
Wednesday 18 June 2014

Colours and tastes of summer

Hi everybody!

Hope you have all had a good day. We had nice weather here, not hot, not cold, with sun and some clouds - I enjoyed walking along the Rhine, seeing and smelling the flowers, and throwing stones from the 'beach' into the water.

At SOC the colours this week are teal, coral and a splash of white. My piece is for SOC and Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin. I started off with an ad from a magazine, which I traced. I scanned the trace into the computer, and printed it out onto a printed page from an old school dictionary. I used Water colours to do a colour wash on the background. I used Portfolio oil pastels to draw the lines and add the shading. Where I wanted the colour thinner, I used a wet brush to take the colour directly from the crayons. This was a fun way to work, and using a good outline is a great way of learning to draw better. The sentiment is in German, and means " 'Just living is not enough', said the butterfly Sunshine - 'one needs freedom and a little flower, too.'" I was inspired to use this quote because today I saw that a lot of the meadows along the Rhine have been mowed to make hay, and I saw the butterflies flying around looking for the flowers.
I am also linking to Simon's Monday challenge, anything goes.

And here some edible art.
I made a batch of very special apricot jam yesterday. One jar has already gone to a neighbour. Instead of using cognac to 'disinfect' the fruits, I added a jar of rum raisins that I discovered in my store cupboard, and the usual mix of spices and chopped ginger. The result is a jam that is too delicious, it will have a short shelf life and  probably belongs to a species threatened by extinction....

Some impressions from along the Rhine:

And the meadows where the butterflies were looking for their flowers....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. Super technique, must try it out myself. thanks for explaining how you achieved the look.

  2. Love your red haired blue lady, wow! Great photos, too! Goodnight, hugs, Sarah

  3. Your SOC piece is just great, and I learned something about how to use the oil pastels that I bought and have been sitting in my art closet! I'm sure that very special jam will be gone long before you have to worry about it spoiling! Gorgeous flowers--you know how I love purple!!
    Have a good night's sleep!

  4. Good technique Valerie and love your use of the colours. Thank you for sharing those fab photos. Hugs Annette x

  5. Fabulous pages Valerie. Beautiful pictures too. Hugs Rita xxx

  6. Great tags - very different. I'll be over for some jam - we can pack a picnic and take it on the walk. hugs, Donna

  7. Love the impressions from the Rhine and ah do love that jam. Love the way you used this weeks colors. Beautifully done.

  8. Wow she is beautiful!!! I love the photos too.

  9. SRUNNING, love the quote and reading it made my day, how true, Your jam looks delish..
    The Journey is the Start

  10. Forgot to mention the photos are so inviting, pretty flowers too...
    The Journey is the Start

  11. Love using Portfolio Pastels, they are amazing to use and give such wonderful results. Fantastic lady, love the fantastic red lips and a lovely sentiment :-) xxx

  12. She is gorgeous. Her eyes say a million words.

  13. your jam looks and sounds so delicious! And what a beautiful piece for SOC and PPF! Lovely photos too.

  14. Your blue lady is magic, Valerie. I love especially her fabulous eyes.
    Jam looks - and I'm sure taste good.
    Thank you again for lovely photos. The flower are very beautiful.
    Have a happy day! xxx

  15. Love your blue one, and those eyes are so real. Lovely photos from alongside the Rhine too.

  16. deine blue lady sieht sehr stolz und erhaben aus,gefällt mir sehr gut.
    schöne bilder hast du wieder für uns,klasse.
    schönen tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  17. wunderschön ist das geworden Valerie.. mich hätte interessiert wie der Zeitungsausschnitt war, den Du ursprünglich gescannt hast ... scheinst da ja extrem raffiniert gearbeite zu haben ....
    so extrem raffiniert, wie Deine Marillenmarmeladen scheinst auch sind!
    Du Künstlerseele in allen Bereichen...
    so tolle Fotos auch wieder heute!

    Knuddle Dich!
    Hab einen schönen Tag!

  18. Wow das ist ja klasse!!!!!! Absolut ausdrucksstark die Lady - gefällt mir sehr! Danke auch für die tollen Fotos - ich muss gleich nach Braunschweig einiges eredigeund hoffe euch einige schöne Eindrücke mitbringen zu können. Dir einen schönen Tag und liebe Grüße, Dagmar.

