
Tuesday 10 June 2014

Triple Tuesday

Hi everybody,

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend, and that the weather has been kind to you.
Here it was hot, hot, hot, interspersed with cloudy intervals and thunder grumbling from time to time.

Today I have three challenges to share with you - Tag Tuesday, Try it on Tuesday, and MiFoc.

At Tag Tuesday our theme is 'The Fifties', which made me think of my childhood in London and school. The background of the tag is a school paper from Graphics 45, and here I have used both sides, as I couldn't make up my mind which one I liked best....
The photo, which has been matted with black card, shows me with my brother-in- law, a 'GI'. My sister was always determined to marry an American and move to the States, and that's just what she did. The picture was taken in 1954 when I was 7. She had lots of GI friends, and they always brought me candy, so I liked them a lot!

At Ty it on Tuesday our theme this fortnight is 'For the Boys', so we want to see your masculine creations. I have made an easel card with very masculine embellishments.

At MiFoc Manu has chosen the theme 'alltäglich', daily/every day for this week.
I have chosen a photo of the wonderful jam I made last week. I do not make jam or marmalade every day, but I do like to eat a spoonful every day, mixed into my yogurt. I never buy any, as I find the taste of the shop ones very disappointing. Here I am showing 2 sorts I made last week, rhubarb and ginger, and nectarine special. I have put ginger and spices in both sorts, and 'disinfected' them with liberal amounts of cognac, and they taste really wonderful. I am now looking forward to the blackberries ripening....

Today I saw that the hay is already in bales - it's very early this year.

I love these wildflowers I discovered:

And I always love to look up to the sky and watch the clouds:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hallo valerie,

    oooh dein tag ist soo zauberhaft und deine karte ist auch toll,hhmmmh yummy,lecker Marmelade hast du wieder gekocht,aber eine davon ist doch für mich,Oder??*lach*Liebe Rharbarber Ginger,yummy :-)
    tolle bilder hast du wider mit gebracht,ich liibe ja felder,am besten mit blumen darin,hab schon mal im strohbett geschlafen,besser habe ich noch niie geschlafen.
    muss nachher zum arzt und habe keine lust seufz,aber mit dem radel ist das schnell gemacht.
    schönen tag dir noch :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  2. Handsome brother in law he was! Lovely work and your jams look lovely, I've never made jam.

  3. Good Morning Valerie. Great memories. I love that male card too. Even your lovely jam brought back memories as rhubarb and ginger was a favourite just after the war as fruit was scarce. Lovely pictures and aren't these pink flowers amazing. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Love your tag, you seem to have had a taste for handsome men at an early age! The jam looks wonderful! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Ein wunderbarer post heute morgen Valerie!

    Ich liebe das Foto von Dir und Deinem GI Schwager... ( meine Mama schwärmte auch so von den GI's .. sie wurde 1945 geboren und lebte in Wien in der amerikanischen Zone.. sie hat immer geschwärmt wie gut und freundlich sie die GIs in Erinnerung hatte)
    diese Werke heute sind wieder wunderschön und meisterlich gemacht und Deine Marmeladen... oh nein -führe mich nicht in Versuchung..ich stell mir grad ne Buttersemmel mit so einem Aufstrich zu einer Tasse Milchkaffee vor...... hmmm ( hab noch nichts gefrühstückt)
    die Fotos von der Natur sind wieder mal super!

    Sei lieb gegrüßt und hab einen schönen Dienstag!

  6. Love your tag... the photo is fabulous matched with those Graphic 45 papers...your male card is fantastic... Great design... Now on to my stomach!!!! those jams looks so yummy... Beautiful pics of the countryside...Have a happy week... Hugs May x x

  7. Wonderful post Valerie. Just love the tag and the marvelous photograph of you and your BIL.

    Great man's card--not an easy subject to make I find.

    The jam looks amazing-never thought of making jam from nectarines and they have some slightly damaged on a market stall in town--I bet they would do for jam.

