
Saturday 21 June 2014

This and That again

Hi everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Today I am showing a tag I made as one of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz, and which I don't really like - but the month is nearly over so I have to show it!
The tag has been painted with green and gold acrylics, and I added the diamonds using a stencil and gold structure paste. The image is from the musical jewel it sheet, and has been fussy cut. I use a rub-on rose and a bow as embellishments, and put some green stickles round the edges.
(Material List: 6" tag, acrylic paints, rub-on, Stickles, bow)

 One of my dear readers recently asked me why I never show photos of myself. Well, firstly, I have often shown photos, although admittedly some of them are 40, 50 or 60 years old, and secondly, I think the landscapes and flowers I take pictures of are prettier. So here I am  treating you to a digitally altered Selfie taken a week or so back - enjoy!
 The horses are sensible and like to keep in the shade:

And hollyhocks and hydrangeas are springing up on every street corner just now - lovely!

Sorry, still can't write much, my thumb is still very sore!
Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your tag is different to your usual ones,, but I still like it! Love your photos, and the flowers are beautiful, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Love your tag Valerie. Sorry to hear about your thumb giving you bother. I know how painful that can be. I have a steel pin in my right thumb. I love your selfish, it's such a privilege to grow old and I really don't care about lines or wrinkles. As always you pictures are stunning and the colours of those flowers are glorious. Take Care. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Sorry Val, I meant to write Selfie. X

  4. Sorry about your thumbs! Beautiful tags and love those hollyhocks! Nice to see your photo.

  5. Your tag is lovely Valerie and so colourful as are your selfies, so brave of you to take the pic too (I'm too camera shy - tee hee)
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  6. Lovely tag creation ~ very creative and wonderful series of photos ~ love the smart horses in the shade ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Funny how other people see you work differently to yourself. I really like your tag, the contrasting colours and textures. Lovely photos as always and a great selfie. Hope you thumb is better soon, xx

  8. Loved how you digitally altered your selfie, I don't like having photos taken either. Its a super tag and the photos are as uplifting as usual.
    hope the thumb is improving.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Great tag with a lovely rose, Valerie. I love your digital photos and I like the other photos too, the first one is very special. So sorry to hear about your thumb.
    Hugs, Mar

  10. Beautiful art...magical and inspiring..and such gorgeous blooms..very uplifting...stunning photos!!
    Happy wkd dear kindred!

  11. Well done with the Andy Walhol treatment of your photograph it certainly shows lot of character.

    More hollyhocks -Hooray :0) and a beautiful hydrangea as well. The horses are so sensible grazing in the shade it all looks so wonderful.

    Love the tag with the wonderful texture.

    Sorry your thumb is still causing pain and stopping you writing as you would like to. Hope that improves soon

    Love Chrissie x

  12. Great looking tag and I loved your colourful selfies! The other photos look great too of course. Hope that thumb gets better soon,,,,,

  13. Blooming beautiful (and that includes you too!) and I hope your Tom Thumb gets better soon! Xx

  14. Your tag is different somehow - think it's the colours more than anything. Like it! Lovely photographs - I'm i love with hollyhocks - none here that I know of. Your selfie and the way you produced it is splendid. hugs, Donna

  15. Fabulous tag Love the image & texture... Fabulous colourful selfie's...Beautiful pics of the flowers too..I hope your thumb gets better soon....Hugs May x x

  16. Your tag is gorgeous, love the selfies they are beautiful and the hollyhocks are divine...take care of yourself and that thumb...luv aussie aNNIe xxxx
    The Journey is the Start

  17. Love your selfies...ala Andy Warhol! The scenery is gorgeous as always, though we can rival that with spring/summer in Victoria :) Hugs,

  18. Whether it is art, photography or self portraits altered on the computer, you rate right at the top, Valerie. It is a treat to come here every morning and be inspired and view your gorgeous photos.


  19. I am grinning ear to ear - Hey Valerie -- I think you are much more approachable and likeable than the lady on your tag could ever be!! Slowly I get things done but slowly. I cannot stay away from your blog!!!!! Your flower pictures are wonderful.
    Sandy xx

  20. Thanks for sharing your selfie, now I can picture you better when I follow your journey. Those hollyhocks are amazing, and I am so excited because we will have so much sun I can now grow some...going to work in the yard in Maine later, when the sun is not so hot. xox

  21. Ein nettes Tag und Du im Andy Wahrhol Stil..klasse..auch die anderen Fotos!
    lg Susi

  22. Your selfie is nice. Sorry about your Owie.

    Beautiful pictures. I am relaxing here so decided to snag you blog and enjoy your pictures and all.

  23. Da hast du wieder tolle Blumenfotos mitgebracht, herrlich. Diese digital veränderten Fotos mag ich auch gerne :)

  24. Beautiful tags and glittery bits, and horses and boats. Wow, you pack a lot into your posts :) I love the digitally altered photo's. What programme did you use Valerie?
    The Hollyhocks are stunning!! Wishing less pain in the week ahead :o) Hugs x

  25. Hi Valerie, Love your gorgeous tag and the flowers on your walk are beyond gorgeous. I love seeing your altered with color selfie pic. You are beautiful and very colorful.
    Sure hope your thumb gets better.
    Have a great day.

  26. Beautiful tag Valerie and I love your colorful selfie, its just as colorful as you are! Big hugs, ~Diane

  27. How did I miss this? Love your four selfies, you are an attractive woman, I think you look best in red, it's so good to see you. Your flower portraits today are special too.

    1. I don't know how you missed it! I like the red oe best, too, perhaps because I used to have red hair!

  28. I like the green and the gold combo Valerie :)
    Nice selfie
    Von ♥


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