
Thursday 2 January 2014

A New Years Walk and a Canvas

Hi everybody!
Hope you all survived the celebrations on New Year's Eve, and that the hangovers are now cured....
I celebrated with a cup of cocoa and ginger biscuits, perhaps not really traditional, but I enjoyed it.
The first day of January dawned here bright and sunny., and after drinking my coffee I walked to Schloss Kalkum to visit the ducks.

The village street behind the castle is also very pretty:

 In the park I disovered more trees in bloom, a lovely sight for the beginning of January.

This doggy was busy pulling his 2 legged companion around:

And the ducks were all happy and busy with their usual ducky lives:

I painted a little canvas for one of my DT pieces at Gecko Galz. I used colours that are in the image to paint the background, and printed the image onto canvas. I used some twigs gathered on my walks as embellishments, after spraying them with some tinned 'snow'. The leaves and flowers were sprayed with silver. I used hot glue to fix them onto the canvas.

Material list:
Image from Collage Sheet Winter Garden2
Euro shop canvas
acrylic paints
twigs, textile flowers

Gecko Galz once again has a huge selection of new digi-stamps, papers and collage sheets, and some good freebies worth looking at!

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always, by Eva and Kristin, and The Cheerful Stamp Pad, anything goes challenge.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful photos and I love your winter canvas, you have captured the wintry atmosphere with the snowy twigs as embellishment really well! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wow,was für ein wunderschöööööööner wintercanvas,so schön winterlich und frostige stimmung.gefällt mir absolut klasse.
    tolle bilder hast du da gemacht.die Enten sind soooooo süss,und richtig fotogen,hihi.
    kakoe und kekse sind doch leecker,ich habe auch mehr cafe als sekt getrunken.

    GLG Jeannette

  3. Beautiful skies and looks like a fabulous day. Ours was very wet and very windy as seems the norm at the moment. Love your canvas and the way you have merged the image into the background.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  4. Ein wunderschöner Spaziergang, liebe Valerie, so in aller Frühe und mit Sonne!
    Deine Impressionen sind auf deinem Winterbild fantastisch getroffen. Eine Augenweide :)
    Liebe Grüße
    ( und HPPF )

  5. Good Morning Val. Wonderful pictures. Your canvas is so stunning. I love that Kingfisher and the fact you used twigs to bring it together. My collection of twigs has grown since you introduced me to twigging x. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xxxxx

  6. A lovely canvas Valerie and beautiful photos, what a gorgeous blue sky. We do have some blue sky today but it's forecast for stormy weather again tonight. Roll on the spring! Xx

  7. Happy New Year - to you and your family, Valerie! I absolutely loved walking with you on your New Year's walk! Your photos are stunning! and speaking of stunning! WOW! Your canvas is so beautiful! I love how I find inspiration whenever I visit your wonderful blog! Thanks!!!!

  8. Lovely photos from your walk, and your canvas is stunning! It is so striking with the sticks used as an embellishment.

  9. Beautiful photos and am loving cyber sharing your walks. Terrific canvas Valerie, Annette x

  10. Great photos and love that canvas! Happy New Year, thanks for your mail! Hugs, Barb

  11. Your photos are always beautiful! I love the ones with blooms. And your canvas art is gorgeous and wintery. Very pretty!

  12. Lve your photos and that canvas with the kingfisher is beautiful. Happy New Year!

  13. Stunning piece Val, what a beautiful way to start the new year! Love how the canvas and twigs really bring out the beauty of the print! Beautiful walk today too, thanks as always for sharing the beauty of your neighborhood with us. Big hugs, ~Diane

  14. Happy New Year, thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. The canvas is stunning, the colours brilliant.

  15. Lovely canvas, inspired by your winter walks no doubt!

  16. It's a gorgeous canvas Valerie, great idea with the tinned snow! You really do live in the most beautiful place xx

  17. wow was für ein wundervoller Canvas!!!
    Deine Fotos sind auch wieder klasse - hier ist es auch eher frühlingshaft und die Kissenprimeln blühen ;o)
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  18. Ein wundervoller Canvas liebe Valerie und himmlisch schöne Impressionen!

  19. Wow, die Fotos sind wieder klasse, Valerie. Es ist schon unglaublich, dass zur Zeit schon die Bäume und Sträucher blühen. Ich habe ein wenig Angst, dass im Frühling das "böse Erwachen" kommt, weil wir bestimmt nicht den ganzen Winter so mildes Wetter haben werden und dann als Konsequenz alles erfriert, was schon gesprossen ist.
    Dein Keilrahmen ist ganz bezaubernd geworden! Was für eine tolle Idee, ihn mit lebendigen Zweigen als Embellishments zu verzieren! Woher hattest du denn die Leinwand ohne Keilrahmen, wenn ich fragen darf? Und sowas kann man ohne Probleme in den Drucker legen? Da tun sich ja ungeahnte Möglichkeiten auf, wenn das klappen würde.

    1. Man kann Canvas per Meter oder fertig geschnittem in Kunsthandel. ich habe ein grosses Block, wie ein Malblock, nur mit Canvas. Es gibt auch von Claudine Hellmuth (Ranger) sticky-back canvas in DIN A4, und extra gemacht fur Drucker. Ich habe keine Probleme Canvas zu bedrucken! Wenn Du noch Fragen hast, ruf much an!

