
Wednesday 6 August 2014

Still more Frida Kahlo, happy mail and a castle

Hi everybody!

The week is flying by again, and the days never seem to have enough hours in them. I sometimes wonder how I managed back in the days when I had to work!

I have another Frida collage to share today. I have enjoyed seeing all the Frida art from  those who have taken part in the challenge at Art Journal Journey, and hope that more of you will join in!
I made a painted background, which was textured using a crackle stamp into the wet paint, and then collaged with various images. I added the quote with a white gel-pen. I filled in the gaps round the edges with oil pastels. I had fun surrounding Frida with fruits, flowers, bird and animals.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

And here are Frida journal pages I made 2 years back, I will be transferring them to my 'Frida' album.

Yesterday I got this lovely card from Diane, very sparkly, with a wonderful embossed and glittered background. Thanks Sweetie! This was a lovely surprise!

 Recently I cycled through the fields to the castle at Angermund, a neighbouring village. I took the photos with my phone, as I thought I had forgotten my camera - I hadn't, it was just in the wrong pocket!

The moated castle  dates back to the 12th century.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm enjoying seeing all the ways you can make Frida art and I like the butterfly portrait here.
    Your photos of the stone castle buildings are fascinating.

    1. Yes, I love old stone buildings, and always enjoy walking round them.

    2. It's all the little details, the little archways and windows too.

  2. Another gorgeous Frida, lovely idea to surround her with fruit and flowers and the animals she loved. Great photos, too, the castle looks beautiful! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Deine Frida Werke sind klasse, das wird bestimmt ein tolles Album. Gut, wenn man ein Handy mit Kamerafunktion hat.... Meins hat das nicht, ohnehin lasse ich das Handy meistens zuhause ;) Die Burgfots sind herrlich, besonders die Musikanten.

  4. You're so right about there not being enough hours in the day, Valerie, what a hectic couple of days I've had. I think I will have a lazy day tomorrow! Love the rich colours on your Frida page and your castle pics are beautiful. Xx

  5. You are inspirational with how you manage to be so active and creative, do you have more than 24 hours in a day LOL. It is all the more amazing considering the health issues you have and are dealing with - I applaud you Valerie.
    How sweet of Diane to gift you with that beautiful card.
    I wonder what Frida would say if she were around and viewing all the amazing journal pages created in her honour. It is so lovely that you will be transferring your older art into your Frida journal.
    Beautiful as always.

  6. Lovely Frida and great composition, I love all details of this page. The way you use bright colors is always so fabulous.
    I adore your terrific album, I want to see moreeee... And the card from Diane is so beautiful. Interesting photo of the castle.
    Hugs, Mar

  7. wow, you've been busy. Love this first piece, so full of life and abundance. xox

  8. What can I say but just amazing work of art and the photos of life are♥aNNie

    The Journey is the Start

  9. Beautiful Frida work, and lovely card gift! Interesting ride today too.

  10. Absolutely Stunning journal pages Val. More great pictures too. Hugs Rita xxx

  11. I'm sure Frida would like what you've done. She is very beautiful rounded by all these things she loved.
    Thank you for sharing your older artworks,oo. She is so inspirational and you've cought her image so well. Wish you happy, not too busy day, Valerie, hugs!

  12. Wunderschöne und farbenprächtige Frida-Seite! Mir gefallen auch die älteren Werke sehr. Schöne Idee, dass du ein "Frida"-Album hast! Die Karte von Diane ist auch wunderschön ... ich freue mich für dich!
    GLG, LonettA

  13. Wow,deine frida seiten sind wunderschön und gefallen mir seeehr gut,das wird bestimmt ein klasse album.
    deine schlossbilder sind ne wucht,ich libe den fasan und den see,ein schönes plätzchen zum inspiriren.
    hab auch noch eine frida seite gemacht,hab ich schon gepostet.
    Wünsch dir einen schönen tag,ich geh heute schwimmen.

    knuddels Jeannette

  14. Deine Frida Collage ist sehr schön, liebe Valerie! Ich mag die kräftigen Farben, die Du gewählt hast. So voller Leben und so wie Frida. Denn trotz ihres Leidens hat sie so voller Farben gearbeitet. So wie Deine ausdrucksstarke Collage.
    Ich wünsche Dir schöne Sommertage und schicke viele liebe Grüße

  15. All wonderful Frida artwork-your album will be stunning for sure.

    Beautiful card from Diane-always great to have friends :)

    The photographs today are just amazing I love all of them especially the last one with the weird violinist--amazing. You do see such wonders on your travels

    Love Chrissie x

  16. Another beautiful Frida page. Thank you for introducing me to her, I didn't know anything about her so I bought a couple of books for my i pad yesterday.
    xxx Hazel.

  17. I think this is my favorite Frida that you have created so far--it is really amazing! Gorgeous peacock and I love those sculptures in the last photo. Isn't it funny that the more time we have during the day, the more we find to fill it with?

    1. Thanks! I think you hit the nail on the head there, with always finding more to fill the days!

  18. Deine bunte Collage wird Frida total gerecht! Super.
    LG Ulrike

  19. Another stunning Frida page, what a lovely journal you will have when it is all said and done with all of your lovely Frida pages. Glad you liked the card and thanks again. Big hugs, ~Diane

  20. This is such a beautiful post. I love how you made tribute to Frida. She is still such an inspiration. Your photos are again dreamy. I would so love to come to your part of the world. Seeing it through your eyes is very appealing.
    Happy day to you

  21. Very beautiful pages Valerie and your photos are always lovely too. Is the moated castle still inhabited, or just used as a torist attraction. How wonderful to still have a building in such good condition tho' :o)) x

  22. Frida looks so happy surrounded by the beautiful flowers. I like this page especially, Valerie. Interesting new photos; you and your cameras are filled with historical places which are so delightful.
    Thanks again for sharing them with all of us.

