
Thursday 3 July 2014

Blue and yellow

Hi everybody!

Today I have my appointment at the hand specialist; it has been brought forward a few days, which is good, as I hope he will be able to do something to stop the pain in my thumb joints. I am longing to do some really messy, painty  and sticky work again!
This week I have had to be contented with making part digital stuff. The drawing here is another one of the series I made back in 1995. The originals are in red chalk. I traced the outline and scanned it, changing the line colour to blue. I printed it onto dictionary paper again, and used water colours and oil pastels to colour it. The oil pastels are easy to hold and use just now.
I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Kristin and Eva.

And this was a piece of digital fun, printed onto dictionary paper, and brightened with some neon yellow.

The weather was nice, so I was able to enjoy two long walks.
I visited the horses, as always - they are on my way to the Rhine.

We have a new sculpture in the castle ruins, and I think I like it. It has been made by Peter Schwickerath, an artist from Düsseldorf.

Some more quiet corners in the Church Close:

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your artwork is amazing, as usual, Valerie! Love the pictures from your area too :)
    Hugs, Yvonne

  2. Love your blue and yellow lady, and the fun digital piece, as well. The photos are beautiful, too. Have a great day! Hugs, Sarah

  3. WOW...Your art work is fabulous... Love the colours...great digital piece love the outline...perfect!! your photos are always beautiful... I hope all goes well at your hand appointment... Hugs May x x

  4. Deine digitalen Werke gefallen mir sehr! Vor allem die Dame in Blau, so herrlich mystisch, ich mag das!
    Deine Fotos sind wieder toll. Die Pferde in der herrlichen Landschaft, was für eine Idylle und die Stockrosen vorm Haus ebenso.
    Für deinen Termin heute alles Gute, hoffentlich geht es deiner Hand bald wieder besser!
    lg Uli

  5. wow,ein fabelhaftes Bild,das leuchtet richtig,die farben sind sooo schööön.
    die Mauer ist sehr interresant gemacht, und deine Bilder heute sind wieder ganz herrlich.
    schönen tag,ich gehe heute schwimmen.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Wonderful artwork. I really love the digi gallery piece :)

    The first two photographs look like Constable paintings and the other photographs are stunning.

    Hope the news from the hospital was good and that you will soon be able to do the 'messy' crafting again.

    Love Chrissie x

  7. Wow, what a fabulous painting Valerie and you are certainly the star of the Gallery show! Good luck for today! Xx

  8. eine wunderbare Arbeit der Frauenakt und auch alles ander gefällt mir wieder richtig richtig gut!
    Pass auf Dich auf ♥♥♥

  9. Hi Valerie I hope your appointment went well today, I know the feeling when you can't do something to the full extend. I'm longing to get back to normal.
    I love what you done to the dictionary page/paper

  10. Hi Valerie, your painting is beautiful, love the vibrant colours. The digital art is also fun and your photos as always are gorgeous. I hope you get good news in that something can be done to relieve the pain in the thumb joints. Good luck with your appointment, Shirleyx

  11. I like your digital art! Lovely photos today too.

  12. Love the creative use of the digital art. Your pictures are wonderful too. Stopped on the two hollyhock photos. They are one of my old favorites. Haven't seen them for many years. Hope all goes well with the pain cure. Not funto say the least.

  13. The blue painting is gorgeous, love the yellow shading, liiks stunning. Love your piece and the subjects are so glamorous too! You are so clever no matter what media you are working in.

  14. Oh how I hope the specialist can help with some pain relief, Valerie. Your blue with a touch of yellow is gorgeous on your painting. It is great we have the tools to use items, scan them and reprint them on to other backgrounds. You do this so well.


  15. Awesome, gorgeous art pieces, Valerie. Love the colours you've used together.
    Great photos! The houses are so beautiful and flowers delightful on the walls.
    Hugs xxx

  16. Wow Valerie! This painting is super and the colours are fabulous. The digital piece is excellent, you did a great job with this images. Love love... your photos. Take care!
    Hugs, Mar

  17. Two fabulous pieces Valerie, the digital one looks great. I am sending you a mail.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Very beautiful and graceful art Valerie! I hope your thumb feels much better soon! Such lovely photos too, thanks for all you share,

  19. WOW die blau gelbe Kombi ist so toll, sehr ausdrucksstark und die Fotos sind auch wieder herzerwärmend.
    LG Anja

  20. Hi Valerie, Oh my goodness I hope your thumb heals promptly with the cast. I pray you are not in too much pain. Your blue and yellow creation is gorgeous. Two colors that compliment each other so well. Wonderful digital works too and the pop of yellow is the perfect finish!
    Lovely walking pics. I am just in love with all the window boxes filled with gorgeous blooms.
    Have a nice weekend.

  21. Your portrait gallery is so clever, that is good photo-editing.
    The horses photographs look like old paintings.
    The more I see of your neighbourhood, the more I like it with its beautifully kept buildings, country lanes and the river.

  22. I really like the soft look of the oil pastels--a reminder that I really should get my out and experiment, too! We "spoke" earlier...hope you get some relief soon!

