
Sunday 22 December 2013

Journal Pages, light and shadow

Hi everybody,
hope you are not all worn out from holiday preparations!

I made these journal pages for the light/shadow theme at Art Journal Journey last week. It was rather difficult to take the photos today, I had to use flash as it was so dark all the time.

The background was my brush-wipe paper, to which I added some sprays, gold ink and lots of stamping and stenciling, and pastels to highten the colours.I used my stencils again for the figures, and used a white pen to outline the figures and do the text. 'Live' is a sizzx die-cut which I used here as a template, and wish has been die-cut and glued on. The quote is from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, spoken by Dumbledore in the film version.

Today I had to dodge the rain to take my walk, but yesterday there was some blue sky here and there:

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your journal pages, Val. the colours are wonderful, and I love that quote. The photos are great, as always! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Great use of colour for the background and the quote!
    Festive Wishes

  3. Val your art journal pages are really beautiful, such bright, vivid colors.Have a wonderful Christmas! Happy PPF

  4. Lovely bright pages and great saying.
    Have a wonderful and magical Christmas.
    Festive greetings.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  5. WOW Val,das sind ganz großartige seiten,wunderschöne farben und hintergrund,mir gefällt auch der text sehr gut,und die weißen linien um den personen drumherum,gefällt mir unheimlich gut.
    schöne harmonische sky bilder hast du wieder gemacht,ich liebe den himmel auch,ich freue mich immer richtig wenn ich zu dir komme,immer die schönen bilder,da fange ich an zu träumen.

    wünsch dir einen wunderschönen tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Danke! Ich kann auch stundenlang den Himmel beobachtem, es ist immer anders und immer schön.

  6. Fabulous journal pages Valerie.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Terrific colours on the pages Valerie.

    Love the blue sky pictures--could do with some of those please.

    Love Chrissie x

  8. Love this spreak, the background is amazing and the quote brilliant! Have a wonderful Christmas, hugs Frea

  9. Good Morning Val. What lovely interesting pages. Hope you have a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy Crafty New Year. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. An explosion of beautiful color, as I wait for the sun to really rise.....xox

  11. Very beautiful pages Val, love the vibrant colours and detail. Your words are quite thought provoking, how true :) Have a Merry Christmas, Shirleyx

  12. wundervolle Seiten Valerie!!!!!

    Ich bin begeistert!

  13. Great post and wonderful words, Valerie, very positive. I love all the stamping and stencilling and drawing you have done on top of your colourful background. These are very inspiring pages.

  14. Großartig sind ist deine Doppelseite hier! Mir gefällt dieses Feuerwerk der Farben und die Silhouetten der Personen davor sehr, sehr gut! Und das Zitat aus dem Harry Potter Film ist hier so passend und so weise! Toll!! :-)
    LG, LonettA

  15. The color in your pages would brighten any day! Lovely work

  16. Working on the finishing touches, but on a break! Lovely art journal pages and the colors are so happy and the white outlines really make those images pop! Enjoy!

  17. Valerie, the current series of your art journal pages are extraordinary. Love the backgrounds you create.


  18. Lovely pages, Val, gorgeous colours, like a firework. Hope you have a happy Christmas, I am off to my Mum's- Hugs, Barb

  19. Wonderful pages Valerie. Looks like a pretty blue sky on your walk.
    Holiday Hugs

  20. Beautiful blue skies and happy pages!

  21. Liebe Valerie, ich habe mich gerade in Deine Journalseiten verliebt
    und frage mich, wie du das mit dem Farbverlauf gemacht hast.
    So herrliche Farben und Worte .... Hmm, wunderschön!
    Ich wünsche dir fröhliche Weihnachten und schicke dir viele liebe Grüße
    Deine Erika

  22. I was getting all into your sentiment here and then I had to laugh!!! Ain't it the truth!!!!! Wonderful journal pages.

  23. The pages of t his art journal are wonderful. There are such beautiful colors on the backgrounds. Amazing!

  24. Love the white outlines against the darker colours. They really dance. hugs, Donna


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