
Saturday 17 May 2014

Sunshine, clouds, and marmelade

Hi everybody!

Today started off cold, damp and windy, but in the course of the day it got better and better, and this afternoon it was warm and sunny. But for tomorrow we have been promised cold and rainy weather again! We just have to take it as it comes!
Some time back a neighbour gave me a tin of Mamade, a seville orange concentrate for making marmalade, so I decided to make it today, as I had collected enough jars. I added some ground ginger, mixed spice, cinnamon and a glass of brandy to round of the taste, and the finished marmalade is really very delicious. I made some tags instead of labels for the jars, as I thought they would make nice presents to give to neighbours. But after tasting it, I think I just have to keep it all myself - sounds greedy, but I can't let it go!

At Manus Mikrokosmos the theme for the photo challenge this week is 'from above'. I took a photo of one of the wild flowers I saw on my walk today, and love the sunny colours.

Then I made some digital alterations using the photo:

I am also linking this one to Moo Mania and More, Mail.

And last but not least, a few images from my walk today:

Is that horse wearing its pyjamas?

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Oh das sieht wirklich lecker aus - wer wäre da nicht gern dein Nachbar ;o) Tolle Fotos sind das - ich muss da auch noch mal schauen was ich dazu mache.
    Ich wünsche dir morgen einen schönen Sonntag - und falls es regnet kann an ja beruhigt basteln - grins.
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  2. Wonderful photos, and your marmalade looks yummy - enjoy! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Yummy looking marmalade Valerie. Love the artwork and pics too.
    Have a lovely Sunday.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. That flower is definitely a burst of sunshine, you take some super photos Valerie. And I am well impressed with your marmalade making, I've never had a go at any sort of jam making, it sounds delicious! Xx

  5. I am sure the marmalade is delicious! I like the tags you created.
    That flower speaks of sunshine, it is so cheerful.

  6. That was a nice walk. The marmalade looks divine. Mmmmm, I can almost taste it. I think the horse is covered for reasons of privacy, It may be a female and you know how horseys are. tee hee. Have a great day.

  7. The flower looks amazing, a real good looking bloom. Your marmalade does look delicious, reading what you added I would be having the odd spoonful as I past the jar. Enjoy.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Yes, I have been having the odd spoonful or 2 or 3, too!

  8. The marmalade looks delicious and I love your beautiful Moos, the photo is so striking! Big hugs, ~Diane

  9. Yummy, die Marmelade ist mit Sicherheit megalecker. Deine Fotos sind wunderschön, toll das leuchtende Gelb und das Pferd im Schlafanzug :D Herrlich. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag.

  10. We love Mamade too Valerie. Love the smart labels on your jars. Very posh looking. Wonderful pictures, especially the flowers. Hugs Rita xxx

  11. Your marmalade has watered my mouth yummy yummy!Wonderful photos and tags!

  12. Love you photo-edits of the yellow flower especially the last two.

  13. YUM! Going to try and make some. I have an orange tree - not Seville - but will try it. Nice sunny digi - and love going walking with you Valerie. hugs, Donna

  14. Ach menno so ne Marmelade wär jetzt himmlisch auf einer frischen Buttersemmel zu ner Tasse Kaffee... -
    die muss ja mehr als lecker sein!
    Tolle Idee mit den MOO Anhängern alerie und tolle tolle Fotos!
    Da Pferd im Schlafanzug ist ja der Hit schlechthin!
    Bei usn regenet es auch weiter... dabei soll es ab heute ANGEBLICH besser werden? !

    Schönen Sonntag Dir !

  15. Yummy looking marmalade Valerie I don't blame you for keeping it just for you.

    What a wonderful photograph of the yellow flower and beautiful effects you added to it. Love the stamp you made.

    Hope the weather is better than you thought it would be today--nice here so far but busy trying to sort out clothes to take with me :(

    Love Chrissie x

  16. Hello Valerie! You surprised me again with so many things you can do. Marmalade seems to be very delicious. Never made one. Yellow flover versions are wonderful and bring the sun inn. Horses look so calm and beautiful on the field. Thanks for sharing your fine photos.
    We have got real summer now. It's over 20 degrees and it's promied to rise, rise next week

    Have a happy Sunday!

  17. Hi Valerie, That Marmalade looks so yummy...enjoy!! What beautiful photos from your walk today are so beautiful...Have a happy week ahead... Hugs May x x

  18. Ich liebe Orangenmarmelade! Und dann noch mit Ingwer und Brandy - hört sich sehr verführerisch an. Genauso verführerisch wie Dein Löwenzahnfoto. Das Gelb sticht so richtig schön ins Auge! Das Bearbeitete mit den vielen "Blättern" sieht so interessant aus.
    Und auch Deine Landschaftsfotos sind wieder wunderbar, als wäre man mit Dir auf dem Spaziergang gewesen. Ganz lieben Dank!
    Alles Liebe, Manuela

  19. Your marmalade looks tasty and very well presented in the nice jars and pretty tags. The digital photowork is beautiful as well as your photos, including the horse wearing PJs :) Take good care, Shirleyx

  20. I just love the way you played with your flowers image. Looks like you were having some fun. I also enjoyed the photos of your walk..

    Your tags turned out great for you jars..


  21. Yummy maramalade! Love the flower pics!

  22. mmmmhhmmmmm yummy,die marmelade ist bestimmt sehr leecker,das auf ein butterbrötchen mit ner tasse cafe dazu,herrlich.
    deine bilder sind klasse,das pferd im pyjama ist ja der hammer.
    ich hab zur zeit wenig zeit kreativ zu sein,mache jetzt eine art sportprogramm,ich muss das für meine gesundheit tuen.
    wünsch dir noch einen schönen sonntag,knuddel.

    GLG Jeannette

  23. I think this marmalade is really delicious, and I love the cute tags.
    The digital work is fabulous...pretty flower.
    And great photos from your walk.

  24. Ganz toll, was deine gelbe Wildblume so alles hergibt - sehr schöne Spielereien!
    Könnte es vielleicht eine Arnika sein?
    LG Ulrike

    1. Das ist gut möglich, die Blume roch auch sehr gut.

  25. Does you marmalade really look good as sounds delicious too. That will make a nice treat for you for sometime to come. I have never heard Mamade.
    Your flower pictures are beautiful - my favorite is the fourth one down. It looks like a fantasy flower.
    Those horses really look healthy!
    Sandy xx

  26. Your marmalade should delicious--with that "tasty" addition, I think I would be enjoying it all to myself, too! On everything, LOL! Enjoyed seeing the horses today!

  27. Hi Valerie, your marmalade looks so good. Gorgeous what you did with the flower pic and pretty walking pics too. Love the horses.


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