
Thursday 30 January 2014

A Collage and a Journal Page

Hi everybody!

Yesterday was another wonderful, sunny day, although it stayed frosty. It started off with frost on the fields, -4° and a beautiful sunrise, and I was able to enjoy 2 good walks along the Rhine, making a total of nearly 18000 steps, over 8 1/2 miles, so I was proud of myself for that.

The collage I am showing today, which I have called 'Life on various levels', is one I started 2 years back, and which I have worked on here and there, and finished at last. It's still not quite as I wanted, but I think that's something we have to reckon with. I used acrylic paints, stencils, some scraps of gold leafing, lots of bits and bobs from my table, lace, buttons, die-cuts, cut out images, a serviette and some of the transfer images that Jeanette sent me this week. I found some scraps on which I had used candle wax and stamped into it, and included them, too.

The journal page has also been made with other flying bits and bobs on a painted, stenciled and stamped background. The robin red-breasts were from a Christmas serviette. I have created a little world where sky and sea mix and meet in silence - even the birds are blowing bubbles instead of chirping.

The last photo was taken just before sunset at the Rhine:

I am linking to PPF, hosted by the lovely Eva and Kristin, and AJJ, silence, hosted by our gorgeous Susi.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. wow.. geniale Collageseiten Valerie ..ich bin begeistert!
    Und.. HUT ab vor Deiner Step Leistung....
    ein toller Sonnenuntergang kam Dir auch vor die Linse---perfekt!

  2. I love them both, although the first one is my fave today, love all the elements you have combined, and the Eiffel Tower with corset and shoes! Great photos, too! Hugs, Sarah

  3. wow,suuuuuuper geniale collageseiten..toll wie du die rubbelbilder eingesetzt hast,bin ganz von den socken..die blaue seite ist auch ein traum!!!
    schönen sonnenuntergang hast du aufgenommen.
    deine leistung ist wirklich oberestes regal,so fit wäre ich gern auch.

    GLG Jeannette

  4. Beautiful photographs as always and well done for the long walked in the cold.

    Your work is so colourful and always makes me feel happy. I am not good with strong colours but I do love them

    Have a great day

    Chrissie x

  5. Beautiful work Valerie, I love the fun element of the second one and the first one is just stunning. Fabulous walking too, better watch you don't wear out your trainers! Xx

    1. I'm on my second pair this winter, the first ones fell apart!

  6. How wonderful and colourful Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  7. Lovely collage and page. That last photo is stunning.

  8. Soo schöne Seiten und Fotos.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

  9. Loving your quirky views in the pages Valerie. Smashing work, Happy PPF, Annette x

  10. Hi Valerie, Lovely collage. Your design and all the details are incredible. So many interesting details that keep the eye moving. Love how the colors blend.
    Great walk today too and you captured some wonderful pics.
    Stay warm,

  11. Wow this is just amazing, Valerie! I love all the details and that gold leafing is a fabulous touch! What a beautiful collage! Lovely walk again, so peaceful! Hugs!

  12. Beautiful work again, love both pieces, but the first collage is my favourite. Lovely photos as well, it's gorgeous at the Rhine. Hugs, Barb

  13. This is gorgeous Valerie, I love all the details in this, there is so much to see, I can understand why it took so long to make it, its like 20 separate paintings all in 1. It really is lovely and all goes together as 1 big beautiful piece! 8.5 miles from my Marathon woman, I am so impressed! Big hugs,~Diane

  14. Nice colors! As the title you chose suggests, it is a piece full of life. :) My favorite portion is the Eiffel Tour dressed up in a corset...very chic indeed! ;)
    As for the step count, today I am bummed...I walked quite a bit around campus, but I forgot the pedometer on my dresser, so I can't tell quite how much! But you are definitely an inspiration to walk more (and to keep counting). :)

  15. Awesome pieces of art, you always have so many wonderful things and details to look at in your work.
    Good for you with the long walks, I think I will have to get one of these counters, to encourage me to walk more.
    hugs Yvonne x

  16. Complex and beautiful image...lots to take in. Love your sunset. Not walking as much as you probably only about 4 miles in the office - ah well. xox

  17. There is so much to absorb when you share your pages and collages with us.
    I wish I could fee the texture as I can imagine how amazing it is with the paint and also the pieces that have the candle wax on them.