  23. Eine ganz grandiose Seite Valerie und auch Dein früheres spread ist toll ... und sooo herrliche Aufnahmen heute wieder!

    Eine tolle Karte hat Dich da erreicht!

  24. Wonderful artwork Valerie. I see you and Frida go back a few years.
    I just can't imagine what it would be like to go out my font door and take a bike ride to an old castle.
    It does look beautiful and I am glad you were accompanied by two musicians.
    Sandy xx

    1. And for me it would be strange living up a mountain!

  25. Valerie all your Frida pieces are very lovely and so vibrant with colour! I've loved going through all your posts and lovely photos as always, looks like you're enjoying Summer!

  26. Deine Frida Werke mag ich wirklich sehr - besonders das letzte in the Reihe gefaellt mir sehr gut. Und ich liebe Deine Photos von Angermund und der Burg. Die Burg sieht wirklich sehr deutsch aus!

    1. Das ist wahr, die Burgen hier sehen wirklich deutsch aus!

  27. More awesome Frida pages. The photos are fabulous, especially those sculptures.
    Yvonne xx

  28. I'm loving your Frida work Valerie, she looks fab surrounded by all that colour xx

  29. More stunning artwork for your Frida pages. Your book is going to be stunning. Love the pics too and the peacock is gorgeous. I have a friend here who raises them.
    Have a great day.

  30. Great journal pages! I think you've really captured the spirit of Frida in that first one with the red background. Your photos are gorgeous, too. What a beautiful place to have nearby. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Wonderful Frida pages; such lovely colors and motion! Happy PPF!

  32. those statues are incredible, but I love that top Frida image... you captured the heat and colour of her work...xx

  33. love the fridas and the sculptures

  34. Such a stunning Frida page - I think this is my favorite so far - she looks happy and very beautiful with all the colorful flowers surrounding her. Beautiful card from the lovely Diane. Your photos were most interesting - loved the little, what looked to me like perhaps it might have been the gate house. Incredible sculptures. People are so clever. Hope you are having a lovely day. Take care. hugs, Donna

  35. Great photos and Frida! I love that peacock. :)

  36. I always love visiting your blog. I love your artwork so much! And your photos are simply stunning. They take me away to a beautiful place!!!!!

  37. Your Frida journal page is wonderful, Valerie. I love it that you surrounded her with flowers. As always, I enjoyed your photos. I was fascinated by the very old moated castle. Isn't it a wonder that they could build such edifices without all the tools and technology that we have today?

  38. Gorgeous Frida collage, the flowers and details around her face... just work perfectly. Great work!

    Have a great day!
    Nora Clemens-Gallo

  39. Very nice compositions, I love the creative beauty in these portraits of Frida, wonderful colors!

  40. Love your Frida collage. It is beautiful. And your photos. Love stopping by to see what pretty things you see on your daily travels.

  41. Beautiful Frida collage! I love the colors!! And of course it was wonderful to come along on your bike ride with you! Germany in the summer is wonderful... xoxo Silke

  42. Your artwork is so cheery and bright--I adore your photography. I would SO love to visit that tower! Wonderful!

  43. You are certainly channeling "Frida" today! Love it! And - oh my gosh - that castle with the moat is outstanding! I would love to paint that! Happy PPF :)

  44. That's a beautiful the textures and elements added. I am making one for the challenge, hope I get to finish it soon :)
    Always have loved castles and fairy tales...this castle looks awesome too...12th C; the amount of great stories that it would contain!!!

  45. Was für ein Augenschmaus, so schöne Fotos und deine Frida-Werke sind einfach Spitze, so herrlich farbenfroh und lebendig!
    lg Uli

  46. Wundervolle Seiten! Happy PPF - Irma

  47. Love your Frida collage!!! The kids at the river seem to be having so much fun... I envy them ♥ Love seeing the castle and the fact that it is maintained so well instead of being allowed to crumble away. I know what you mean about never having enough time. I thought when I went off on medical leave for my back I would be bored to tears in a couple of days... I am so loving the opportunity to so art and I just can't seem to get enough done in the daylight hours. Of course there is the therapy and other stuff that keeps getting in the way too. :-)

  48. The Frieda collage painting is gorgeous. The journal is good and the photographs are dynamic. Love the area. Blessings, Janet PPF

  49. I'm loving your Frida's. Very beautiful work, and great photos!

    Hugs Giggles

  50. never enough time in the day but my gosh you put your time to beautiful use!

  51. Your painting is so pretty and will look great with the others. I think it is so cool that you have a Frieda journal! The card from Diane is beautiful and looks delicate, in a soft way. Very nice!

    I have to say what caught my attention in today's post is that you can cycle around to a CASTLE!!! I was in awe of your pictures! The trail, the landscape and the stone castle...WOW!!! Have a great PPF weekend and thank you for visiting me earlier too! Hugs, Rasz

  52. Love your Frida and that you have a journal dedicated to her and her inspiration!
    Thanks, too, for taking us with you on your lovely journey ~ beautiful.
    And I can *so* relate to "the wrong pocket!" :D


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