses are beautiful and the tags with them are lovely. You always photograph your art so well, with the full picture and close-ups giving us such a clear look.

  12. Good luck with your surgery to your arm x x x Your creative work is so beautiful...I adore the verse...& photos... Hugs May x x

  13. Gorgeous art piece, Valerie. So much interesting details. Wonderfully made.
    I hope you will be back soon and all is right.
    Hugs xxx,

  14. What super tags with a fantastic quote. I also love the animals hanging piece, is really beautiful. Great work, Valerie!
    Hope your arm get better soon with the operation and I hope you heal quickly.
    Hugs, Mar

  15. A really interesting piece of art, hope the Operation went okay, hugs Bee

  16. You make the most beautiful tags Valerie! The shimmery background is stunning and I love your recycled embellishment! Gorgeous shots you go today, I love the one of the leaf in mid-air! I hope everything goes well today and I wish you a speedy recovery! Best wishes and big giant crafty hugs :)

  17. Gorgeous tag, I love the beadwork. Your photographs are also gorgeous. I hope your operation was a success. Take good care, Shirleyx

  18. So, pretty and love the beading. Wishing you the best for your recovery.
    Hugz, Z

  19. Wishing all the best with your arm and sending healing energy for a speedy recovery. I absolutley and taken with that tag. The animals for some reason just take me in.
    Your photos are simply beautiful.
    Good luck and hope to see you back soon

  20. Lovely banner. I do hope your arm is okay and by now you are home healing. Feel better soon. xox

  21. Great mixed media work! Hope hospital went ok. Nikki xx

  22. Hi! Beautiful wall hanging! Love the stacked animal silhouettes! Hope your op went well!
    Ingrid x

  23. Love your beautiful tag today! Sending healing wishes for a speedy recovery! Hugs!

  24. A stunning hanging, love the images printed on the material. the tag set is awesome as well.
    thinking of you today and hope all has gone well.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Gorgeous hanging Valerie and your pages are awesome designs. Great walking pics as always. I hope all goes well with your surgery and you recover quickly. Prayers for you.

  26. Wonderful makes Valerie - I really love your wall hanging. Aren't you smart keeping that beading. I know everything will go well tomorrow!!
    Sandy xx

  27. Zwei großartige und zauberhafte Arbeiten! Gefallen mir sehr! Toll deine Herbstimpressionen ... besonders das letzte Foto ist soooo schön!
    Alles, alles gute für dich! Ich hoffe du hast alles gut überstanden.
    Ganz liebe Grüße, LonettA

  28. Wonderful projects Valerie. I hope the operation goes well and wish you a speedy recovery.
    xxx Hazel.

  29. What a great hanging, Valerie! Love it! Sure hope you are back to normal really soon and that the surgery goes well. Hugs!

  30. Fabulous hanging Valerie. Love your photos, especially the suspended leaf.
    Hope everything went well with the op.
    Avril xx

  31. This is beautiful and so clever to recycle the shirt piece too! All your photos are beautiful, looks like you have seen so many beautiful things. Big hugs, ~Diane

  32. Nun war ich schon einige Tage nicht auf Blogrundgang und habe eine Menge nachzugucken. Alles Gute für deine Hand - ich hoffe mittlerweile geht es dir wieder besser damit :)
    Dein Werk mit den Bremer Stadtmusikanten ist klasse - toll wie du das T-Shirt Element eingesetzt hast. Mir gefällt wie du den Vers in Szene gesetzt hast. Wahre Worte....
    Danke auch für die schönen Herbsteindrücke.

  33. Beautiful art! Hoping all went well and sending wishes for a speedy recovery.


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