  18. Wunderschöne Seiten!! Die erste gefällt mir ganz besonders. Da gibt es soviel zu entdecken ... großartig! Bewundernswert sind immer auch deine wunderbaren Fotos! Schön, dass es so viel Sonnenschein dieses Jahr gibt... und heute auch wieder!
    Ein schönes Wochenende für dich, LG LonettA

  19. lovely photographs and very creative and colorful collages . Thank you for sharing!

  20. Eine tolle Collage, Valerie! Am besten gefällt mir ja der Eiffelturm in seinem Korsett!
    Und die Journalseiten sind auch super! Wie schön, dass sich Himmel und Erde treffen. Der Spruch "Silence has a music on its own" gefällt mir ebenfalls sehr gut!
    Ich wünsche dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende, liebe Valerie!

  21. Wunderschöne Collagen, Valerie.
    Mich begeistert die Vielfältigkeit und die Gestaltung, die so detailreich ist, dass es immer viel zu entdecken gibt.

    Das Vogel-Fische-Bild gefällt mir besonders gut, von der Idee und der Umsetzung.


  22. Very nice! Silence truly does have a music of it's own...great quote!

    Hugs Giggles

  23. These pages are wonderful. So much to see on there ....

  24. Your collage is gorgeous full of wonderful colours, textures and images. The journal page is also another beautiful collage. Your photos also are wonderful, and wow over 8 miles is a lot of walking, I'm envious of walking on dry ground. Have a great weekend, Shirleyx

    1. Hope you soon have better weather, this has been an awful winter for you!

  25. What a clever way to dress the Eiffel Tower! Beautiful work, Valerie!

  26. Beautiful collage work. I think it's gorgeous! I love what you did with the Eiffel Tower!

  27. Beautiful photos and just love those pieces, the gold and purple so rich! And the birds! <3

  28. Very interesting elements on some of your collages, Valerie. Happy to read you are continue to walk and love the photos.

  29. What an intricate and fabulous collage, and thanks for all the detail shots.
    And your underwater page is something so different again with the birds tweeting silently (but happily I hope).

  30. They are very happy, and feel part of the modern world because they can send silent tweets....

    1. Yes, they do look like very busy birds, tweeting and networking. The third one from the left looks quite bossy and the one next to him looks quite bored, maybe sleeping with his eyes open. I think it's an office meeting.

  31. beautiful photos Valerie. I so wish our weather would warm up so I can get outdoors walking again-I really miss it! Your collages are filled with wonderful imagery , colors and layers. I especially love the last one with the birds.

  32. Beautiful compositions, exquisite workmanship with beautiful colors, my favorite is the tower brace!

  33. Beautiful photos and collage pages Valerie. Love the underwater scene. Have a great day and good for you and walking. ::hugs::

  34. Valerie, such beauty! I love those vibrant blues and violets. Amazing colors.

  35. love these collages!!!! wonderful colours!!!!

  36. Gorgeous collages and loving the use of gold leaf, magical.

    : ) PPF Annabelle

  37. Beautiful photos. The colors you have used on your journal page and collage are heavenly.

  38. This is a wonderful post. The art is exciting. Very well done.

  39. beautiful photos and the colors in your collages are just stunning.

  40. Lovely pages and how wonderful to take such a long walk in the cold weather!!

  41. Beautiful collage, art and photographs! I have been looking for gold leaf for sometime now...unavailable in here. I am going to order it online. To see it in your work is like a 'sign' to me :)
    HPPF Valerie :)

  42. Hey Valerie! Did you study art? First, your photographs are always awesome. Secondly, you seem to come up with some wonderful design work. Correct me if I am wrong, but you seem to have an affinity with gold and the world 'silence' -- I love it when it is 100% quiet and that silence seems to resonate with its own sound. Gold does have a richness about it and I am not referring to money. A richness of vision and history. You know me - I love to ramble on ..... Your last photograph deserves its very own card!!
    Sandy xx

  43. Your collage is beautiful Valerie, I agree with Sandy, you use gold so well. The Rhine looks wonderful, the perfect sunset xx

  44. Wonderful! The colors you use are so vibrant and beautiful! I especially love the gold in"fly"!

    Happy paint party Friday! I'm late, my sis had her baby Saturday. Hooray!


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