
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Brooches, puddles and shoes

Hi everybody!
Today was a really wet day - it poured all night and most of the morning, and so I found myself jumping puddles this afternoon. But I know we have had much too little rain in the past weeks, and the earth needs it badly.

At Moo Mania and More the challenge this time is 'shoes', which explains my tag. Actually, I do not have many pairs of shoes, as I mostly wear trainers, boots or sandals, so the other shoes in my cupboard lead a sad life and just get dusted off once in a blue moon.

I used stamps from Hampton Art to stamp the motives with embossing ink and white EP. Then I fussy cut them, coloured them with gel-pens, and mounted them with foam squares onto some black card, which I matted with some pink animal-print card. The sentiment has been written with a white highlighter. Finished!

At Artful Times the challenge is to make a brooch. Anything is allowed, but it must have a pin at the back. I remembered the little knitted brooches I used to do with the kids when I was teaching, they used to love making them, as they are quick and easy to finish and make nice presents for Mums, sisters, aunties etc. . We used to make them for our stall at the school bazaar, too. The 'needles' are toothpicks, with beads as ends. I spread some gluestick onto them to hold the stitches. The second one is the simpler variation - a ball of wool, glued together with the needles stuck through it.

And here are the pins I sewed painstakingly onto the backs!

And while I was at it, I knitted a little bracelet to match....

This afternoon was more or less dry, with just a few spots of rain, so I managed a walk round the block. The ground was very swampy again, so I had to be careful not to get wet feet.

But it was interesting to see the world reflected in the puddles:

Puddle jumping is a good exercise!

The sky beneath my feet:

Another of the paths that I love, it is always so peaceful walking through the woods.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Looks quite a wet walk Valerie but you wouldn't have all the great green colours without the rain. I love the puddle pictures.

    Terrific shoes tag with a great variety of images

    The knitted brooches are wonderful. I may have to try one of those:)
    Thank you for joining in at Artful Times for the challenge

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Love the shoe tag - most women have lots of shes, true! The little brooches are a great idea, I will show R how to make them, she will like that. Great photos, as always! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Love your shoe tag Valerie. Cute little brooches too. Great puddles if your a 3 year old. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Oh, loving your fab shoes, though I have to say, one old and comfy pair of boots and a pair of trainers does me just fine lol. Love your little knitting projects too, so original!! And guess what, for a change we actually had some sunshine here :) Love your photos like always, they always take me to my happy place!

  5. I've never worn heels in years, those are shoes that dreams are made of. Loved your knitted broaches a super idea for fund raising and kids to make.

  6. Love the shoes popped up on your cards and wow your brooches are fab. They look so fun to make with kids. x

  7. It's raining cats and dogs ........... I just stepped in a poodle! How on earth did you manage to knit with cocktail sticks! They'd make great card toppers. I only ever wear flats too Valerie, long gone are the days when I teetered about in heels! Xx

    1. I knitted them on thin needles and transferred them to the tooth-picks when they were done!

  8. Great puddles down the lane. Love the knitted toothpick pins and the glossy 3-D shoes. The Superhero definitely says a woman can have too many pairs of shoes---but he has more than me, LOL xox

  9. Hi Valerie...
    Your moo is so the mini shoes. Your "knitted" brooches are so cute. What a great idea.

  10. I can see why the children enjoyed making the fun little brooches :) and a lovely shoe tag too :)
    Thank you for joining us at Artful Times
    Von ♥

  11. nice shoe tags, knitted brooches (love the 'pin' at the back) and lovely photos of the reflections. We have a lot of rain here at the moment, got soaked today.

  12. Wow,das schuh tag ist ganz großartig,gefällt mir sehr.
    die bilder sind so traumhaft schön,ich liebe pfützen auch sehr und springe gern darin umher*g*
    Hab noch eineen schönen tag :-)

    Knuddel Jeannette

  13. Oh Du meine Güte was machts Du da alles für friemelige Sachen! FUZZY FINGERS VALERIE!
    das Tag ist ein Traum ---DANKE!!! (MOO MANIA & MORE FREUT SICH SO)
    und Deine Broschen sind Hammer!

    Tolle tolle Bilder und mir bleibt nur mehr Dir einen schönen Tag zu wünschen...
    muss heute jede Menge Türklinken polieren, mein Mann ist endlich durch nach Monaten mit allen Türen im Haus...Abschleifen, wieder Abschleifen..Lasieren ...oh Du kannst Dir nicht vorstellen wieviel Arbeit, aber die alten Türen haben so viel Charakter und jetzt sind sie echte Hingucker..
    und jetzt muss ich ran....

    keine große Freude..aber was muss das muss!
    Am Donnerstag kommt auch mein Brüderchen wieder für zwei Wochen...
    That's Life!

