
Tuesday 26 August 2014

Happy Mail, Frida and raindrops

Hi everybody!

It has been a wet and chilly day here, this evening I am sitting wrapped in a blanket to keep warm, and it's August. This is a crazy summer, we have gone from stiflingly hot and humid to storms to wind, rain and very autumn-like temperatures. I still went out for a long walk along the shore and through 'town' this morning, and enjoyed it, well wrapped up against the rain and wearing my trusty wellies - what would I do without them?  Hope your weather was better.

I got some great surprises in the post yesterday and today - two happy mail envelopes from Silvia and Dagmar, and I just love nice surprises!

I recently wrote in a comment on Silvia's blog that I would like to try bistre sometime, after seeing one of her beautiful pieces. So she filled some up in little bags, and sent it to me together with a tag - thanks for the lovely surprise! I had no idea, as she asked another blogger for my addy so I wouldn't suspect anything! THANKS A LOT!!!

This is the gorgeous, textured tag Silvia sent:

This beautiful tag and mini purse came from Dagmar. There is a chip for a shopping cart in the little purse.  She received a 'Nettigkeit' - a nice little surprise from a blogger, and in return sent surprises out to three of those who visited her blog in a certain period. I was one of the lucky three. This means I will be offering a little surprise to three of the visitors who visit my blog and leave a comment in the next week. On September third I will pick three names out of all those who have commented, and they will each get a surprise.
I love this idea of getting and sending little surprises to brighten someone else's day. Thanks Dagmar for my beautiful surprise!
The quote on the tag means 'Creativity knows no boundaries'.

The tag is beautiful, here with more details:

Danke, Mädels!

And I have another Frida journal page to share. I made this collage, too, with things collected from my working space when I was clearing up last week, there were so many lovely bits I couldn't throw away, and my fingers just itched to put them together in a collage.
I am linking to AJJ, Frida.

And last but not least, some photos taken on my wet walk today. Our little town looks rather deserted:

The Rhein was grey and cold:

A few die-hards were out walking:

But the flowers looked beautiful crowned with rain drops.

Have a lovely day, whatever the weather, take care,
ad thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Can see why you love your happy mail Valerie you lucky thing! Love your Frida page and your flower pics are beautiful too.
    It's still cold, wet and dull here too - had to put my coat on at work to keep warm!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Lucky you with that beautiful happy mail, you have talented friends - enjoy your gifts! Love your Frida page again. Great photos, too. Take care and keep warm, hugs, Sarah

  3. Fabulous Frida page and lovely photos. Enjoy your happy mails, and the new colour powders.
    Wet here, the wellies had their muddy outing .
    Yvonne xx

  4. The last flower is a Rose of Sharon and I do have that here in the desert! Lovely surprise for sure and I can wait to see how you use the bistre. Your Frida page is lovely. Enjoy!

  5. Fantastic Frida collage and great gifts from Silvia and Dagmar. Lovely photos too, I specially love the beautiful flowers.
    Hugs, Mar

  6. Beautiful surprise gifts Valerie. Your journal page is great as usual. Love your photography too. - Jim

  7. Oh ja, Regen hatten wir auch genug und dann die Temperaturen ...wäh... nicht wirklich sommerlich, ich laufe zur Zeit nur mit Fleecehemd und Halstuch durch die Gegend. Deine Frida-Seite ist klasse geworden.
    Schön, dass die Überraschung gelungen ist.... und es war nett mit dir telefoniert zu haben :)

  8. What lovely surprises Valerie. I love that tag. Never heard of Bistre either. Frida looks quite magnificent in all her glory. Love her floral headdress too. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. Oh wow these are just fantastic, love the colours used and my morning journey through your part of the world is wonderful, even if it is freezing...xx
    The Journey is the Start

  10. Schön das die Überraschung geglückt ist . Eine ganz liebe Blogfreundin hat mir deine Adresse verraten :-). Ja - die liebe Silvia ist auch immer für eine Überraschung gut - bin gespannt ob dich auch das Bistre-Fieber packt. Deine Frida ist wieder toll in Szene gesetzt und die Fotos sind klasse! Hier ist es heute ganz sonnig und nachher kommt eine meiner Freundinnen m Kaffee, den wir dann hoffentlicim Garten trinken können - frischer Pflaumenkuchen ist schon gebacken. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag - liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  11. Wunderschöne Post von der lieben Silvia und eine ganz tolle Frida Seite wieder liebe Valerie - und tolle Impressionen!

