
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Another double Tuesday

Hi everybody!

We had another beautiful spring day here, so I was once again able to walk along the Rhine and round about our little town. The nights are still quite cold, but it soon warms up once the sun comes out.

Our theme at Tag Tuesday this week is school days. As someone who spent many years at school, as a student and later as a teacher, I still have a soft spot for school themes, although I am happy that I don't have to teach any more.

This tryptich tag is one I made some time back, but as it fits the theme so well, I decided to post it again.

The second tag has been made from a piece of my precious Graphics 45 paper, which is very difficult to cut into! I mounted it onto some black card from an old calendar. I replaced the picture the little girl is holding with a little blackboard, after fussy cutting round her litte fingers so it looks like she is holding it. I added the second blackboard paper-clip instead of a band or ribbon. The images on the tag remind me of my own schooldays.

At TIOT our them for the next 2 weeks is to use some beading. I made a tag using seed beads and home made paper beads. The tag has been stamped, and then I put some glue on some of the background spots and sprinkled the seed beads onto them. I used some brown lace between the top and bottom layers of the tags, which were fixed together with an eyelet. The flower is from Prima, the wooden violin from Crafty Emblies and the lovely fibres from Sandy! The home made beads were made from scraps of embossed metallic paper.

Today a lot of the meadows along the Rhine were covered with dandelion 'fairy-clocks', a lovely sight. As kids we used to enjoy blowing the seeds away.

 This path along the top of Barbarossa Wall always reminds me of Lantern Waste in Narnia. Perhaps that's one reason why I so much love to walk along it - another link to my childhood.

That's all for this time!

Take care, have a good day, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. beautiful tags and an enchanting path Valerie! Oops longing for spring and forgot about weeds!

  2. schöne tags valerie,und tolle bilder wieder,Pusteblumen mag ich seehr gern.
    hab einen schönen tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  3. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie! Dein 3D Tag ist absolut schön! Ich liebe es, wenn die Dinge eine dritte Dimension bekommen und außerdem ist das Thema Schule etwas, womit ich immer etwas Schönes verbinde :)
    Deine Bilder zeigen es, der Frühling ist endlich da. Herrliche Impressionen und gleich etwas lebenslustiger, nicht wahr? Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir und habe eine schöne Zeit!

  4. Love both of your schooltags, they are really special. And the beaded tag is gorgeous. Great photos, too! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Schooltags bring memories to me, too. Wonderful tags. I love all the little details on them.
    The path is magical just like from a fairytale.
    Have a great April day, Valerie!

  6. Die Tags sind großartig! Da kommen mir gleich die Erinnerungen an meine Schulzeit in den Sinn!
    Sehr schönen Frühlingsfotos .... es geht doch nichts über eine schöne Pusteblume!
    LG, LonettA

  7. Fabulous makes all of them, but I specially love the violin tag!

    Well the only Spring time I get is from your beautiful photos, nothing but grey, mist and drizzle here :o(

  8. Oh, I'd love to walk along that path, what a great pic. Super school tags, I enjoyed my school days though don't think my brain could cope with it now! Xx

    1. Yes, that's why we get sent there when we are kids!

  9. Your first picture is terrific, it was definitely worth showing again as I hadn't seen it before. I don't think this is how school works now although it certainly resonates with me, including the hair bow!
    I love that little slate - no I didn't use slates but I'm not sure when they stopped using them.
    I like your fluffy and beaded tag, I always like your home made beads.
    That's a fabulous lane, it almost looks as if it was photo-shopped.
    Sadly we don't have any dandelions out here, we've been shrouded in cold mist for days now, I'm thinking of bring my garden plants inside.

    1. We didn't use the slates for writing either, but there was a cupboard in our classroom where there was a stack of them, and we were allowed to use them for games, like naughts and crosse.

  10. Das Triptych is so genial und auch das hübsche Vintage Tag mit dem Schulpapier ist entzückend. Deine Perlen Tag ist ein Gedicht.. und
    was soll ich sagen....
    ich bin richtig neidig, dass Ihr schon Pusteblumen habt.---

    ach menno..der Frühling ist so viel weiter als bei uns...

    himmlische Impressionen Valerie!

  11. Fantastic selection of tags, know what you mean about using G45 papers, good for you to get cutting. Loves the Nania path connection.
    Yvonne x

  12. Gorgeous tags, all of them. That last picture of the trees is breathtaking, what a masterpiece! Big hugs, ~Diane

  13. Valerie, all three of your tags are fabulous. I had not seen the first project with the school girl this is definitely a favorite. I giggled over your mention of dandelion "fairy clocks." Had never heard that expression.


    1. That was what we called them as kids. If you needed to blow five times till all the seeds were gone, it was five o'clock fairy time!

  14. Ganz großartige Werke sind das geworden, Valerie

  15. Oh my goodness! Your school day projects are such fun and I just love the nostalgic feeling! The beading on the tag is gorgeous! You have been very busy and of course the daily walk has been much enjoyed! My eyes benefit visiting you! Hugs!

  16. Lovely tags Valerie. Love those school time images! x

  17. Hi
    Sorry I haven't managed to visit you for some time.
    What a wonderful post this is, crammed with art. I love the nostalgia of the first piece. Always a joy to view your art.

  18. Beautiful tags!! I love a school day theme. The last pic of the path with the tree and lamplight is stunning. This would make a great wall piece enlarged and framed.

  19. I don't know where to start with all the beauty in this post--the tags, of course, are so pretty and well done. I love all the fibers on the last one. We still have a ways to go before the dandelions even grow here, LOL, and your are already gone to seed! The path is amazing!

  20. Great tags, I love all of them and especially the paper beads.
    :) Chris / CS Designs

  21. School pieces are just fab, love the three panel piece. xox

  22. I have lost of beads an always for get about It was a great challenge this time.
    Hugz, Z

  23. Love the triptych, and I'd love to join you on that winding path... what a treat that must be to walk!


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