
Thursday 13 March 2014

Happy Mail, a birthday and a journal page

Hi everybody!

So sorry that a lot of you in the States and Canada got another load of snow, it really is hard on you, and I wish I could send you some Sunshine and spring flowers.

I made another mixed media piece using paints, inks, stamping, collage etc. The background has been painted with acrylics, and was the other half of the piece I showed earlier this week. Here in my journal page the world has gone a bit crazy - butterflies and fish are practising peaceful coexistence, and the moon is standing on its head to see the clock. One leopard is chasing another across the page, and the raindrops are falling - or are they bubbles floating up? 

Here are both pages together:

 I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and to AJJ, Fantasy scene, hosted by Susi. Paint Party Friday is celebrating their 3rd birthday this Friday, so happy birthday from me!

Yesterday I got some happy mail from Terry. I won the stamp-set in a giveaway on her blog some weeks back, and I am pleased that it got here safely.  It took 2 days for them to get from the States to Germany, and nearly 4 weeks to be cleared by the customs! I think they couldn't work much slower if they tried! This beautiful tag came, too. Thanks a lot Terry, the stamps will be well used and the tag is hanging already in my arty kitchen. It has such a gorgeous, golden shimmer, really beautiful.

The night was cold and frosty, and I watched the sun rise through the mist this morning, which was beautiful.

Today I was looking at walls on my walk. I love how the sun is shining through the windows of the castle ruins.

I often sit on one of these benches, and watch the Rhine, the gulls and the ducks, which is very relaxing.

I love all the colours and textures in the old town walls, which kept the town safe in the old days and still make it very special today.

 Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful journal page and photos, love those walls! Your page is full of magic again. Enjoy the presents from your friend! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Well your journal page sure looks as if you had loads of fun with it, and why should all these creatures not happily co-exist...? after all, in art anything is possible. Terry's tag is lovely and have fun with those stamps!!

    Like always your photos make my heart sing, you live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world!

  3. Wonderful photographs--I pictured myself on one of the benches taking in the view :) Thank you for sharing your wonderful walks.

    Great Happy Mail--love the tag and the prize.

    Your piece of art certainly has a story to tell. It all seems to be happening at twenty past ten and under water--brilliant.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Now that would be nice if you could beam yourself over and sit there with me!

  4. I really love your new art journal page, Valerie. Especially love the fishes and bubbles, they are so well made. Wonder how?
    The tag you got is excellent and your photos are wonderful. The blooming wall is so lovely.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Love your journal page, very creative with lots of fabulous detail to explore.
    Terry's tag looks great and these stamps are gorgeous...I can't imagine these in better hands :)

    Enjoy the rest of the week.

  6. Oh my goodness Valerie! I always LOVE your gorgeous photos and these are no exception. Absolutely beautiful. And your art journal page is so creative and simply stunning! So happy that you got happy mail, too! WOOHOO!!!!!

  7. Great collaged pages Valerie and some fab gifts. Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. Lovely mixed media and wonderful win! The photos look warm and wonderful!

  9. Oh the stories those walls could tell! Your collage pages are stunning Valerie and well done on your wee win! Xx

  10. Your journal pages are fabulous and why not have fish and butterflies together ! I see you've used Ryn's Rising Bubbles, they are one of my favorite stamps. Your photos are beautiful, if I was there I would feel like I was on vacation all the time :) Enjoy, Shirleyx

    1. Thanks, I love those bubbles too. As a pensioner I am on holiday all the time, and so lucky to have such a gorgeous place to walk around in.

  11. Valerie your pages are stunning. Love the fish and butterflies together. I always enjoy your walking pics and these are some of the best. Your gift is precious!! lovely tags!!
    Happy Birthday to Paint Party Friday.
    Have a great Thursday.

  12. Love your mixed media piece.. and Congrats on your Happy mail. Looks nice and sunny there. We are in Sunny California now.. Loving the warm temps here.


  13. We need all the bubbles floating up we can your sea inspired pieces. No so much snow, a little, but cold again. Ah in like a lion, waiting for the lamb. xox

    1. Yes, we do - at the moment I grasp at every bubble to get me moving up!

  14. I love your fantasy world journal page. You could live there, I think, with out any cares of the world.
    Super photos again.
    Yvonne x

  15. This is really a delightful page! The photo of the last wall is gorgeous--between the colors of the bricks and the spots of green foliage! Wow!

  16. Those journal pages are stunning! Some day someone will find them and you will be famous! Great tag and prize from Terry, so glad you won! Beautiful old walls in the town there too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  17. Fantastische Seite! Soviele schöne Details ... ich muss immer wieder hinschauen und entdecke wieder etwas neues! Zusammen mit deiner so wunderschönen Vogelseite ist es eine großartige Komposition! Und ich liebe dieses Blau!!
    LG, LonettA

  18. Those pages are stunning! I have a bias, of course, as they contain pretty much everything I love ! So beautiful. Thank you for sharing your photos again! Those castle ruins are fascinating. Big hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  19. The moon has to check that it is coming out at the right time, either the butterflies are underwater butterflies or the fish are air-breathing fish and as for the leopards - ? - it's a terrific fantasy scene - and I like the curtains of pattern at either side.
    That's a beautiful picture of the castle ruins and I would just love to sit with you on one of those benches watching the Rhine go by.

