
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Frida in green and blue

Hi everybody!
There seems to be crazy weather all over the world just now - floods in the states, storm and hurricanes here and there, and very unsettled and wet here, not like August.

Today I am sharing 2 more Frida pieces I painted today. The drawings were done with black ink in the first one and charcoal in the second. I was not happy, and decided just to throw some paint onto them, which I did. I used some new water-colours sent to me by Chrissie, and had fun throwing, dripping and smearing.

I haven't found a Frida quote for the second one yet - any suggestions?

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Frida Kahlo, and Paint Party Friday.

This the lovely, travel water-colour box from Chrissie - thanks!

And some photos from my walk today. The horses came and posed for me:

These are growing all along the Rhine:

I collected a lot of these seed heads, as they make nice decorations:

The graffiti is on an old pump house near the Rhine:

 Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your Frida drawings are superb and the watercolour washes enhance them so well, something quite different once again and what an interesting quote.
    We've got these lovely yellow flowers in our garden - evening primrose? - I didn't think to use the seedheads, but will now.
    That's an amusing graffiti to finish with.

    1. Yes, they are evening primrose, they are very pretty.

  2. Your Frida paintings are lovely, and you have used the colour really well. I wonder what the rest of your kitchen now looks like?! Great photos, too! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Himmlisch sind Dein beiden Frida Arbeiten Valerie.. grade eben hab ich eine lange Doku auf
    You tube angeguckt:

    und jetzt zeigst Du so tolle Zeichnungen mit den tollen Wasserfarbencoloriert, die Du von Chrissie bekommen hast!
    Das macht mich glücklich..ich habe heute Nachmittag etwas ähnliches gemacht auch mit Aquarellfarbe..ich werde es morgen fotografieren und Dir ein Foto schicken..
    ich weiss auch noch nicht welchen Spruch ich nehmen soll...
    zu Deinem zweiten Bild würde mir der Spruch vom" joyful end" gut gefallen denke ich!
    Ich grüße Dich herzlichst!
    Schönen Abend noch, falls Du noch nicht schläfst!

    1. Danke, bin noch wach, und freue mich Dein Bild zu sehen. Ich meide Youtube, weil ich nie wegkomme wenn ich da Was anschaue!

    2. ♥♥♥
      stimmt was Du über You Tube sagst!!

  4. Wow - die sind ja auch wieder so klasse!!!Ich finde das Thema echt toll aber mein Kopf gibt dazu im Augenblick nix her ;o) Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  5. I really love your drawings, they are fabulous. And the final watercolouring fantastic. Nice text, too.
    Lovely photos again and the graffiti is joyful.

  6. Hi! Your Frida is wonderfully artsy and I LOVE it!! Gorgeous!
    Beautiful photos too, I love horses. I would draw them a lot when I was young. I loved everything about them, I read books about them too. Gorgeous animals!
    Take care!
    Ingrid x

  7. Fabulous drawings both of them and super cool water colour backgrounds!

  8. lovely painting and nice new watercolours! The horses look so beautiful.

  9. Love the water colour splashes, the drawings look fabulous. I like that quote you used, I am still discovering this side of Frida.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Gorgeous drawings... your art work is always so amazing...Love the photos those horses are not camera shy they are so Beautiful... Hugs May x x

  11. Deine beiden Frida-Werke sind traumhaft schön. Du hast einen super Effekt mit den Aquarellfarben erzielt. Super.

  12. Valerie these are so beautiful, fragile and delicate, very touching!

  13. There is a wonderful contradiction on display as I view a great strength but also vulnerability on both pieces.
    I would need to consider which quote for the second one then again I like it quote free.

  14. Very nice Fridas. You've been very busy. Nice photos. Have a wonderful day.

  15. You're going to have fun with those watercolours Valerie, your Frida sketches are lovely. She does look more serious in the second one. Love the seed heads. Xx

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Valerie, I had to start over as I had so many words with missing letters. Love your splattering and lovely drawings of Frida. The horses appear to be well groomed and well fed as they are beautiful and make terrific models for your photographs. It is like they say to you, "pick me, pick me."

