
Saturday 19 July 2014

This and that and very hot weather....

Hi everybody!

We had another scorching hot day today, 36° again, and a trifle too hot for my taste! I managed a shady walk this morning, and got my shopping, but apart from that I have just been trying to keep cool.

I started on some new work today, but am having to take it slowly as my thumb does not want to be cooperative. I will show the first piece tomorrow.

This is the last of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz this month, and it was made with some of my favourite things - cardboard, gesso, paper scraps, Mr Umbrella Man, and a fussy cut, stamped image of 2 little girls at the sea-side. The postcard with the fish is an image from GG, from the 'July Splash' collage sheet.  The stamp of the girls is from Scrollswork. I used tisue tape and paper scraps as matting, and the Umbrella man was cut from an old Uruguayan passport, which already gave e several Mr UMs. I am linking to Moo Mania, anything goes.

(Material List: GG image, cardboard, partly peeled, gesso, paper scraps, tissue tape, stamped image, film-strip and scraps of fibre and string.)

It is always fascinating to watch berries ripening:

The Rhine is a place where I need to walk along every day.

This is a little garden in Church Close,  with 4 trees, to represent the four Evangelists. It is a great place to st in the shadow.

As always, I walked over the old walls - I call this 'Narnia Path'

And the horses just enjoy their horsey life.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ein wunderschönes Werk - total schöne Elemente, gefällt mir super gut. Auch deine Fotos sind wieder toll anzusehen.

  2. Another lovely piece of art today! The distressed cardboard makes a wonderful background. The humidity is returning here, too. Oh well, those cooler temps were nice while they lasted.

  3. Love what you have made again, and looking forward to seeing the new piece tomorrow. But please, look after your thumb! Lovely photos, too, glad you are finding some cool spots to sit in. Hugs, Sarah

  4. Gorgeous piece, love how you collaged them all together like that too, the Mr U and the filmstrip are gorgeous in themselves! Lovely walk, so sorry your thumb is still paining you. Big hugs, ~Diane

  5. Gorgeous collage project, love how you presented Mr U all green and summery. The photos look great as always, please take care of your hand and keep giving it rests.
    Yvonne xx

  6. Beautiful collage Valerie and Mr UM looks great in the passport paper. Fab pics too and a surprise to see a horse with a coat in 36 degrees!
    Sorry about your thimb too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  7. Fabulous mixed collage piece, love all the different textures and elements you used!
    Boy that does sound hot with 36 degrees and I bet you don't have air con, hope it cools down at night a bit.... Look after that thumb!!

  8. Lovely cards and photos! Take care!

  9. Fabulous collage, I really like that film piece :) I agree 36 is hot, it can get to that temp here and then with lots of humidity it makes you feel slow. Our summer is cooler and wetter than normal this year. We don't mind, it's great. Your photos from the walk are beautiful as well. Hope that thumb heals, Shirleyx

  10. beautiful work in spite of the thumb! The berries look amazing as do your photos. Hope it cools down soon! We have rain right now.

  11. Guten Morgen val,

    wow,eine wunderschöne collage hast du gemacht,gefällt mir mega gut.
    deine bilder sind wieder klasse.
    ich hoffe das es heute etwas kühler wird,gestern war viel zu heiß.
    schönen sonntag,ich geh nachher radel fahren.

    GLG Jeannette

  12. Terrific artwork Valerie and I am sure everything you make will be really hard work for you at the moment.

    The temperature is really hot and you did well to find shady places for your walk. Wonderful berries but the star for me it the silhouette of the tree stump--amazing

    Have a good day today

    Love Chrissie x

    1. I love that tree stump, too, reminds me of scenes in old western films.

  13. Wunderschön! Eine hartmonische Komposition dieser schönen Details!
    Ich hoffe auch auf eine Abkühlung!
    GLG, LonettA

  14. Eine super collage, toll wie Du alle Elemente zu einem harmonischen Ganzen zusammengstellt hast!
    Auch die Fotos sind wieder 1. Sahne. Ich habs heute schon mal geschrieben Mutter Natur ist die größte Künstlerin:-)
    Schönen Sonntag undhoffentlich morgen etwas kühler, spätestens ab 30° schmelzen meine Polkappen und ich schmelze vor mich hin.
    LG Anja

  15. Eine supertrupa schöne Komposition mal wieder Valerie!
    Tolle Fotos! danke!
    keep calm and keep cool!

    Hoffe meine Karte kommt dann auch bald mal und schmilzt nicht auf dem Weg zu Dir lol..
    oder der Postbote versenkt sie wegen Hitzekoller im See
    mein Mann hat sie am Freitag zur Post gebracht...
    aber das kann dauern..
    was ich so an Erfahrungen mit dem Schneckenpostimperium gemacht hab!

  16. Eine tolle Collage hast Du da wieder gezaubert, Valerie! Und ja, ich finde das Klima momentan auch zu heftig.....laufe schon seit Tagen mit Kopfschmerzen herum.

    Deine Foto-Impressionen sind auch wieder wunderschön!
    Hab noch einen schönen Sonntag!

  17. Hi Valerie, deine Collage sieht wunderbar aus. Hier war es in den letzten Tagen auch unerträglich heiß. Bei uns auf der Terrasse hat das Thermometer in der letzten Woche immer zwischen 38° und 41° angezeigt, und es hängt nicht in der Sonne. Heute ist der Himmel bedeckt und es nicht nicht mehr ganz so warm, nur noch 29°...das reicht mir völlig.

    Schönen Sonntag und liebe Grüße,

  18. Nice collage!! Love the dimension in it. And that photo of the red berries is gorgeous!

  19. Another great piece, Valerie. I specially love the film-strip and little girls stamp. Lovely photos, I like the very calm horses. Take care!
    Hugs, Mar

  20. Love this hanging, Mr U.M. looks great! Hugs, Barb

  21. Love this hanging, Mr U.M. looks great! Hugs, Barb

  22. What a lovely walk you had Valerie :) super collage work as usual :)
    Von ♥

  23. Hi Valerie, been off line for a couple of days as daughter and granddaughter have been here for a couple of days. My daughter and her best girlfriend left this morning and my granddaughter flies out on Tuesday. Tomorrow we are driving to the mountains for some photo shoots.

    Love your new piece of art and obviously the cast has come off the hand. Take it slowly and you will soon have full use again.


  24. Hi Valerie, what an incredible work of art my friend. Lovely walking pics once again!! I so hope you are feeling a bit better with your thumb. Stay cool!!

  25. Marvelous imagery on your kraft card. Heat is heading our way again so I will be seeking shady spots like that tree lined path...xox


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