
Saturday 11 January 2014

Silence is golden

Hi everybody!
It ws much colder here today, but the sun was shining, and I was able to have a good, long walk, which I enjoyed very much.
This photo was taken from the park, and my shadow was in the fields on the other side of the road!

I made another journal page for the 'silence' theme at AJJ.
I have used a photo of a Buddha head that I used to have. I painted the background with grey and black, and then sprayed some purple and green inks onto it, added a few drips of gold ink and some glitter, and sprayed it all with water to make the colours move. I stamped into the background using various background stamps without ink while it was still wet. I printed the photo out and fussy cut it before glueing it to the background. Then I added some metallic accents round the head with Inka Gold in gold and gunmetal grey. I outlined the head with a gold gel pen, and wrote the Buddha quote with a white pen. I like the way it has turned out

This week I got another Christmas present from Diane - she sent it off in good time, the German customs evidently held it up for nearly 3 weeks - thanks guys! 
This beautiful card was in an envelope with a matching envie liner. It is a gate-fold care, with a wonderful hologram snowflake,  just gorgeous.

The snow queen is inside:

And this is my WONDERFUL pedometer - what fun I am having running around with this! Tonight it is showing that I did 17,901 steps today, so that was good! I have been wanting a toy like this for a long time - thanks Diane!

And lots of lovely goodies - CDs full of ideas, tips and tricks, shiny materal, little cards with dried flowers, wooden frames, super earrings, and a whole pile of stencils that she cut with her Zing - wow!
Thanks again for your kindness and thoughtfulness!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. sensationell ist Deine Seite Valerie!
    Bin hin und weg!

    Und das verspätete Weihnachtsgeschenk ist sagenhaft!
    Ist doch auch schön jetzt noch solche Weihnachtsgefühle haben zu können!

    Sei lieb gegrüßt von

  2. Val, this is absolutely wonderful, just beautiful. Love the colours and the gold sparkle, really well done! Havea nice Sunday, hugs, Sarah

  3. Hi Valerie, it's lovely to be back and to see your fab work. Love the gold coming from the head. Glad you are getting some sunshine too. x

  4. Boah,deine seite ist einfach sagenhaft schöööön val,ich bin auch ganz hin und weg,einfach großartige Kunst.
    Die tollen Geschenke sind ja wunderschöööön,es ist doch auch schön,sich noch nach weihanchten zu freuen,ich freue mich mit dir,und wünsche dir gaanz viel spass mit allem.
    die schattenbilder sind klasse,morgen werde ich das auch mal machen.

    GLG Jeannette

  5. That is so thoughtful of her, the beautiful card and all those gifts for you.
    Your pages are astonishing and although they convey silence I also had this sense of great strength exuding from them. The colours are incredible.
    Valerie, your comment left on my post "Gratitude" touched my heart, thank you.

  6. What lovely gifts you've received Valerie. Beautiful and serene artwork too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  7. Wow, the page have a sense of serenity and the colours behind are amazing.
    Have fun with the lovely gifts you received.
    Yvonne x

  8. Fabulous Journal pave Valerie. What lovely friends you have to send super h beautiful gifts. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. lovely zen piece today! And what thoughtful wonderful gifts!

  10. HOW cool is that!? I love your journal page - and they way you described water making the colors move - really wonderful. AND congratulations on your goodies - it just made Christmas last longer is all :) xoxo

  11. Valerie...that artwork is absolutely stunning! Just love it!
    And what fun presents....meaning you'll be having fun using them!
    Hugs xx

  12. Love how you integrated the Buddha head into the fabulous background Valerie and the great saying to go with it. Have fun with your new goodies.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  13. Love your photograph with the shadows they create such a focal point.

