
Saturday 2 August 2014

More from Frida Kahlo

Hi everybody!
We had another hot day here, but it was dry and no rain, so that's good - we will probably be needing our wellies tomorrow as they have once again forecasted rain, hail etc.

This is another Frida journal page. I got a stencil from Stencilry which I tried out on old calendar pages. Then I decided not to bin it, but to use it as it was, so I added more colour, flowers, some background stamping with a stamp dear  Chrissie sent me, and a quote from Frida Kahlo,  'I paint flowers so they do not die'. I used viva papercolor in burgundy for the stencil, and then filled in the little gaps with various colours using oil pastels. I used the same colours for  the doodled flowers. I am linking to Art Journal Journey  and to Manon's Paper Saturdays

The Rhine is riding high just now after so much rain, and it looks like there are swimming islands where the water has covered some parts of the shore. The swan evidently felt at home there.

Looks like some people were having fun building a driftwood shelter for Robinson Crusoe. I think this is a great way to get kids occupied in the holidays.

 Can you see all the seagulls? They were just bobbing along down river, there must have been hundreds of them:

Have a great weekend, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. guten morgen valerie,

    wow,deine frida seite ist grandios,wunderschöne farben und blumen,gefällt mir seeehr.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder für uns,der rhein ist aber auch zu schön.
    wünsch dir ein schönes we,hier bei uns ist am wasser ein fest,mit buden,karrussels und tolle sachen zum essen,abends ist dann feuerwerk,da geh ich heute abend hin und mache ein paar bilder.

    Knuddels Jeannette

    1. Viel Spaß beim Fest, und vorsichtig mit den Leckereien! Die duften immer soooo gut!

  2. I love what you have made, how good that you didn't bin it, it has turned out so spontaneous and colourful - Frida would have liked it! Lovely photos, the Rhine looks wonderful. Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Sarah

  3. Another beautiful Frida make, you are on a roll!

    Here it is bucketing down with rain, I am missing the sun....

    1. The FRIDA challenge lasts all month! Hope you soon get some sun!

  4. Love your colour pallet today Valerie and your Friday page from yesterday was beautiful. There was a programme on about her a couple of months ago and it was so interesting, until then I never really knew the story behind her art. Have a lovely Saturday. Xx

  5. Another wonderful page Valerie--so pleased you found a use for the stamp.

    Beautiful photographs-love the children and dad building a shelter :)

    Just posted a Frida page I made yesterday and would you believe I chose the same quote as you-they do say great minds think alike-well one of us has a great mind and it 'aint' me lol

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Exactly what I thought when I viewed your lovely blog post, and you have a wonderful mind, so don't tell stories!

  6. Another fabulous Frida piece and beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Love the colours, the quote and the theme. Great piece, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  8. great frida kahlo the photos especially of the shelter..we have got heavy rain today too after some lovely hot sun..oh well good for the plants

  9. I am speechless , love this art journal page the quote and the super colours along with your ever gorgeous inviting

    The Journey is the Start

  10. Very creative art journal page. Wonderful photos. Enjoyed this post. - Jim

  11. Stunning upcycling of a calendar page. Just love the cheerful bright colours and the wonderful sentiment you used. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos with us again.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  12. Great Frida and I love the quote. Sort of like me....I bead flowers so they don't die! Have a great weekend--stay dry! We are going to have rain all weekend on and off. Hugs!

    1. Your beaded flowers are always wonderful, I love them too.

  13. Love the way you recycled that calendar page! Wonderful page! The photos are so delightful and just loved them. Enjoy the weekend. Hugs!

  14. Another great Frida page for your journal. The photo of the swan is exceptional and I enjoyed the others as well. Stay dry tomorrow.

  15. wonderful journal page, love the flowers.

    wonderful photos too, love all the colors in the foliage.

  16. Ganz fantastisch liebe Valerie! Du bist spitze! Die Fotos sind auch so toll!
    Liebe Grüße von einer fix und fox Susi heute abend..
    Hochzeit war grandios und das Shoppen anstrengend..
    jetzt leg ich erst mal die Beine hoch!

    schönen Abend liebe Valerie!

  17. I love the rich colours you used on your Frida. Beautiful!

  18. WOW...I love the colours in your art work...AMAZING...your photos are fabulous... I hope no-more rain....Hugs May x x

  19. Lovely calendar page from 2009! And beautiful photos from the Rhine.

  20. wow - das ist fantastisch!
    Ihr habt ja reichlich Wasser bei euch - hier sieht es immer nach Gewitter aus aber es war nur drückend warm heute. Der letzte Regen war Sonntag /Montag Nacht.
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  21. Fantastic! Another lovely Frida's page. I love the flowers and colorful. And beautiful photos!
    Hugs, Mar

  22. Fabulous Frida journal page. Love the bright colours. We have had thunder storms today, but still warm.Loved the photos.
    Yvonne xx

  23. I love your purple Frida and that quote is wonderful! Gorgeous photos too, it looks so beautiful there!

  24. Frida and flowers just seem to go together
    and so do your beautiful colors...great use of that calendar page too Valerie.
    We could use some of your rain here in northern Virginia...
    lovely to see your gorgeous Rhineland.
    Seagulls in the middle of the river...hmmm

  25. Hi Valerie, another beauty from your talented hands and imagination. Send some rain our way please. No hail, just rain!! Lovely pics and the seagulls all gathered like that is interesting.

  26. What a beautiful art journal page! I like the quote - and you used beautiful colors. I think it fits Frida.
    We could use some rain here - actually a lot! Can you send some, please?

  27. what a fantastic fabulous Frida! vibrant and beautiful. xo

  28. Wie schön! Deine Frida hier ist wunderbar mit diesen traumhaften Blüten ... so schöne Farben! Auch gefällt mir das Kalenderblatt als Hintergrund sehr!
    Die Fotos vom Rhein sind beeindruckend ... der Starkregen und seine Folgen!
    Einen Schönen Sonntag für dich!
    GLG, LonettA

  29. I love your another Frida as well as your previous one. It's good to see a happy Frida with flowers and her loving guote.
    Have a wonderful Sunday, Valerie xxx

  30. This one is also beautiful, love the quote!

  31. Another beautiful Frida piece Valerie, the colors are so vibrant and beautiful. ~Diane

  32. Beautifully done Sweet Pea!! Don't you just love tat sentiment!
    Sandy xx

  33. This is fabulous Valerie, I love this quote xx

  34. Another dramatic Frida. But then she was quite striking with her tortured life wasn't she. Love the Robinson Crusoe structure. Good for Mom and Dad for playing in the river. xox

  35. Ein wunderschönes Kalenderblatt, klasse Spruch.

  36. Hi Valerie, Frida Kahlo is one of my favourite artists so it is lovely to see you do a paper page on her. Great photos of your daily outing It is like we are there with you! Happy Paper Saturdays! ManonX


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