
Thursday 9 January 2014

Me and My Shadow and what we have been up to

Hi everybody!
Another week is speeding by, and I have been making the most of the good weather we have had. It seems to be coming to an end, and we have been threatened with wintry weather next week.
Today (Wednesday) started off beautifully, and after my morning coffee fill-up I went for a walk along the Rhine.

My shadow led me down to the shore, where I looked for pretty shells:

Not only my shadow reached the water, a wave sneaked up on me and sent me home with wet feet and squelching shoes

But I still enjoyed my walk enormously, and always feel good when I am by the Rhine.

When I got back home I finished off my mixed media piece, which I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, and Mix it Monthly, where Conny wants to see the colours orange, hibiscus and violet and strange head coverings. I am also linking to Moo Mania, as the lady is sporting several birds.

The backgrund has been painted with a mix of emulsion paint and water colours, using a plastic card. I dripped some gold ink over it, sprinkled on some glitter, and then sprayed with thinned down inks to get the colours moving a bit. The image is from a German Housewives Magazine from 1899. The lady was wearing a hat decorated with high straw loops in the original, which I removed digitally before printing her onto an old book page. I then cut round the image before fixing it to the background. After that I just had fun, throwing bits and bobs from one of my bit-boxes at it and arranging them till I liked the result. Of course, Mr UM had to be present, die-cut from a piece of painted and stamped canvas. The Eiffel Tower has been stamped and fussy cut. Some of the embellishments and part of the image have been given a coat of crackle varnish, which is hard to see here. I quite like the finished work, and think a hat like this would perhaps be Ascot worthy. At first I wanted to colour the face of the lady, but decided to leave it as it was as a contrast to the background.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow wie klasse!!! Eine geniale Collage! Und deine Fotos sind wieder super schön - hier ist es auch frühlingshaft. L G Dagmar

  2. How lucky you are Val to live near to the Rhine. I love those pictures. What a stunning piece of art you have created with all those vibrant colours. The more I look , the more I see, very interesting . Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Wow, Valerie, what a fabulous collage and beautiful pics of The Rhine. Not so good about the squelchy feet though but what long legs you have! :) xx

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful walk and still have bright light for your photographs. You look very tall on your shadow--must try that sort of shot sometime lol. Thank you for always sharing your walks.

    Love the artwork with the stunning colours and images-looks like ideas just popped into your head and out of the beautiful lady's head Stunning

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  5. A fabulous collage, there's so much to look at and I love the beautiful photos.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. Wonderful photos, you get longer all the time! I seem to be shrinking in old age! The collage is totally fantastic, really wonderful! Hugs, Sarah

  7. Hope you don't catch a cold with those wet feet =)
    Really loving the ladies hat, I would love to have a hat like that and wear it on those cold winter days =)
    xx Monique

  8. Solange du und dein Schatten warme Füße behaltet, kann auch mit nassen Socken nix passieren ;)
    Schön ist es da bei dir am Rhein! Ich habe noch die allerschönsten Erinnerungen an meine Rhein-Tour und all die schönen alten Städtchen und Burgen mit der schönen Landschaft!

    Deine Mixed Media Arbeit sieht toll aus - so ein wenig hast du da die Sonne mit eingefangen scheint mir :)

    Liebe Grüße aus dem dauergrauen Wien,
    Claudia x

  9. Thank you for sharing your stroll on the Rhine with us, soggy shoes and all. Thanks, too, for sharing your Mix it Monthly image ~ she's lovely and I keep seeking in her headdress for more!

  10. Lovely to live so near the Rhine that you can enjoy walks there and snap fun photos too!
    Your lady's headpiece looks like what lots of us have going on in our minds ;) = a lot...brilliant and colorful creation ♥

  11. What a great collage and love the background colors too! I love looking at all the different things in her hat.

  12. HI Valerie, You and your shadow, even with squishy shoes, had an amazing walk once again. I love your creation. The headpiece on the vintage lady is incredible. You are so creative and have such a wonderful imagination. Great work once again.


