
Sunday 1 June 2014


Hi everybody!

We had another sunny day here, for which I am thankful. I always go out walking, whatever the weather, but it is definitely more pleasant when the sun is shining....

Today's tag is one of my DT pieces for Gecko Galz for June. I had a lot of problems, as my printer decided never to work again just after I started printing the items I needed. I now have a 'new' second-hand printer, which was an enormous bargain at 15€ including cartridges, so am back in business again!
But for these pieces I had to make do with the few things already printed and some older images.

I have used an 8" tag, onto which I glued the masked beauty paper from the carnival paper pack, which is full of wonderful designs, which can be printed out at any size. The leopard is from my stash, and the steam punk lady is a Digi stamp from GG. The text was written using a stencil, and outlined with pink gel-pen, as were the figures.  I fixed the tag onto a slightly larger one cut from black cardstock, and put a  metal eyelet through them both, fixing some recycled clock hands under it.
(Material list: tags, images, BG paper, metal eyelet, clock hands gel-pens)

The new MiFoc challenge at Manus Mikrokosmos, which starts tomorrow,  is 'Colourful', and I found some nice graffiti on my walk today which fit this challenge very well.

And here are some more pictures from my walk today:

I just love this house with the red geraniums:

And Saint Swidbert looks freshly painted:

Here's wishing you all a good start in the new week!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your tag is beautiful, good for you getting it done in spite of your broken printer. Love the photos, too, and even the graffiti are something special. Have a good new week! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great tag Valerie. Love that you mixed elements to create the design for your tag. The outlining is a great idea to make the objects pop. I need to remember to try this in the future!

  3. love your style and always love your photos!

  4. Sorry I haven't managed to visit for several days now.
    Creative use of the GG image - in fact, quite brilliant.

  5. Colourful indeed Valerie! Lovely tag, your leopard stamp is one of my favourites. We've had great weather this weekend but forecast for rain tomorrow! Ah well, good for the plants! Xx

  6. I love your tag design and the leopard looks genial.
    I like the nice photos from your walk and the graffiti are very creative.
    Hugs, Mar

  7. beautiful tag and interesting graffiti. So glad you found a 'new' printer.

  8. Love how your elements came together even if it wasn't as you had intended. A great design. Glad you got your printer sorted, what a bargain and lovely photos of your walk. Have a great week xxx

  9. Most of the photographs you take would pass for the colourful challenge--love the graffiti you found-great graffiti artists you have in your area.:)

    Love the tag and so pleased that you got your bargain printer.

    Love Chrissie x

  10. No. 1 tag. Adore the bright colours and design. Graffiti artists are very good are they not? Nice pics from your walk. Take care - printer was a coup! hugs, Donna

  11. That's a super tag with that marvellous background paper and I do like your graffiti "Colourful".
    Great outdoor photos too, all of them are lovely.

  12. Great tag! The colors are so vibrant & I like the look of the figures outlined in pink! When I see graffiti I am always amazed at the talent and hope that later in life it will not be wasted.

  13. Ein tolles Tag und super Fotos Valerie! Schöne neue Woche!

  14. Hi Valerie, Love your eye to eye tag. Great colors and cheerful. When I see graffiti I am always amazed at the wonderful talent. I am in love with those flower boxes filled with geraniums. Great walking pics.

  15. Gorgeous tag, very clever images too. Great graffiti artist (sure that was not you, lol?) Big hugs, ~Diane

  16. Lions, tigers and leopards - you do love the big cats and so do I. So I settle for my two indoor cats and my wild little guy who comes around everyday for a visit. That lady looks up to the challenge of looking at the leopard eye to eye. Looks to me as if this guy has met his match. You know that this can be pretty, that it can be gorgeous and the whole thing fantastic but what I really do like to look for in your makes is your vision. Of course your colors have always been smashing.
    Sorry about your printer - sounds like you found a good deal and hope it works well -- unfortunately the older we get the more we creak and groan and body parts here and there might break or just fall off! But nothing daunts our spirit!!!!
    Amazing graffiti - you know I always love your pictures. Guess what!?! I went on a walk yesterday. Well here I go rambling again but it is almost as if we are having a coffee together.
    Sandy xx

    1. I love your rambles! Well done on the walk!

  17. Hi Valerie I hope you are well missed your presence at Paper Saturdays and just came to check that you are OK. Lovely photos and wished I dared to get the paint out on some walls ;)

  18. Fab artwork Valerie and lovely colourful graffiti too. I have to say your steampunk lady is very brave being eye to eye with a big cat!
    Have a great week yourself and thanks for your good wishes. Back not so painful today.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  19. Ein klasse Tag!!! Auch deine Graffiti-Fotos sind mega-cool! Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  20. Gorgeous tag, I adore the images & fabulous background...Loved the Graffiti very talented artists..your walk today looks so beautiful...Have a happy week... Hugs May x x

  21. I love your tag Valerie, especially your leopard. You saw some fab graffiti out on your travels xx

  22. Stunning tag Valerie, love what you did with the background, really makes the foreground images pop!

    Love your graffiti finds too and the other photos of course like always!

  23. Fabulous tag, love the big cat, looks like its ready to pounce. Super photos and thats FAB graffiti.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Du hast ja wohl das Glück, in einer ganz wunderbaren Gegend zu wohnen - so viele schöne Fotomotive! Diese Street-Art Sprays sind großartig, wow! Bin ich ein großen Fan davon....
    In meiner langweiligen Stadt gibt es so etwas nicht, leider.
    ... und dein neues Tag ist auch wunderschön, tolle Farben!
    LG Ulrike

  25. Another fun tag from the Tag Queen. They always make me smile and this one did too. Printers. . .I just hate it when our tools fail right in the middle of a project. So happy you were able to find a replacement at a reasonable cost. Graffiti, oh no, I had no idea you have it too. Here they eliminate it as soon as it appears and it can get costly. Beautiful photos and the one of the boat is so colorful.

  26. Do you have a new background - I love those phone boxes!

    1. The phone boxes are having a summer holiday!

  27. A fabulous tag my friend. I LOVE the wonderful colors. And talking about color. The graffiti photos are so colorful. Great photos once again.


  28. Du bringst immer soviel in einem Post unter, da weiß man gar nicht wo man anfangen soll. Die bunten Graffitis sind ein richtiger Hingucker. Dein Tag ist ja nur genial so Auge in Auge. Das Foto mit der fliegenden Taube hat so richtig Dynamik!
    Alles so schön! Liebe Grüße, Manuela

  29. Du bringst immer soviel in einem Post unter, da weiß man gar nicht wo man anfangen soll. Die bunten Graffitis sind ein richtiger Hingucker. Dein Tag ist ja nur genial so Auge in Auge. Das Foto mit der fliegenden Taube hat so richtig Dynamik!
    Alles so schön! Liebe Grüße, Manuela

  30. Great Steampunk tag. geraniums, yes, how they pop. xox

  31. I really enjoy seeing your beautiful surroundings!
    Cool tag and your graffiti photos are great too...
    I am joining in the MiFoC challenge as well.

  32. Ich hole gerade meine Blogrunde nach... Eine Woche nicht wirklich online gewesen, da ist ganz schön viel angefallen. Bei dir gibt es immer so viel tolles zu sehen. Herrliche Fotos - ich bin immer ganz neidisch ;) Die Streetartbilder sind der Hit. Meine Tochter weilt zur Zeit in England und schickt immer mal wieder Fotos, auch dort gibt es super StreetArt, total schön.


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