
Sunday 15 June 2014

Feathers, birds and doors

Hi Everybody!
The weekend is nearly over, time is flying by as always.

I have made a little black and white tag for the challenge at SoArtful, where the theme this month is black and white.  Yesterday I found a beautiful magpie feather when I was out, and that inspired my tag.  Magpies  always look as if they are dressed for a celebration with their beautiful feathers.  The magpie stamp is from LaBlanche. I made 2 mats, from black card and from black and white star-print DP. I am also linking to Moo Mania and more, feathers.

Today we had to vote for a new mayor, so I walked through town to get to the school. Here are some photos from some of my fave places:

Manu's theme at Mifoc this week is 'door', so I made a collage of a few of he beautiful doors I have photographed in the past months, here and in Linz, another beautiful little town on the Rhine.

That's all for today! Have a great day, take care, 
thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. I love the black and white card with the feather, and the photos are lovely. Love the door collage, what a gorgeous collection! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Gorgeous tag Valerie and the black and white is so striking. Love the pics and your collage too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Die Feder ist ja schön und klasse das du sie so toll verarbeitet hast!!!!
    Super schön ist es bei euch und die Türen für MiFoc sind genau mein Thema denn ich liebe es Türen zu fotografieren und habe eine ganze Sammlung :-). Komm gut in die' neue Woche, liebe Grüße, Dagmar

    1. Ja, ich muss zugeben, dass ich auch sehr viele Türen fotografiert habe!

  4. Super magpie tag, what a very fine magpie with his crown, and I like the double mat effect. Thanks for coming along to Soartful and sharing your Black and white tag.
    I always like your architectural photos, the buildings there look so clean, well-maintained and colourful.
    And that's a really good collection of doors.

  5. smashing black and white tag and love the collage of photos. Hugs Annette x

  6. I love your tag Valerie, very elegant looking. We have quite a few magpies that come into the garden, and I always say 'good morning' lol. Your town looks like it's had a Spring clean, so neat and tidy, you would never guess what a storm it has just been through xx

  7. What a fantastic post Valerie. To start with your tag is so stunning, especially the black & White. Then on to the pictures of the beautiful villages around the Rhine. Everything looks so well looked after and makes for pretty places to visit. It is no wonder you love your walks so much. Hugs Rita xxxx

  8. Great tag. Love the feather - am always picking them up. Nice walk with you through town too. Hope you get a good Mayor. The door collage is gorgeous - also have a 'thing' for beautiful doors. hugs, Donna

  9. Really love this tag, Valerie. Black and white is so elegant and love magpie's eye and I also like the cute feather. I like Mifoc's theme and your collection of doors are amazing.
    Hugs, Mar

  10. Ein schönes Werk, für mich ist schwarz-weiß immer eine schwere Kombi.

  11. Very striking tag Valerie, and very elegant. Does the mayor have an important role in the town? In my home town the mayor was always just a figure head.
    Have a lovelynweek ahead :-D (( hugs)) x

  12. What a gorgeous feather and feather inspired artwork! I love it! Beautiful pictures too, your town is so picturesque!

  13. Valerie, I just love your birdie tag and of course his crown! Great touch with the feathers. Love the photos as well! Hugs!

  14. lovely tag and beautiful door collage! Hope the best man won for mayor!

  15. Eine himmlisch schönes Tag mit dieser Elsterfeder und Deine Fotocollage ist wunderschön mit all den tollen Toren - nicht zu vergessen die schönen Stadt- und Umgebungsimpressionen, die Du wieder eingefangen hast!
    Eine schöne Woche liebe Valerie und vielen lieben Dank im Namen von MOO MANIA & MORE Challenge für's Teilen Deines prachtvollen Tags mit uns!

  16. Great uses of the feather your found Valerie--they are a proud looking bird and the crown showed that. We have lots of them come to visit our front garden and their feathers shine all sorts of colours in sunlight.

    Great photographs of the town and a wonderful doors collage.

    Love Chrissie x

  17. One for sorrow, two for joy ..... super magpie tag Valerie and what a pretty town you live in. Have a happy Monday! Xx

  18. Eine schöne Mischung aus ganz unterschiedlichen Türen, die du zeigst! Die Stern-Tür in dem hellen Türkis ist ja wunderbar!
    ... und auch die schöne Feder hast du ins richtige Licht gesetzt.
    LG Ulrike

  19. ein tolles werk,ich finde schwarz weiß kombis immer sehr schwer.
    deine türen sind alle ganz klasse,ich mag auch türen total gern,besonders die antiken aus alter zeit.
    wünsch dir eine guten wochenbeginn :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  20. Fabulous make, love the stamps you used, the feather looks amazing! Love all the photographs too, the architectural detail is stunning!

  21. A striking black and white tag, great found feather. loved the doors collage as well.

  22. Das Tag ist so wunderbar! Das Vogelmotiv gefällt mir richtig gut.
    Sieht ruhig und beschaulich bei Euch aus, sehr schöne Fotos. Und eine so grandiose Türencollage - super!
    Vielen Dank für's Mitmachen, Manuela

  23. The feather was a great find and looks perfect on your black and white tag! Loved seeing some of the town and the collage of doors!

  24. A refreshing appearance of your black and white card, Valerie. You always use such beautiful colours that this was a complete reversal for you and it looks magnificent. Thanks for the photos of your town; you must have been out early as no people in your shots. Gorgeous buildings and I enjoyed viewing each one.


  25. I don't think I've seen a magpie close up! And you have a feather! What fun! I love your art.

    1. We have a lot of magpies here, they are very cheeky and loud! They come and empty my bird feeders!

  26. Hi Valerie, I love back and white and your tag is just gorgeous. So rich and elegant. The magpie feather is beautiful. Love the pics of your town. So many interesting buildings with character and charm.
    You always capture the best photos.

  27. Love your beautiful black and white Magpie, stunning with the crown and pearls. Beautiful and so very interesting collage of doors too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  28. sensationelles türenmosaik! überhaupt schauts in deiner stadt sehr schön aus! tolle fotos.

  29. Super Magpie piece you created Valerie
    Your door collage is fabulous too!
    Hope you got the mayor you voted for :-)

  30. Your moo card is beautiful, i looooove art work in black and white, so elegant!! Your collage is gorgeous, such beautiful doors!! Thanks for sharing!! Hugs!

  31. I have always liked black and white and the use of real feathers! But I drool over your pictures. Everything looks so clean and inviting. Your door collage is particularly inviting.
    Sandy xx

  32. Klasse Tag! Ich liebe schwarz-weiß sowieso. Toll, dass sich die Feder so nahtlos einfügt. Die "freischwebende" Krone gefällt mir auch sehr.
    Die Fotos machen gleich Lust rauszugehen und die Türencollage ist ein Traum!


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