  12. happy mail is a good thing. Lovely Frida piece. Fall has come early to you!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Great happy mail-love the metal effect on your tag using it. Nice idea to have the pay it forward things as well.

    Sorry your weather isn't good but I am hoping it is better for you today and some of our lovely warm sunshine has drifted toward Germany. Clouds have started gather as I write this and I am sure you don't want those..You always make the most of any weather and the photographs are beautiful of the village where you live.

    Wonderful Frida page as always--the bright flowers look amazing.

    Have a great day-sorry I deleted the last comment I sent it half way through :(

    Love Chrissie x

  15. wunderschöne nettigkeit hast du von dagmar bekommen,mich erreichte gestern dasselbe,und ich bin total glücklich,freu mich total darrüber,find ich voll nett von dagmar,sie hat genau meinen geschmack getroffen mit dem chip täschchen.
    deine frida seite ist auch klasse und tolle bilder hast du gemacht.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag,glg jeannette

  16. Nice gifts from friends. A happier Friday with her flower crown. Wet walk indeed, we are wacky weather here too. xox

  17. Well, I have no idea what bistre is Valerie but I'm sure you'll make good use of it! Lol! What lovely surprises, I love the idea of these little RAK's (random act of kindness). We have had lovely weather the last few days but down south has been quite miserable I think. Enjoy the rest of your day. xx

  18. How wonderful to receive happy mail from blogger friends and to share with photos. Your Frida journal page for today is special too. Love the flower photos you shared with the rain drops. You do indeed live in a lovely area.


  19. I can not get over the wonderful quality of the pictures you take. I would dearly love to live IA a little village like the one you live in. To be able to walk to the store or to the tavern for a pint. Dagmar has come up with a wonderful idea - here we call it pay it forward.
    Stunning Frida collage. Love that Peacock.
    Once again, I love your village. I lived in Italy for a year and loved ever minute of it!
    Sandy xx

    1. Yes, it's a lovely idea to spread a bit of happiness in the world! This is a pretty place here, you're right there!

  20. Oooh lovely gifts you've got there Valerie, it's always nice to try something new isn't it. We are having the same weather as you are, no sunshine for three days, our house is like the bat cave at the moment lol. Your Frida page is gorgeous, I really like the peacock, and your photographs look beautiful, even in the rain xx

  21. Such beautiful flowers, it does look fresh and wet your way but I'm sure the sun will shine soon! Your Frida art is always so great, delightfully creative pieces and such lovely surprise gifts!

  22. Hi Valerie, Gorgeous Frida Creation once again. What a wonderful collection you have now. You received a special surprise in your happy mail.
    Lovely rainy day pics. The flowers with the raindrops are beautiful.

  23. Lovely gifts and gorgeous page. Love how you've captured the raindrops on the flowers. x

  24. Wirklich schöne Überraschungs-Post hast du bekommen ... ich freue mich für dich!
    Wunderbare Frida-Seite ... schöne Idee mit der Tortenspitze!
    Liebe Grüße, LonettA

  25. Love the photos of the flowers with the raindrops on them ♥ Nice Frida collage and aren't you the lucky one to get the little surprise in the mail !!!

  26. What nice happy mail you have, can't wait to see what you make with the items she so generously sent! Surprises are the best! Lovely tag too from your friend. Your Frida is particularly stunning, love the violets in her hair. Big hugs, ~Diane

  27. What a perfectly fabulous tag and such happy mail! :D
    Your photos are fabulous in colour as always. Your town looks beautiful. I do love red brick buildings, especially in the wet, they seem even more red to me. You captured those wee raindrops wonderfully on the flowers! I swear the drip on the centre of the yellow flower actually moved! ;) Have a wonderful weekend Valerie :D


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