
Tuesday 15 April 2014

Another Double Tuesday

Hi everybody!
My computer is really playing up just now, it seems to be on its last legs. Old age doesn't only affect people!

Today is a new challenge at Try it on Tuesday and at Tag Tuesday. Our theme for the next 2 weeks at TIOT is to make something with more than one fold. I made some maze books and a mini concertina book. The larger maze book has been made from one sheet of 12x12" double sided paper, the smaller one in the middle from a 6x6" sheet, and the concertina book from a strip of double sided paper 12" x 23/4". There are plenty of instructions to be found on the web to make these little albums. The large one has covers made from coasters, which I painted with metallic blue and stenciled with a darker blue round the edges. By folding down the corners of the pages in the maze books you can make little pockets for tags etc, and the middle book has some tiny tags in the pockets. The concertina book has a folded up lower edge which also makes pockets for tags.
I am also linking to the Three Muses - lime and turquoise. Well, I will link on Wednesday when the challenge starts!

At Tag Tuesday our theme is eggs. I am not an Easter card or egg-tag fan, but did my best. I made an egg shaped tag,  on which I stenciled some grass, a lamb and a cockerel. The image is from gecko Galz, and has been printed and fussy cut twice, and placed one over the other with foam pads to give some dimension.

Today was much cooler than it has been, and extremely windy. I still enjoyed my walk, and enjoyed watching the horses grazing and frolicking in the old moat.

This little figure is standing on a roof top near the old walls.

By the evening the wind had more or less blown over, and the sky was beautiful:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful books, the flowers are very pretty and so is the scenery in your beautiful photos ! Love the vintage Easter bunny as well. Have a great week, Shirleyx

  2. I love making books as well Val. Love all three of your books and the use of coasters is stunning. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Sorry Val, I forgot to say I love your Easter tag and that bunny is gorgeous. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. beautiful books and Easter tag. Lovely walk too, can't tell that it is windy!

  5. wunderschöne Bücher und ein ganz süsses Osterei hast du gemacht,ich bin eigentlich auch kein fan von Osterkarten,habe aber trotzdem einige gemacht,du müsstest meine karte auch jetzt die tage bekommen,ich hoffe du freust dich darüber ein wenig.
    die Pferdebilder sind ja klasse,ich liebe pferde,ganz besonders die lütten.

    hab einen schönen tag,ich muss nachher wieder zum arzt,hab keine lust *seufz*aber jetzt mache ich mir erst mal einen milchcafe,yummy.

    GLG Und Knuddels Jeannette

  6. Great little books and a beautiful egg tag, love the idea of using the egg shape to work on. Your photos are gorgeous too, the horses look like they are having fun in the brighter weather. TFS xx

  7. Gorgeous vintage Easter Egg Valerie, reminds me of the Easter bunny Mum used to put on our Easter cake when I was a child I still have it.........somewhere lol. Love your mini albums too, also enjoy "walking" with you via your great photos.


  8. Beautiful, turquoise books, love them. Your tag is so cute and lovely, too.
    Your great photos show that grass is really green and fresh and I can imagin how happy the horses are from being there out and enjoy all that.
    Happy day to you!

    1. The horses really dis look happy yesterday, I think they were enjoying themselves!

  9. Die kleinen Büchlein sind einfach bezaubernd ... und ich liebe die blau-grünen Farbtöne! Dein Osterei mit dem Hauch von Nostalgie ist auch wunderschön. Deine Fotos sind "himmlisch"!
    GLG, LonettA

  10. The books are a joy Valerie and so is the wonderful Easter tag.

    The photographs today had me speechless-that doesn't happen often for sure. The clarity and content is wonderful-thank you for sharing them.

    Love Chrissie x

  11. What a pest that your computer is playing up, I do hope it holds on for you.
    Your books are awesome with that gorgeous blue, the pockets and pretty, pretty flowers. And your tag is just perfect for the TT theme. I'm surprised to hear that you aren't a tag fan seeing as how you're so blimin good at them.
    Your 'walk' pictures are stunning; so clear and 'real' not actually like pictures at all (if that makes sense). I love the weather vane, is it an archer? ;) Have a fine Tuesday Valerie *hugs* Mo x

    1. I love making cards and tags, just not with Easter eggs!

  12. Your mini books are lovely Valerie but I don't think Mrs Bunny likes getting her picture taken, she looks a tad grumpy. Lol. Fingers crossed the laptop holds out. Have a nice day. Xx

    1. Yes, she does look grumpy, probably hard for her to get enogh eggs for all her kids!

  13. Lovely makes all of them and I just adore those little books!!!

    Stunning photos like always too!

  14. Love your maze books, I really enjoy making them hugs Bee

  15. Schöne Werke hast du gestaltet, gefallen mir gut. Die Fotos sind klasse - herrliche Landschaft.

  16. Books are wonderful, love the ribbons and elements you chose. Ms Easter Bunny..cute. Look at all that green. We are finally beginning to really green up here, but not like that pasture. xox

  17. The little books are beautiful Valerie. Mrs bunny looks like she needs a chocolate egg fix, its a super tag.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Sweet books and tag Valerie. Beautiful walk today too. ~Diane

  19. I am in love with your maze books...they are beutiful secrets keepers! Bunnies are always welcome, especially if they are carrying pretty blue umbrellas and...horses! You really live in a wonderful place!! Thank you for sharing! :)

  20. Your booklets are amazing and beautiful, Valerie. I really like the flowers on the covers which make them perfect for the season. Your photos are exceptional; everything so green and luscious. The horses look peaceful and well cared for. All in all, a glorious view for all of us.


  21. Your little books with pockets and tiny tags are always magical. The colours you have here are super-fabulous, turquoise, lemon and lime and that wonderful spotted paper. Love the roses too, I seriously like these books.
    Hope your computer is playing nice, bad computers are horrible creatures.
    I like the horses today.

  22. Hi Valerie, what a sweet booklet with all the darling details of pockets to fill. Beautiful spring colors too. Lovely Easter Egg tag too. You always do the best work Beautiful walking pics too. The grazing horses in the meadow is gorgeous. Have a blessed week.

  23. Gorgeous books Valerie, very clever folding, and I love your cute Easter egg xx

  24. Oh my computer has been acting badly. Keyboard is terrible! Love this, Valerie. A great Easter treat. Love the horses. Hugs.

  25. Great little books Valerie. Lovely colours on the covers. Love the egg shape tags too.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful spring photos.
    Avril xx

  26. Wow. When you make a post, you really make a post! The lime and turquoise book is fantastic! But your photos are beautiful once again, too.

  27. This is gorgeous Valerie!The photos are gorgeous too!

  28. Lovely photos and the books are gorgeous!

  29. ein wunderschöner post mit tollen fotos und der umschlag der kleinen büchlein ist einfach fantastisch! auf deinen fotos sieht der frühling fast schon wie sommer aus... das satte grün ist herrlich. auch der wetterhahn gefällt mir gut - und die wolken, wie gemalt...

  30. Wow you blow me away with you wonderful creations your books are amazing and all the picture are have out done all of us.

  31. Wouaouh! Your books are awesome and full of joy!
    I love your photos too!
    Bravo to you!! :)

  32. Such a cute book, love your take on the challenge.
    Hugz, Z


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