  13. Boah- was für ein HUT!!!!

    Einfach nur PRACHTVOLL!
    Valerie Du bist ein ALLROUNDGENIE.....

    bedienst gleich 3 Challenges und machst nebenbei wunderschöne Fotos..
    hoffentlich hast Du Dir nicht die Blase verkühlt.. ich krieg sofort Blasenentzündung, wenn ich im Winter nasse / kalte Füsse bekomme! brrr..

  14. Terrific photographs Valerie and love your quirky mixed piece for Mix it Monthly, so fab, hugs Annette x

  15. Valerie, it is obvious you have a lot of fun creating your mixed media pieces. Love the lady's headdress. Your photos today are exquisite and I downloaded one of them should I use it I'll certainly ask first.


  16. Oooh valerie,was sind das wieder für tolle Bilder die du gemacht hast,Schattenbilder finde ich auch ganz großartig,ich glaube ich werde das mal auch machen.
    ich hoffe auch das du keine Blasentzündung bekommst,wenn ich nasse kalte Füsse bekomme,hab ich gleich ne Blasenerkältung.
    die Collage mit dem witzigen tollen Hut,ist genial,gefällt mir seehr gut.

    GLG Jeannette

  17. Oh I want this hat for myself, it's simply marvelous.....xox

  18. Ohh Valerie, da bin ich aber spät dran...ich komme einfach nicht mehr hinterher...all die emailfluten jeden Tag.ttsssesses... umso mehr freue ich mich, so ein grossartiges und interessantes Bild!!! Am besten gefallen mir ihre Freunde auf der Schulter, die Knöpfe und die bunten Früchte!!! Da entdeckt man immer wieder neue Kleinigkeiten :) Freut mich, dass Mix It Monthly Dich wieder inspiriert hat....Und Deine nassen Füsse zeugen nur von Deiner Fähigkeit, voll im Moment zu sein beim Fotografieren, hehe...♥ Conny

  19. Oh, dear, Ihope yor soggy shoes & feet have dried off now. No wrinkly toes I hope ;)
    The photos are beautiful, but I think your mixed media piece is stunning Valerie! Truly fabulous! :o) x

  20. beautiful photos along the Rhine and lovely mixed media!

  21. Absolutely stunning piece Valerie! I love how you put everything up into the hat and the writing on her face, it looks fabulous, this is one of my new all time favorites! Beautiful walk along the Rhine too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  22. Love the art project, the hat is amazing. Fantastic photos again, the shadows make you look right into the picture.
    Yvonne x

  23. Amazing!
    Love that you included Mr UM in her hat design, fabulously quirky.
    Great photographs of you and your shadow (should I start singing now?!)

  24. HA!!! That head covering is so much fun! I love it! So much going on but it all goes together so well :)

  25. Hey Valerie - I don't think I have ever seen prettier sky pictures.
    Love the colors in your mixed media piece and you are right - the hat is worthy of a garden party at Buckingham Palace. I am glad you did not paint her face. Wonderful piece - so full of color and interest and humor!!

  26. Wow amazing & beautiful collage, so much to see and so much fun :) Love the vibrant colours as well. Your photos again are beautiful, love the first ones of the colourful sky. Your shadow is very long, the sun is so low. Hopefully your weather doesn't get too wintery. Enjoy the weekend, Shirleyx

  27. Wonderful work! I love your mixed media piece :)

  28. Beautiful post, photos and art piece. So creative!!! Thank you for sharing Valerie and big, big hug to you.

  29. Gorgeous photos...almost worth the wet feet!! Gorgeous mix media piece love the unique hat!!

    Hugs Giggles

  30. Wow Val this is fabulous! I love the background colours, and it's good to see Mr Umbrella man making an outing again. Your lady is definitely Ascot worthy - you won't see a hat like this coming back at you! How the weather doesn't turn too cold (and that your shoes dry off lol) Have a great weekend xx

  31. I was enjoying your walk along the Rhine...and then I got to your mixed media piece. Fabulous! I absolutely love what you have done here. Have a happy PPF! and thanks for posting!