    The silence painting is wonderful and how I wish I could print as well as you do.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  14. A beautiful journal page, the colours are gorgeous.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. Eine wunderbare und sehr harmonische Seite! Sie strahlt so viel Ruhe aus ... gefällt mir wirklich sehr gut!
    Einen schönen Sonntag für dich... und ganz lieben Dank für die schöne Karte!!
    LG, LonettA

  16. Wow Valerie, you must be feeling so well doing all that walking, well done you! Fabulous journal page, I love Buddhas, I've got 5! Xx

  17. Hallo Valerie, bei Euch scheinte gestern wenigstens die Sonne.....hier hat es fast den ganzen Tag geregnet:-(
    Deine Journalseiten sind spitze. Gefällt mir sehr gut!
    Hab noch einen schönen Sonntag!

  18. Love your opening shot....such a beautiful landscape you always share with us, peaceful like your buddha....steps, I am doing them good for us...xox

  19. Gorgeous journal page and beautiful photos of your walk. So glad you are having fun with your new toys. Big hugs, ~Diane

  20. Love your art!!!!! Nice gift assortment you received also. I so admire your perseverance with your walking... I wish I was as dedicated... I need the exercise so much .

  21. Valerie, I am just blown away with the beauty in your art! Love it! What sprays do you use? Pretty landscape view! Happy Sunday! Hugs!

    1. I mix my own sprays from diluted colours, inks from the dollar shop, food colouring, glitter etc.

  22. Valerie, I admire you for taking your daily walks. Here in the US they tell us we must get 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy. That is hard to do but you make it look so easy. Love your Buddha project.


  23. I can imagine how you must have enjoyed your walk, you live in a truly beautiful area! Your Buddha spread is amazing, what a gorgeous piece, LOVE it!! Oh and I am always hearing from German blog friends how bad the German customs are, but I guess better late than never...

  24. Daily walks are brilliant, and it is so nice to share them with you through your your lovely photos. Your Buddha journal page is amazing.

  25. Love your park photo ~ lovely!
    And your journal spread is beautiful ~ in many ways!

  26. What an amazing Buddha background and amazing to read how you made it, you achieved some terrific paint effects.
    On your first photo the path is a lovely blue shade, and having gone back to have another look, I think the bottom two thirds of the photo would make rather an intriguing artwork.

  27. Gorgeous background for your lovely Buddha, the painting is amazing. Looks like another nice day outside :) And wonderful gift too! Greetings, Shirleyx

  28. Hi Valerie, What a wonderful background for your Buddha. Another beautiful walk too. Diane's card is a treasure and I love mine too. Have a great day and week ahead.

  29. Boah Valerie, der Buddha vor diesem Hintergrund sieht einfach gigantisch aus!
    Und was für ein wundervolles Päckchen du bekommen hast. Also ich fände es gar nicht schlimm, dass es so spät gekommen ist, so hast du immer wieder mal was zum auspacken. Ist doch nett.

  30. I adore your Buddah - wonderful! And your gifts from Diane - all fantastic. I'm amazed you did that many steps in one day - Good for you. Love the Snow Queen - isn't she gorgeous. Diane make such beautiful cards. hugs, Donna

  31. Love that budha and the words above it. Such a wonderful photograph at the top, I like how you caught your shadow in the picture. I bet you will have loads of fun with your podometre =)
    xx Monique

  32. Gorgeous budha piece, Valerie!

  33. Lots of wonderful gifts and love your powerful budha page. Hugs Annette x

  34. Lovely post Valerie.... you and your shadow are having fun stepping out together and now you have your new toy to play with :)

    Karen x

  35. Herrliche Farben, eine wunderbare Seite!

  36. Your Buddha is amazing Valerie, I love those dripping colours. Its so powerful and yet peaceful at the same time. It's always nice to receive a late present, and the pedometer is the perfect gift for you xx

  37. I LOVE your journal page. Your Buddha page has me smiling.. And man you walked a whole lotta steps that for sure.. Well done my friend


  38. I though for sure I left a comment here Valerie - but sometimes my mind just runs away from me. Thank goodness it is still coming back for a visit now and then. Your Buddha page is wonderful - it reminds me that I should take time to just be still.

  39. I know what you mean, sometimes my mind runs away faster than I can run after it!

  40. Love that page with the empty mind.... ohhhhmmmm.... hope you are having a good day.


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