  14. Love the shoes & quote and the tiny knitting is adorable :-)


  15. Dein Tag ist echt klasse- diese tollen leuchtenden Farben- super schön. Die Idee die mini-Strickerei als Griechen zu machen ist echt klasse- ich hab so was auch schon einmal für einen Strikstempel gemacht :-)
    Hier hat es ewig nicht geregnet und auch heute scheint die Sonne vom blauen Himmel. Gestern musste im Garten schon einmal der Sprenger ran- wir haben hier sehr sandigen Boden.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag, liebe Grüsse, Dagmar.

  16. Was für in toller Post - alleine das Tag ist DER Hingucker .... du musst noch eines machen und die Schuhe gegen Stempel austauschen :D Deine Mini-Strickteile sind der Hit, klasse Farben hat die Wolle. Und dann die Fotos, klasse wie du mit der Kamera gespielt hast.

  17. It's true, women love shoes and your mini shoes are cute and beautiful. The photos show that there was raining. Here too yesterday, but now it's shining. We here are celebrating Labor Day now and tomorrow.

  18. A fabulous shoe tag, I can only wear comfy shoes now and drool over my daughters shoes. I love your knitted brooch - a great idea.
    xxx Hazel.

  19. Love your shoe tag, the black and white look fabulous too! Sweet little brooches and bracelet you made, you are a woman of many talents. Lovely walk today, your photos bring beauty to even the puddles. ~Diane

  20. So much going on here this morning. I LOVE it.. Your tag looks awesome. So true that a woman can never have too many shoes. And your brooches are the most adorable. I LOVE them. I do enjoy seeing the photos of your morning walks. I LOVE to jump in puddles as well. :)


  21. Meine Güte, wieder so ein langer und genialer Post.
    Recht haste, Frau kann nie genug Schuhe haben, danke für's Mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA & MORE:

    Die winzigen Strickereien sind ja wohl obergenial, ich bin hellauf begeistert.

    ... und Deine Fotos .... *schwärm*

    Ich wünsche Dir morgen einen schönen Feiertag

  22. Love the way you have coloured the shoes, it's a really nice tag.
    These brooches are gorgeous and what a clever way to make small needles. I like the bracelet too.

  23. A girl can never have enough shoes! What a fun and fabulous tag! I can't knit at all and love those brooches! Beautiful walk and a little rainy! Hugs!

  24. Fantastic shoes tag and great quote! Really love it. I like the fabulous bracelet.

  25. Hi Valerie, Oh what a wonderful tag. I love the theme and I so agree. I happen to love shoes. LOL
    Darling pin creations too. How cute are those?? Lovely rainy day walk pics. Everything is so green in your area.
    Have a great day.

  26. What a fun tag with the colourful shoes. I've never been a 'shoe person' as my feet are wide and it's hard to find them to fit. My husband calls them 'duck feet'. When I find a comfy pair of shoes, I wear them constantly. Your little knitting is fantastic and so are your photos (as always). I hope the weather has cleared up. Here it's been heavy rains and cold winds. Take good care, Shirleyx

  27. Fab shoe tag Valerie, I don't really get the whole shoe thing, but that's because I'm old and boring and I have the duck feet too lol. The brooches are fabulous, great fun xx

  28. I am a day late - like you, I am not into shoes and just wear tennis shoes (trainers) plastic clogs or when needed boots. For someone that is not into shoes, you sure did a good job on your tag!
    I am enthralled with you pins and bracelet. My grand kids would love doing something like this and those bracelets are the thing now.
    Colder and rainy here the last two days but bright and sunny today. We do need the rain badly and are in danger of forest fires.
    Your photographs are wonderful Valerie - I have told you this before but you have quite an eye for taking pictures. A professional could not do better.
    Sandy xx

  29. The brooches are really adorable! It is quite interesting to see some familiar photos with puddles and wet spots. Now that I can type again, I am taking a deep breath and catching up with all your posts!

  30. Hi Valerie great broaches and just love those shoes oh how I wish I could wear heels :) happy puddle jumping. Hugs Sandra X

  31. I had forgotten all about knitting with cocktail sticks. Those are fabulous brooches - both of them - and so colourful too.
    Thanks for joining us at Artful Times - Hugs, Neet x (sorry I am so late)


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