  32. art is magnificent..what a gorgeous hatful of a portal! and I LOVE those first two photos..the colors are absolutely amazing and bewildering..nature is pure poetry..thanks for capturing that!

  33. The sunrise is beautiful--such a lovely way to start the day. I think that hat will be a hit at the races for sure!

  34. Took my breath away with this one! Her hat- oh that is a hat I'd love to wear in real life! So much fun happening there!

  35. Your art project is wonderful. The hat is marvelous with all the various and colorful objects, including the umbrella man. Thanks for visiting. Happy PPF

  36. it has warmed up for the weekend in Toronto Valerie thanks for asking! 0C for the afternoon, 7C for tomorrow! It snowed a bit last night, but that's winter!

  37. Very nice pictures, beautiful and soft colors in the sky!

  38. Love the dramatic colors and interesting details in your painting. I notice something new each time I look at it.

  39. Fabulous work!
    That hat is just amazing, so bright and full of joy.
    Sue xx

  40. Love your photos and how wonderful to be able to walk along the Rhine. I call it Vincent's Rhine. How I would love to walk there. Lucky you. Your colors are amazing on your pages. Great job Valerie. Thanks, have a great weekend and thanks for the b/wishes.

  41. Wow! Was für ein fantastischer Hut! So viele schöne Details und tolle Farben! Auch deine Fotos sind wieder sehr beeindruckend! So ein schöner Post!
    Ein schönes Wochenende für dich!
    LG, LonettA

  42. What a nice walk...wish we live closer to water. I would love to walk along a river or to the beach in the mornings.

    YOUR PIECE IS AwSOmE! Oh my the colors are just amazing and my favorite. Thanks for sharing!!

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  43. That is one INCREDIBLE piece you have made, Miss Valerie. Can't stop looking at everything you have managed to incorporate into her hat! Truly amazing! And the COLORS. WOW. I could go on ...... Loved walking with you along the Rhine. Beautiful. hugs, Donna

  44. Fantastic hat, so much going on in this piece!

  45. Sorry you got wet feet on your walk, I thought that kind of thing only happened to me! lol.
    Love your work here, the background is brilliant!

  46. She is STUNNING! And the photos of your walk are beautiful, too.

  47. WOW!! What a gorgeous sky in your photos. I love seeing the photos from your walks. Thanks so much for sharing them with us. And everything about your piece has me smiling. What a great work of art my friend.


  48. What a stunning hat. It certainly would turn many heads at Ascot!
    I love to go for a daily walk and always find inspiration whilst out.
    Your walk along the Rhine looks just perfect...all except the wet feet ;D

    Have a wonderful weekend and Happy PPF to you.

  49. Lovely work! Bold and beautiful!

  50. realy beautiful photographs Valerie. And I must say that is one AMAZING headdress-fabulous art!!

  51. I love taking walks with you through your photos! It is like a mini-vacation! Your creation this week is wonderful! I love the textures and colors :)

  52. Oh how I love this lady's hair - thanks for the close up shots. Really neat. Happy Ppf.

  53. Thank you for sharing your breathtaking photographs! Your collage is so festive and colorful - perfect to celebrate the new year.

  54. Hi Val. Your photos are amazing and I look forward to seeing them. Your art has so much detail in the perfect proportioins. Beautiful.

  55. Beautiful photographs and the collage is absolutely brilliant!

  56. Du und dein Schatten, ihr seid schon ein tolles Gespann und richtig gut eingespielt aufeinander. ;-)
    Ich mag diese Art von Fotos sehr!
    Und dein Werk für Mix it monthly ist ein typisches Valerie-Werk, Spitze!

  57. Oh my goodness, I just adore that lovely lady's headgear!

  58. Stopping by from Mix It Monthly! This is ABSOLUTELY REMARKABLE!!!!!

    I love everything about it! Great Work.

  59. Hello from the States - love the hat! Definitely a fun gal who has seen a lot! I am visiting from the Mix-it-Monthly group. Your piece spoke to me so here I am enjoying your blog:) I love your work and really enjoyed this piece you did for the challenge. It all works so well - love the contrast of the colors and the book paper. Great Job!


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