  19. Very striking Valerie at first I thought you had use wool for the hair :)
    Take care Von ♥

  20. Love your gal with her flowng hair. Great eyes...apricot jam with some serious spice. What's not to love in those jars. xox

  21. Wow Valerie, your painting is just stunning and as for your rum & raisin apricot jam, I am drooooling!! Xx

  22. Wow. This beauty jumped out of the SSS gallery at me! So nice to meet you. Where along the Rhine are you walking (lovely photos and great post BTW)? I don't recognize the bridge in the background. I walk the Rhine in Nierstein ;)

  23. Oh, die Seite ist eine Augenweide, liebe Valerie! Und Deine selbstgemachte Marmelade sieht richtig lecker aus.....schmeckt bestimmt super!
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne restliche Woche und ein schönes WE.

  24. Wow! She is so mysterious. Lovely photos. I hope the hay is to be used for feed and the meadow wasn't mowed down just because someone thought it a good idea. Thanks for coming my way :)

    1. The hay is used for the horses, there are a lot living around here!

  25. Very clever technique which produced stunning results. The shading is perfect making the eyes pop. I love this piece of art! The photos are always an added plus and I appreciate your sharing not only your talent for art but your talent for taking beautiful photographs.


  26. Hi Valerie, your pages are amazing and such wonderful use of the colors you were given to work with this week and you always do incredible work.
    Your jars of special jam look so delicious. Nothing better then jam on toast or crumpets. Lovely walking pics today too.

  27. Wow Valerie, the girl is awesome and these eyes seem to be real and also love the beautiful blues colours. Apricot jam is my favorite! Lovely photos,I especially like the blue flower.
    Hugs, Mar

  28. Absolutely fabulous Valerie, I love her and your jam looks yummy.
    xxx Hazel.

  29. Fabulous painting!!! Thanks for the photos, too - very enjoyable to see your part of the world.

  30. Just popped back to show Vic your delicious Jam and photographs and see that my comment never got as far as your blog. :( It did come up with a very strange message when I pressed send but I ignored it and hoped for he best :)

    Love your piece of artwork and the wonderful hair.

    Jam is amazing and would cost about £50 a jar in Fortnum and Masons.

    Wonderful photographs of the world around you and nature's wonders.

    Hope your day has gone well-I seem to have been on the phone half of the day trying to find an electrician as we are having problems with our lights.

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Now, it would be good if F&M would buy some jars from me!

  31. I love her lush looking lips and cool hair :-)

  32. Your SOC piece is just fabulous, Valerie, and it was so interesting to read how you made it.
    Your flower pictures are lovely and fresh, I especially like the blue one.
    Poor butterflies looking for their flowers, we once saw the same thing in a field where one day it was thronged by birds and the next there were none. Hopefully everyone found flowers somewhere else.

    1. Yes, it must be strange for them when their 'world' disappears!

  33. such a beauty she is!
    love the simplicity of the line of her hair, yet brilliant with the colors.
    yum to those canned goods!

  34. Wow, this is a wonderful post. She is SO pretty. I love the colors and technique! The jam looks yummy too. And the pictures of your world are beautiful. It's so nice to see pictures from other areas of the world. Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  35. Wow, she has the most beautiful eyes. A fabulous page.
    How long is your queue to taste the jam it look delicious..
    Yvonne xx

  36. Deine Seite ist der Knaller. Das Blau mit dem Rot der absolute Hit, gefällt mir megagut. Beim Anblick der Marmelade läuft mir glatt das Wasser im Mund zusammen. Yummy....
    Danke auch für die tollen Fotos - ich sollte meine Digicam auch mal wieder bemühen.

  37. Beautifully done and cleverly designed, love it xx

  38. Really like the piece - and your description of how you got there....I always forget about scanning and printing onto a printed page and I love the look. You did such a nice job with the colors - so simple and so complex all at once - Nice!

  39. Gosh, I don't know where to start! You are so talented and creative and full of fabulous ideas. Your lady face is stunning! And I appreciate your method description as always.
    The jam looks extremely delicious. I giggled at the thought of it belonging to an extinct species lol.
    The flowers are pretty, especially that pale blue one. Is it a type of cornflower Valerie?
    Such a shame the farmers couldn't leave parts of the fields unmown for the insects.
    Enjoy a lovely weekend :o) x

  40. This is jaw dropping stunning. And to think it started with a magazine image. Your art simply blows me away. Awesome.