    Wow to the photographs today. Our crops are hardly growing yet and there are yours turning golden. It all looks very summery

    Have a beautiful day--we are off for a bus ride and long beach walk-hope it isn't too hot--we should be so lucky lol

    Love Chrissie x

  8. Fab makes, great photo of you and the easel looks brilliant! Can't believe how far on nature seems to be where you are!We have had some good weather now, but are still way behind! Loving the sky photos specially

  9. Ha, ha, no wonder your jam doesn't taste like shop bought - it's the addition of the liberal quantity of cognac! I bet it's really yum! A great masculine card and love your family photo. Have a nice day! Xx

  10. A beautiful tag with a lovely image and a fabulous easel card - the jam looks yummy.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Oh ja, Marmelade! Die muß bei mir täglich aufs Brot und ich wollte dieses Jahr auch endlich mal eigene machen. Das Tag ist wundervoll, so schöne fröhliche Farben und dann diese persönliche Note mit dem Foto, einfach schön. Genauso wie Deine Landschaftsfotos.
    Hoffentlich seid Ihr bisher von Unwettern verschont geblieben. Hier hat's gestern Abend zwar ziemlich gestürmt, aber es hat noch nichtmal geregnet. Ich hoffe, daß heute ein bißchen Regen hier hin kommt.
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  12. Yummy Jam, now why do I live so far away when I could be calling for a taste of those delicious flavours. Fabulous projects and a real handsome guy, Loved the super male card as well.
    Yvonne xx

  13. Valerie, that is just the cutest photo of you! The little girl skipping rope on the background continues the joyous look. Disinfecting with cognac? I may just start making jams, LOL!

  14. Lovely projects the photo on your tag!

  15. This tag looks fabulous with your very handsome brother in law and the cute and small Valerie, I like the Graphics45 papers. Your men creation is really amazing with great masculine embellishments. And I love the photo of jam.
    Hugs, Mar

  16. Love the mustache! very pretty photos.
    Hugz, Z

  17. What a treat you have given us today! The photo of your sister is very special and the masculine card a delight but the best of all is your home made jams. Not many make home made jams and canned fruit and it always tastes so much better. Photos of yours made my mouth water. The photos got me off to a bright sunny day.


  18. Hhmm, Rhabarber-Ginger - liebe ich besonders! In meinem früheren Leben mit Garten war ich in dieser Hinsicht auch mal kreativ und denke gerne daran zurück. Das Schönste ist doch immer, die fertigen Gläser vor sich stehen zu haben und zu beschriften.

    Dein buntes Tag mit dem alten Foto ist doch eine wunderbare Erinnerung an schöne Kinderzeiten!

    ...und wieder tolle Fotos, ja, wie aus dem Hochsommer!
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  19. Lovely tag with your handsome brother in law, you were so cute there! Love the masculine card with the great lay out and your jam is making my mouth water! big hugs, ~Diane

    1. Hey, what do you mean, I was cute there? I still am!

  20. Oh my, you had me on that JAM. Looks delish. What a great picture and yes you are still cute. Love what you did with it.

  21. Love the tags Valerie, but oooh the jams look gorgeous. Hugs Annette x

  22. Love your masculine card, great idea to use the easel card design, hugs Bee

  23. Hi Valerie, What wonderful memories and aren't you the cutest little girl. What a great pic with your BIL.
    Love your tag and the masculine card. You creations are always so fun and interesting.
    Lovely walking pics too.
    Enjoy the day!

  24. HI Valerie, I Love this masculine card, great tag and the 'tash' looks fabulous.
    Great pic of you and your GI Brother in Law and a lovely way to use it.
    Love the pics from your walk, - and what a difference a day makes, saw the ones after the storm -must have been very frightening. Stay safe.
    Avril xx

  25. Fun visit with you first thing this morning Valerie.
    My Mutti married an American GI and I was born in Munich before she came to the states for the first time. Your card is very sweet and your tag card is fun too.
    The photo of your jams makes my mouth water and blackberry soon too...ummm good!
    Now I am hungry for breakfast...thank you very much ;-)

  26. Hi Valerie - Love your easel card - the embellies are fantastic! Nikki

  27. Ich hinke mal wieder mit meinen Kommentaren hinterher. .... Dein Tag mit dem alten Foto gefällt mir super gut - eine schöne Erinnerung. Die Herrenkarte ist ein Knaller - total klasse.

  28. What a great blog post with so much to look at! Love the history you tell us about your tag. Your card is fun and beautiful, i admire your work because i find difficult to make this type of card. Your jams must be gorgeous, the idea of adding some cognac is excellent, i'll remember it for my next jams! Thanks for sharing, hugs!

  29. Traumhafte Karte und Tag - und bei deiner Marmelade läuft mir das Wasser im Mund zusammen ;o)

  30. Beautiful pictures before a storm! Homemade is always best but a heavy dose of Cognac makes the world a happier place indeed! One would never guess that a huge storm was getting ready to play havoc. By the way - your storm pictures are wonderful!
    Sandy xx


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