    It is storm here today with more rain on the way. Stay dry and keep thrilling us with your Frida projects.

  18. Deine beiden Frida-Werke gefallen mir sehr! Wunderbar gezeichnet und so schön mit den Aquarellfarben koloriert! Einfach toll!
    Dein Graffiti-Foto läßt mich schmunzeln!
    Einen schönen Tag für dich!
    GLG, LonettA

  19. Great artwork on the pages and wonderful use of the water colours--so pleased you liked the little box of them.

    Beautiful photographs of your walk. The horses look so peaceful and friendly and must know you by now.

    I think the yellow flowers may be Evening Primrose but don't quote me on that one lol. Not sure what the seed heads are but they do look amazing in that state for sure.

    Well I do love graffiti but maybe it is a bit much to have drawn it on an old German Pump house. I rather like Nature's graffiti on the building where the climbing plant had eaten into the cement mixture :) Art is everywhere isn't it.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie x

  20. You have a very creative and free style to your work. Love you pictures of your walks. - Jim

  21. Cool effect with the watercolor over the ink. I bet you can work out a lot of aggression with that technique, LOL! The first quote is perfect! Frida looks a little more tortured in the second piece-not sure if you used this quote yet......"My painting carries with it the message of pain."

    1. Yes, I did already use the quote, but it would fit! I think I was the one feeling tortured yesterday!

  22. More beautiful Frida pages, these are very moving, love the quote too. Lovely paints from Chrissies, so sweet of her to be so generous. Great pictures from your walk too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  23. Both pieces are full of emotion and interest depicting Frida's passion and pain in life Valerie...
    great colors choices too!!!
    Sometimes no words are necessary but I too like text with what I create often too.
    Handsome horsies and those seed heads are perfectly lovely
    You make me smile!

  24. These two pieces are among my most favorite! I really love the water paint flowing down and I think Frida would too! The quote is fabulous!!!
    Oh how I would love to walk along the Rhine.
    No wonder that rabbit is angry - he can't get to his carrot!
    Sandy xx

  25. Valerie, I love your Frieda drawings, the addition of the paint makes them amazing!!! I don't have a quote for the second one, but it looks like she's got her face turned to the rain - so beautiful. I love the stories from your daily walks and cycle-rides and the pictures are a lovely way to experience them with you! Thanks for sharing. Jean.x

  26. I love your Frida' I scrolled down I would think -that's my this one.... they're all so expressive.

  27. Nice photos, great flowers! I also love the beautiful horses, great artwork with Frida!

  28. Die Skizzen kombiniert mit Aquarellfarben sind sehr schön geworden! Die Kohlezeichnung gefällt mir besonders, sie hat noch mehr Ausdruck, was zu Frida sehr gut passt finde ich. Ein schönes Geschenk die neuen Farben!
    Herzliche Grüsse

  29. I still love these most of all!
    Sandy xx

  30. WOW kann ich nur sagen, die Wasserfarben Fridas sind der Hammer und es passt so gut zu ihr. Der Spruch ist genial! Das 2. würde ich so lassen die verlaufende Farbe ist beredt genug wie ich finde.
    Danke auch wieder für die stimmungsvollen Fotos.
    lG Anja

  31. Very emotional pieces. So much emotion. lovely!

  32. These colors are amazing and I love the drips and splatters.

  33. I was really touched by this piece. Thank you. Perhaps a life will be changed. This fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  34. Love what you did with the water colors and all the drips ♥♥♥♥♥ The graffiti is rather cute and another beautiful group of photos .Thanks for sharing.

  35. Ah ha! I finally discovered why there are so many Frieda posts decorating the internet. Your paintings are lovely as are your photos. The soft edges of your watercolors are so appealing, especially in contrast to acrylics which I use. Have a lovely week.

  36. I like them both, but the second one really grabs me. Gorgeosity....xox

  37. You have achieved a great look. Love the colour too and the 'drippiness'. BEautiful horses today - well looked after and happy. hugs, Donna


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