  41. Wow this is absolutely stunning! Your colours are divine and bright - the quote is wonderful. I also enjoyed your beautiful photos.

  42. Valerie this piece is fantastic, the red so great against the blue, so arty! I love those red tendrils of hair, a beautiful lady, you used the colours in a fabulous way!

  43. I always look forward to your posts Valerie they combine fabulous photography and great art work, I particularly like your flower photographs, that thistle is beautiful.

  44. Nice picture, very beautiful and charming look, wonderful lines!

  45. Love your journalpage, and the technique sounds very interesting. And it goes reallly well with the SOC-colours!

  46. Toll ist das Bild mit dem Frauengesicht geworden! Die Farben passen so perfekt dafür! Und die roten Haarsträhnen sehen phantastisch aus. Und die Fotos vom Rhein, die haben es mir natürlich auch wieder angetan. So eine schöne Landschaft. Die beiden letzten Fotos wecken richtig Fernweh bzw. Heimweh. LG Stefanie

  47. Oh, that blue is so beautiful, it's like never ending sky!

  48. I often think our weather here in British Columbia mirrors your weather. We seem to have similar weeks!! Love this wonderful soc....just so cool... Great photos too...and the artful jam is such a treat!!

    Hugs Giggles

  49. Beautiful job you did with this week's SOC colours. Tracing is a good way to practice, and I like the loose, bold waves you added for her hair. Great photos too, it's always nice to walk along a river. I used to work right next to the Rhine for a few years, although I didn't have much time for walking along the river then.

  50. Valerie, what a pleasure to visit your blog today! I love the gorgeous lady and was fascinated by your description of how you did that. Even tracing, I don't think I could make such a beautiful face. Your photos of the Rhine area bring back such happy memories of past trips to your area.

  51. Valerie, what an eye catching lovely face! Love those red lips and splashes of red in her hair! Gorgeous! Enjoy your apricot jam that looks so delicious! The walk today was so beautiful and refreshing. Happy Weekend!

  52. Great and unique work!!

    Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!

    I wish you a happy Paint Party Friday!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  53. Love this portrait that you've done. The red hair and lips contrast with the blue background really well and the face is just beautiful! great work!!

  54. you are so creative in many ways Valerie! Your lady is just awesome! Nothing like homemade jam, and your photos are beautiful.

  55. I like your process in learning to paint better. It seems like fun and is colorful too. As always I so love your photos along the Rhine. The skies look very blue this week!

  56. Love what you did with coral and teal Valerie, Mmmm...and your jam looks yummy.:) Jan x

  57. that jam looks beyond delicious... I make apricot and almond but would never had thought to add rum raisins... i have made a note to do it next time... fabulous painting as well... an exceptional drawing...xx

  58. Your SOC piece is wonderful - love the process you used and the end result is terrific. It is much hotter in South Carolina than in Germany - that's the way it is - but I like the hot weather. At night it has been warm but with a light breeze. Your photos are lovely. I look forward to my "tour" on Friday.

  59. Amazing SOC2 drawing, love the book page backing too. BJ

  60. Gorgeous page, Valerie - so dramatic! And such expression in her eyes. Love it!

  61. Love your SOC piece!!! Your art is always so good and I look forward to seeing it every week :) I also look forward to the amazing photos you share.... it's like a vacation trip without ever leaving the house ♥

  62. Your whole post is delightful - beautiful make - you are so original in you art methods. The jam looks fantastic too - yum! All the pictures are really gorgeous!!.
    Sandy xx

  63. Beautiful sketch and colors!! love it!!

  64. Beautiful!!! Her eyes are so the strands on her face. Nice quote too :)
    Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment...

  65. Hi, Valerie, this is such a beautiful creation. Love the fabulous color scheme and the great image. Thank you you so much for sharing with us your great project and all the lovely photos at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  66. Your work of art is absolutely gorgeous and so creative, Valerie! I just love her so much!!! And all of your wonderful photos, too!

  67. Beautiful blue lady, love her eyes!Your jam looks as good as it sounds, sure it won't last long! Beautiful walk today too. ~Diane


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