    1. Yes, in the world of fantasy everything is possible, and the laws of nature, gravity and whatever all dissolve. And it would be great to have someone to sit with me on those benches!

  20. A great fun fantasy page, congrats on winning Terrys stamps and lovely photos.

  21. Oooh Deine seiten sind herrlich,so traumhaft mit den schmetties und fischen,besonders auch der hintergrund ist eine wucht,gefällt mir seeehr.
    Schöne Bilder sind das wider,die wand mit dem moos dran ist zauberhaft,und man könnte denken,dahinter ist ein schloss,mit rapunzel darin *lach*Jaa,ich Märchentante,ich liibe märchen.
    hab gerade einen neuen fitness plan aufgestellt,und drhe jetzt täglich meine runden,auch rauche ich seit 2 tagen nur noch elektrische zogartette,und das klappt sehr gut,wenn ich bedenke wieviel zigaretten ich schon gespart habe,ich muss einfach etwas abnehmen und gesünder leben,meine gesundheit wird es mir danken.
    Wünsch Dir noch einen Herrlichen sonnigen Tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  22. Wonderful, exciting and intriguing composition, I really like this creative collage!

  23. Love the collaged pages, Valerie! The pics from your walk look so beautiful too!

  24. I love your collage, combination of blue, fish and butterflies together. I love your tree photo, it is beautiful. The place where you live seems to be so pretty and peaceful. Thank you for sharing your art and those beautiful outdoor moments!

  25. Great pages. Very imaginative!

  26. Oh my eyes are beholding some beauty here, Valerie! Such a gorgeous page and I love all that texture! Now your photos always make me happy and how I wish I had such a beautiful place to walk! So happy all arrived safely and in such a timely manner! Too funny! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

    1. Yes - better late than never, donkeys will be donkeys, huh? I have already used some of that stamps!

  27. Your pages are beautiful, very soothing and relaxing, quite dreamy indeed! I have loved the peaceful feeling your post has this week and those lovely photos!

  28. Hi, Valerie! So nice to stop by your blog in celebration of PPF's 3rd birthday! Your collage pages are great. Love those blues!

    Thank you for sharing those photos of real flowers blooming outside! I sometimes wonder if it will ever happen again here. :)

  29. Gorgeous gorgeous, Valerie! I see the Hebrew in there on both pages but I'm not knowledgable in what is written. However, the colors just wow me. They fairly sparkle with life. So beautiful.

    1. On the birrd page it says, 'He will cover you with his feathers, und under his wings you will find refuge' (Psalm 91:4) I explained it on Sunday in the original post. The other page just has some random lettering.

  30. oh what a wonderful post!!! jammed with all sorts of eye candy!!! Happy PPF!!!!

  31. Beautiful work, those walls are fascinating. Sharon

  32. Very a journey of dreams...visually I love the enchanting! Love all of your work and fabulous photos!

  33. Your top project is such a wonderful fantasy of the varied species coexisting beautifully. Love the tag-and what a great stamp set-I'm sure you'll be using it often. Thanks for another enjoyable walk in your neighborhood too.

  34. Hi Val,
    So nice to come here for a visit, almost feels like I'm there sitting along side you enjoying the lovely Spring air although I'm still loving the snowy weather, every season has it's own life.
    I love your pages with the gorgeous butterflies and dragonfly, they lend a touch of magic to your work.
    Enjoy your stamps and please keep sharing your photos with us,they are the windows to your world, love them!

    Annabelle : )

  35. Very interesting collage of species living together - a utopian dream that I feel man has rather ruined for us all. The bubble shaped thingies remind me of jellyfish. Yes I am a little pissed off that it is still snowing on the East Coast. On the upside we have St Patrick's Day on Saturday so we can cheer ourselves up with green beer and a wee drink of whisky. Happy PPF

  36. Sorry about your lousy weather, hope the Irish cheer will cheer you up a bit!

  37. Dragonflies are a big favourite of mine so I love the little details such as the dragonflies and the moon in amongst that fabulous teal green sky!

  38. your journal page is imaginative and wonderful and I'm totally entranced by the colorful wall! Happy PPF!

  39. What a pretty walk, love the castle ruins! Your collage is beautiful! Nice to have met you through ppf! What a wonderful tag from your blog friend!

    Hugs Giggles

  40. It is quite obvious to me that I have lost my mind. Valerie I KNOW I left a comment on this post and it is gone. I said that those bubbles were coming up from the primordial ooze - all the creations of life and the Hebrew letters. It must have been a crazy time (upside down moon looking at clock) when our world came into being.
    I also thought I commented on those benches with the picture of the village behind. I would dearly love to sit with you on one of those benches.
    I love the castle ruins - can you tell I am a dreamer!
    And most of all the wall with the moss and whatever - gorgeous!
    Sandy xx

    1. You DID leave a comment, I read it, and I have no idea where it got to - perhaps it bubbled off into that primordial ooze? Strange, huh?

  41. On lovely art! So much movement and energy! Lovely photos too!!

  42. luv your photo of the Rhine, Congrats on winning ' the stamp-set'; have a nice weekend

    much love...

  43. What a fun page and love that dancing birthday cake!

    So great to have you as part of PPF, Valerie!


  44. Love your pages the colours are gorgeous love the pic as well the walls are great. Becky x


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