
Friday 15 August 2014

Red hot Frida and cold and wet walks

Hi Everybody!

Friday here was wet and cold all day. On my walks I only met dogs, horses and some big umbrellas with legs under them. But ALL of the benches along the Rhine were free today, I could have sat anywhere I wanted....

I am sure it will not come as surprise when I say that I have another Frida journal page to share today. Yes, I have Frida fever, and it probably won't stop till the end of the month - and I am enjoying it!

This time I have tried to combine the challenges at Moo Mania and More,  Hot Summer, and AJJ, Frida. So I made my Frida page in hot and summery colours. I based my drawing on a Frida picture I got on a bookmark,  drew it in A4 size, and scanned it into my computer. I digitally changed the colour to red, and printed it out onto paper that I had painted and spritzed with red and yellow water-colours. I added more colour using gel pens in red, neon-yellow, green, brown and white. The words I have chosen are from a page in her 'painted diary' and mean love, heat and pain. It was fun using colours I don't usually even think of!

I am also linking to Manon's Paper Saturdays

Everything was wet today, but the rain does make the grass really lush....

There were hundreds of wild geese at the Rhine, making a big noise,  the usual ducks, and of course, the resident swan. It really was weather for the ducks!

This afternoon I visited the horses here round the corner. They are definitely susceptible to bribery, and love apples and carrots.

And one lesson we can learn from the horses, birds and other animals, is to take things as they are, to keep calm, and just carry on....

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Deine bearbeitete Frida ist sensationell, ich bin ganz begeistert! Auch die Regenfotos sind sehr schön geworden.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes trockenes Wochenende,
    LG Anja

  2. Hi Val, love your red hot Frida! It was cool and damp here, too. but not too much rain. Your rainy pics are beautiful! Take care and have a good weekend, hugs, Sarah

  3. What a striking Frida, a contrast to your rainy, cold photographs.
    Yes, nice weather for ducks and indoor artists.

  4. Valerie!! This Frida is amazingly HOT!! Love it so much! I don't know, can anyone see to many Fridas? I'm liking the Frida fever do keep 'em coming ;)
    Take care!
    I. X

  5. lovely warm colours on this Frida painting, and beautiful photos!

  6. Mir fehlen die Worte - ich bin so fasziniert von deinem Frida-Bild!!!!!! Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagm4

  7. Deine Frida vermittelt Sommerfeeling pur. Total klasse. Hier ist es leider nass, nasser am nassesten.... Ich möchte den Sommer zurück.

  8. Wow Valerie, another stunning piece, such a string image and I love the hot colours. The Rhine looks very high, hope you don't get flooded! Xx

  9. Loving this hot fire colour version of Frida, she looks amazing. Great photos as well, the horses looked a bit sad today.
    Yvonne xx

  10. OMG, your red Frida is amazing!!!!!

  11. Yes, Valerie, definitely you have Frida fever, but I LOVE it. This is really a tribute. Your summery Frida is spectacular.
    Lovely horses!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Hugs, Mar

  12. Frida sure looks hot in that red colours...and here the weather today is for ducks too....great seeing them.xxxThe Journey is the Start

  13. Red hot summer, red hot Frida. I can tell that Frida has inspired so many of my friends. Glad it inspired you, too. Of course, I love the hot summer colors you chose to use and the words are SO like what I have learned about Frida this month. This is a beautiful entry.

  14. You are just so talented. I adore your portrait painting, the colours are really vibrant. Loving the pics you took on your walk. Also wishing you a fabulous weekend.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  15. guten morgen valerie

    deine frida page ist einfach umwerfend schön,einfach fantastisch die sommerlichen farben,bin ganz hin und weg.
    ich male gerade an einen riesenbild,ein meter mal ein meter ist es berstimmt,das wird mir noch tage in anspruch nehmen,aber es ist schon mal ganz gut bis jetzt.
    deine bilder sinds ganz großartig,besonders die weißen pferde sind total süss.
    hab ein schönes we,hier regnet es.

    knuddel jeannette

  16. Amazing ideas for the Frida page today Valerie-such variety you have created for this challenge.

    Love the photographs and you are right we should take an example from nature and just keep calm and carry on :)

    Have a great day with better weather I hope

    Love Chrissie x

  17. Die Frida ist sensationell Valerie! Hammer wie raffiniert DU da wieder vorgegangen bist!
    Und wie clever auch gleich mit HOT SUMMER kombiniert !

    Der Apfelschimmel??? gefällt mitr ganz besonders gut, als 10 Jährige war mein ganz großer Traum eines Tages einen Apfelschimmel zu besitzen!
    Aber nun gut.. ich hab zumindest Katzen gehalten und nun hab ich zwei schöne, brave und liebevolle Hunde.. immerhin >>>

    Hab einen trockeneren Samstag heute....
    ich darf hier heute nicht vom Basteltisch weg .. was natürlich herrlich ist, denn mein Mann macht mal wieder was im Treppenhaus ( ein Odysee bis das endlich fertig wird) und ich darf nicht durchgehe bis er fertig ist!

    Welch große Strafe für mich! LOL!

    1. Du Ärmste! Den ganzen Tag bist du im Bastelzimmer eingesperrt!? Du kannst es schaffen!

    2. This painting is wonderful. I love the background colors.

  18. Deine "rote Frida" ist ein Traum, liebe Valerie! Ganz toll Gestaltung......gefällt mir wirklich sehr gut.

    Auch Deine Foto-Impressionen sind wieder ganz fantastisch.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes WE.

  19. Großartiges Portrait von Frida! Die Farben glühen regelrecht! Tolles Werk!
    Schönes Wochenende und liebe Grüße, LonettA

  20. I would dearly love to visit you and watch you work. Your new journal page is not only hot but beautiful too. I know those horses love you and look forward to your visits.
    Sandy xx

  21. Wow, Love your red hot Frida! She is magnificent! Lovely close ups of the horses too, stay dry. Big hugs, ~Diane

  22. Wahnsinnig schön deine glutrote Frida - die Augen sind so faszinierend. Super gemacht!
    Übrigens hat mich Susi jetzt auch erwischt...
    Schönes Wochenende wünscht Ulrike

  23. Deine Frida ist eine Farbexplosion, großartig gemacht.
    Deine Fotos - wie immer - sensationell.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende und danke Dir, dass Du bei MOO-MANIA & More mitmachst

  24. Just Gorgeous I am loving your Fridas so much!! If finally rained here too and the grass and trees were so happy as they perked up!! I love rain, especially when it help to control the many forest fires up North!! Great photos too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  25. Lovely Frida page, Valerie! Actually it might be nice to walk in the rain. Yes we could learn a lot from animals! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

  26. Valerie, this Frida page is marvelous -- one of your best yet. I really like this one a lot with the bright reds, oranges and yellows. The eyes grab you and bring you right inside her sad and painful soul.

  27. REALLY LOVE THE RED FRIDA!!!!!! The horses look so friendly ♥ I always wanted a horse.

  28. Wow what a striking page, I love it, those eyes are so expressive. Those horses definitely look happy to see you (and your carrots lol) xx

  29. Quite a mystical Frida....luminous layers. xox

  30. Woooooza! Hot stuff and very effective. Really pops. Love the horses, although I think they (the white ones) look rather thin. hugs, Donna


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