
Saturday 5 April 2014

Impressions of spring

Hi everybody!

Just a quick post this evening.

This little girl looks like the spring fairy. She has been stamped and clear embossed. Does EP get old? Mine is not embossing smoothly anymore. The background paper is from Gecko Galz's Solarium paper pack. It has been matted with black card from an old calendar and mounted onto some hand-painted background paper. I made it back in February for another challenge and couldn't find it, and it turned up under a heap on my table while I was looking for something else.

I am linking to FSC, 'Silhouettes'.

Outside all the trees and blooming and budding. This tree with different coloured blossoms is in a neighbour's garden:

The apple trees lining the fields behind the house  are blooming sweetly:

The path is not covered with snow, but with fallen petals, which were cascading round me as I walked along the path:

The lilacs belong to the house next door:

The trees in the park are in full bloom:

And this little fellow kept a watchful eye on me:

Hope spring will soon visit those places where it hasn't arrived yet!

Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Das gleiche Problem hab ich mit meinem schwarzen Embossingpulver heute auch gehabt - echt komisch da es vorher ganz normal und gleichmäßig geschmolzen ist.

    Deine Fotos sind wieder absolut schön - ich liebe es mit dir durch eure Gegend zu "spazieren"
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  2. Beautiful card and love the photos. Our lilac isn't any where near flowering yet! Have a great weekend! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Stunning card, love the paper match, it looks gorgeous with that image and I love how you embossed it too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  4. You are so far ahead of us this Spring....Love the views. Your girl silhouette is sweet. I can picture dipping my toe into the pond, catching dragonflies.....xox

  5. Really lovely silhouette piece Valerie, also love the photos in the park.
    :) Chris / CS Designs

  6. Beautiful Spring Fairy, she looks great with the clear EP. I don't know about EP getting old, when I have trouble with embossing, it's usually my embossing ink is getting dry. Your photos are gorgeous, I'm so envious of the flowers blooming and green grass. We are still looking at snow & ice, but hopefully it will be gone in a week. I'm behind with Spring gardening. Take care, Shirleyx

  7. Wonderful Spring Fairy. I really enjoyed your photos too.
    Have a nice weekend

  8. I am loving your card. The embossed image looks great. And boy does it looks green and pretty where you are. Such wonderful photos.


  9. beautiful card and I love to see the spring blossoms, my favourite season for sure!

  10. Diese Karte ist herzallerliebst und die wunderschöne Blütenpracht, die Du für uns eingefangen hast, ist ein Traum Valerie! Schönen Sonntag!
    liebe Grüße++Susi

  11. Absolutely fab, love the effect of the "old" embossing powder, and such a totally sweet image! Stunning photos like always too!!

  12. Gorgeous card and great technique.
    What a fabulous garden. Here apple trees bloom not until beginning of June.
    Happy Sunday Valerie:)

  13. Hübsches Kärtchen,und tolle Blumen hast du für uns mit gebracht,einfach wunderschön.
    Schönen Sonntag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  14. Such a pretty card Valerie, that's a beautiful silhouette stamp. I don't know if EP goes off, but you can get a smoother finish if you heat from the back. Alas, it's still pretty chilly in the north of Scotland but the flowers are appearing and the days are getting longer. Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  15. Thanks for the tip, I will try it! Have a nice Sunday!

  16. Eine zauberhafte Karte ist das!! Und so eine wunderschöne Frühlings-Foto-Serie! Vielen Dank dafür!
    GLG, LonettA

  17. what a sweet little girl in your silhouette, is she catching butterflies? Everything looks so lush and green, the blossoms are beautiful, I may not have spring but you do and you are just a click away, I can visit to ease my snow weary eyes,

    1. Hope spring soon comes to you, I will blow over some fairy dust and flower petals to see if it helps....

  18. Thats an adorable image, she is so sweet. can you tell I love the card.
    If the embossing powder doesn't work with Suze tip. Try adding another coat as soon as you have heated the first one, it usually sticks and blends nicely when heated again.
    Loved the photos
    Yvonne xx

    1. I reheated the embossing, added some more powder, and now the 'pocken' have disappeared - great, Yvonne, thanks

  19. Such beautiful creations. I've not arrived at creating such spectacular pieces. I just merely sketch. Yours are great. Takes lots of time and planning obviously.
    Great pics too, Valerie! When spring comes it will be much more spectacular!


  20. Lovely card, Valerie, beautifully composed.
    What a gorgeous Spring you are having over there with the lilac and apple blossom already out.
    I especially appreciated your photo of Blossom Lane and the blackbird.

    1. Hope your spring will soon really start springing, too!

  21. Gorgeous card Val. Isn't it just lovely to see such beautiful blossom, you must have thought you were at a wedding walking along the path. Hugs Rita xxx

  22. Wonderful card Valerie - such a pretty image. Live and learn about the EP problem.
    Gorgeous pictures of Spring time in Germany - Who needs Paris!?!
    I do love the lamp post and the pretty iridescent bird. Do you know what kind he is? The winding path looks like it came out of a fairyland.
    Sandy xx

    1. It's a male blackbird, they are prettier than the females, who are a bit brown and dusty looking!

  23. Hi Valerie, Your card is beautiful. Love the colors and the elements you used. Gorgeous and inspiring walk pics. I imagine the lilacs aroma were heavenly. What a sweet little bird watching you.
    Have a great week.

  24. Everything looks beautiful! Spring is just beginning to arrive here.

  25. Your card is so pretty, Valerie and perfect for our Signs of Spring challenge. I'm envious of your beautiful countryside, we had hail here this morning. It's so pretty there! Thanks for being soartful with us, we hope to see you often!

  26. A gorgeous card, love the embossed silhouette and shabby background xx


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