    2. Danke Valerie, ich geh mal schauen. Wir telefonieren bestimmt bald wieder, dann reden wir nochmal drüber, ja?

  20. Wow! That canvas is awesome. I love it.
    Your New Year's Day was much nicer weather wise than wasn't too bad.
    Happy New Year Valerie.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. there is a post on my blog explaining why I've been misssing.

  21. Absolutely gorgeous artwork Valerie and lucky you to have blue sky. It was really awful here!
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  22. No hangover here, but my stomach was not happy most of the day! Guess I should have indulged in more alcohol!!! You canvas is beautiful and I love that bird focal image! Speaking of birds, what another great walk. Hugs!

  23. Gorgeous pics and canvas, Valerie! Happy New Year!

  24. I enjoyed your walk in photos today. I'm a little jealous as I would like to walk on dry pavement (I'm walking on snow & ice and using Nordic poles for stability) and to see blooms is heaven! Your canvas is gorgeous, the twigs bring the image to life. Fantastic artwork. Enjoy the weekend, Shirleyx

  25. Lovely collage with the kingfisher blues and I like the silver flowers

  26. Hi Valerie, what a wonderful canvas piece. I love the color and details.
    Beautiful walk pics and perfect to usher in the new year.
    Wishing you a great and creative 2014.

  27. Eine wunderschöne Winter-Komposition mit dem Eisvogel! Toll diese Farben! Wunderbare, fast schon frühlingshafte Fotos! Aber der Winter mit Schnee, Eis und Kälte kommt bestimmt noch.
    LG, LonettA

  28. I always love seeing your photos from your walks.. And your canvas is amazing. I just saw a humming bird at my feeder today.. Love your canvas my friend.


  29. I always enjoy looking at your photos Valerie. Those little houses look beautiful. The humming bird picture is lovely too, I love the 3D effects you use. A happy new year to you ( I love that it began with gingernuts, what better way to start a year! ) ;) x

    1. Definitely, I love ginger and ginger nuts! Closely followed by peanut butter!

  30. I love going for walks with you, thank you for sharing them. Lovely art piece and I can see where your inspiration came from. Have a very happy and creative 2014!!!

  31. Love your photos and your canvas is absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing this for Cheerful Stamp Pad challenge 76: anything goes - Hazel, DT

  32. Gorgeous photos and artwork! Good for you celebrating any way you want....just as I did!!
    Wishing you great things for 2014!

    Hugs Giggles

  33. Nice to see someone is getting some sunshine you lucky girl :) and what a stunning little canvas love how you have incorporated the image :)
    Von ♥

  34. Happy New Year Stav all the very best for the coming year. Just been catching up with your lovely creations and pictures of your walks - stunning scenes as always.

    Missing you on KK

    Loads of Luv Storm x

  35. Valerie, your bird canvas is really gorgeous. I love the effect of the "snow". And those fabulous photos. Wow! You live in a beautiful place.

  36. really wonderful photos-I'd love to take a walk there :):) Your painting/collage piece is really fantastic!! Happy PPF and happy 2014!

  37. Some nice pictures with lights and exquisite colors, excellent framing !
    Cute and fun photos from your paradise ! A hug ! Leovi .

  38. love your photos and wonderful kingfisher..happy arty 2014

  39. I sure would love to see in person all the beauty in your part of the world. Happy New Year! Your painting/collage is just beautiful and that snow is awesome. Great job.

  40. I enjoy your photos so much. This looks like an amazing place. Your art takes my breath. Wonderful.

  41. How lovely to see the spring-like blossom trees and the clear blue skies. Lifts the heart. Your kingfisher painting is just fabulous and gorgeous colours - you are so talented in so many ways.

  42. Valerie, I love this canvas you have created and your photography skills are exceptional. It is fun to view your photos each day along with your art.


  43. such a beautiful place!its amazing so beautiful and I'd like to walk around all day and visit thanks for sharing

  44. I love seeing the photographs of where you live alongside your art.

    Karen x

  45. This is soooo gorgeous! Seriously - all my favourite colours AND a beautiful kingfisher - so completely beautiful and incredibly effective. I'm gonna go and gaze at it again! Happy New year - Shroo:)xxx

  46. Wonderful photos! I love the dawning of a new year . Your are work is so inspired, thank you for sharing:)

  47. Another raving success. Do love it - the twigs and flowers make me feel like I could step right in. hugs, Donna

  48. Wonderful pictures and beautiful painting:)

  49. Oh ja, das sind wieder so schöne Photos! Ich sehe diese Umgebung immer wieder total gerne! Und das Canvas mit dem Vögelchen ist ganz entzückend. Wunderschöne Blau-Töne! Dir auch ein frohes, neues Jahr!

  50. I love the texture and the layers! Beautiful :)

  51. Wundervolle Fotos! :-)
    Und der Eisvogel ist wunderschön umrahmt worden!
    Frohes neues Jahr und liebe Grüsse

  52. I love looking at trees so particularly like the photos you have shared here. Your painting is lovely as well. Happy New Year.


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