  23. Great digital art Valerie. Love those horses and the beautiful colors of the home. Take care and thanks.

  24. You are so talented in everything you create. Wonderful digi art.

  25. Lovely figure on the blue! Wishing you good luck with your hand, and I am also very envious of all that scenery and horses to visit!

  26. Wunderschön! Dein Frauenakt ist großartig. Mir gefällt diese wunderbare Schlichtheit mit diesem Hintergrund und dem leuchtenden Blau und doch ist dieses Bild so ausdrucksstark!
    Auch gefällt dein bearbeitetes Foto sehr ... das ist Fotokunst!
    Wie schön, deine wunderbaren Fotos wieder zu sehen!
    Ein schönen Tag für dich!
    GLG, LonettA

  27. Great work on the digital front. These pieces are lovely. I am in a similar situation, myself with my thumb I still cannot bend it after about four months, I've had phisio but I am waiting for a cortisone injection. I, at least, can do my artwork now but struggled at first so I can sympothize with you completely. I hope you recover soon.

  28. Wonderful artwork and photos! Hope you find resolve for your fingers....

    Hugs Giggles

  29. your work is beautiful and you always take us on such wondeful walks!

  30. Lovely artwork! So sorry you're dealing with pain in your thumb joints. I suffer with osteoarthritis at the base of my thumb down near the can get very swollen and painful. It doesn't help that I also have carpal tunnel syndrome. You have my complete sympathy and I hope something can be done to help ease your pain. Btw, beautiful photos!

  31. I love your digital piece, as well as your painting. And those hose scene snapshots are great.

  32. Valerie, your painting in blue and yellow is really pretty. And looking at your photos takes me back to the several trips I made in earlier years to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Thank you for allowing me to use your hibiscus painting. I can't do it justice, but it was fun to use the photo as my inspiration.

  33. PS. I hope the hand doctor can give you some hope of relief. I have a pain at the base of my thumb that interferes with certain things I do. I think mine is computer related.

  34. Wonderful place, beautiful naked in blue! Beautiful photos!

  35. Love your digital art - hope the doctor can help your hand - I have some pain in the bottom of my hand that I have to see someone about - luckily it's my left hand.

  36. Both your digital compositions are phenomenal, and as usual, I thoroughly enjoyed my virtual walk along the Rhine with you. I hope everything went well in your doctor's appointment, and that you're soon back to getting your hands in paint. Blessings, my friend!

  37. I hope they are able to do something to help get your hands working properly. In the meantime, the digital work you're doing is great! Happy PPF!

  38. Hope you feeling better soon..... great digital work.

    I think I like the sculpture too.... it looks like church windows.

    Karen x

  39. What a marvelous tree! And horses and castles and such nice th7ngs where you live! And of c86rse wonderful art, computers allow one to do so much

  40. I am so sorry about your hand, how frustrating for such a creative soul... wonderful art work and photos, (I loved Faye's piece this week of one of your fab photos)

    1. Yes, it is frustrating with a plaster cast! I, too, loved Faye's painting!

  41. beautiful blue and yellow figure painting Valerie. Love your digital play-fun! And I always love a nice walk with you :) Hope you get your thumb pain resolved very soon. Happy weekend!

  42. I love your images - great collection.! Most of all I like the digital work with the nude - very expressive. Thanks for your visit:)

  43. your paintings are wonderful and i really enjoy the pictures of the area you live in. I hope all goes well with your doctor visit!

  44. Sorry about your hand hope it gets sorted quickly. Love your painting and the sculpture looks interesting.

  45. Here's hoping the appointment went well! Fantastic job revisiting your older work - the lines look wonderful in blue!

  46. Glorious, glorious pictures - loved them all! Love the red flowers against the blue shutters. I found the sculpture quite calming - harmonious might be the best word. The rock wall draws my eye and heart.
    The digital fun - is that you?? The smile looks so familiar -
    Honestly Valerie - I hope you get back to drawing - your really knock my socks off -- If I could draw like that!! You know all the old Masters copied each other - how many Ascension paintings have you seen? When I was studying art history it was always ------- after ------- or some other artist who took their inspiration from --------. I wish you would keep on drawing - not ever one can. My mind is growing old and I don't always remember that which I would like to but your art reminds me of Degas for some reason. A dancer getting ready for her big night. Can't wait to hear more about your thumb!
    Sandy xx

  47. Another comment disappeared into the air - I must be a jinx !

  48. Can you believe it? It just appeared as if from no where!!!!!

    1. Is the blogger jinx spooking around on my blog!?

  49. Hope your hand is feeling better very soon! Love,love,love your blue lady and the digital fun piece is very cool.

  50. Deine Zeichnung wie auch die digitale Spielerei sind toll. Multitalent :) Und dann die Fotos - erste Sahne.

  51. Your art work is great, the drawing beautiful. The photographs so beautiful!

  52. Wow! I love the "other worldly" feel in your woman painting! It is beautiful! And I love the photos of the landscape, tree and horses!! I would LOVE to paint from your photos - would you allow me to? They are magical! Happy PPF!

  53. Your blue and yellow reminds me of a poem Blue and Yellow, Catch a Fellow. I like the digital over the dictionary page. Your pictures show you live in a beautiful place. Blessings, Janet PPF


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