
Wednesday 11 December 2013

A recycled wreath and another Christmas Market.

Hi everybody!
Today I want to show you a recycled wreath I made last week. I found 2 long, plastic orchids in the recycling bin, so I brought them in, gave them a wash, and then bound them together to make a wreath, which is about 12" in diameter. I sprayed it with silver - also a find from the recycling bin - and then used the hot glue gun to fix on the pine cones I gathered up on my walks over the past weeks. I gave it another light spray with silver, added some silver 'fairy-hair' and a bow, and a loop to hang it from - then it was finished. It looks very pretty on my living room door, and I like making things which don't cost anything.

Yesterday I was up early, and as the weather was beautiful - sunny, but cold - I decided to go on an outing. I took the tram into Düsseldorf Altstadt (the old town) and then walked around the Christmas market there. It is much bigger than our tiny one here, and goes through several streets and squares. The first picture is in front of a big department store. They were just opening up for the day, as I went early - I don't like being there when there are a lot of crowds.

This is a special clock in Schneider-Wibbel Gasse (Tailor Wibbel Lane). He was a character in a book about Düsseldorf, written more than 100 years ago. The doors open at the times written and Schneider Wibbel comes out and sits there sewing while  music plays.

This is the old Rathaus - (Town Hall) and the booths in front of it.

At Burg Platz (Castle Square) there is a big wheel. I would have liked to have gone on it, as I sure there was a wonderful view from the top, but it was too expensive. The Tower is all that is left of the castle, and now houses a ship's museum.

The market booths here were the ones I liked best, made up to look like streets of old houses, and were very pretty. It was also very expensive, they wanted 4,50 for a coffee, so I didn't buy one. But it was nice to look at.

The Church of St Lambertus is famous for its wonky spire:

I then had the mad idea to walk home along the Rhine, I thought it would take about 1 1/2 hours, at the most 2. It was a great walk, I really enjoyed it, but the route was much longer than I thought. Anyway, three hours later I arrived back in my little town, rather exhausted, and was happy to sit down in the bakery and drink a coffee to give me enough strength for the last lap home.
I was dog tired by the time I got here, but sort of happy, tail-wagging dog tired!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Der Kranz sieht sehr edel aus! Schöne Fotoserie ... ich war vor genau einem Jahr dort... und wir hatten eine Menge Schnee! War sehr schön. LG, LonettA

    1. Ja, im letzten Jahr war sehr viel Schnee, es war schöööön!

  2. Love your silver wreath, looks very noble! And the photos are wonderful, too - do you still remember when we went to the Christmas Market with all the kids from school? Hugs, Sarah

  3. The silver wreath is just amazing--you're ideas get better and better.

    Love the photographs of Dusseldorf. I went there at Christmas 26 years ago when I spent a few weeks with my brother at RAF Gutersloh. I really admired the cleanliness of the streets there and all of the places we visited.

    You are a real hiker now aren't you? So pleased we are all getting the benefit by seeing where you have been

    Have a rest today you deserve it lol

    Love Chrissie x

  4. Ein Herrlciher Kranz,durch das silber wirkter sehr edel,tolle Bilder hast du wieder mit gebracht,am schönsten finde ich diese tolle schneider Wibbel Uhr,und das große karrussel bei dem Glühweinstand,ich mag ihn nicht sehr gern,und bin höchst allergisch auf die Gewürze darin.
    da hast du ja einen großen Spaziergang gemacht,ich möchte diese Woche auch mal zum Weihnachtsmarkt,aber irgendwie fehlt der Flair,so ganz ohne Schnee,ich hoffe das es noch schneit bei uns.

    Hab einen schönen Tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  5. Beautiful re purposed wreath. Thanks for the photos of the Christmas market i really enjoyed them! That was more of a hike, good for you!

  6. Beautiful wreath, I wonder what it looked like before you created magic with it? Your photos are wonderful, thanks for the 'tour' :) I think you enjoy your surroundings and also take great photographs!

    1. It was just 2 plastic orchids, whch I bound together to make the wreath!

  7. Valerie, Your wreath is gorgeous. What a wonderful find and you created something amazing with the parts. I love the silver it gave new life to this project. Seeing your pics are like being on a little vacation. Thank you for sharing what Christmas looks like in your area.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  8. Loving your wonderful wreath, its fab. It is great to see these wonderful photographs as well. Annette x

  9. boah.. erstens Hut Ab .. nicht nur der Altstadt Trip ( danke für die geniale Altstadt- Führung) jetzt weiss ich ein wenig was über Düsseldorf... sondern auch noch der emmens lange Heimweg... bravo..
    der Kranz ist fabelhaft...
    ich kenn das Gefühl gut--- diese Dinge haben einen "unschätzbaren Wert " für uns Dingemacher!!!

    Es gibt einem eine unglaubliche Befriedugungm, wenn man aus Dingen die andere wegwerfen noch so was wunderschnes machen kann...stimmt's...

    zauberhaft! Und dieses Gefühl hast Du jetzt sicher jedes mal wenn Du ins Wohnzimmer gehst oder?

    sei lieb gegrüßt Du Düsseldorfer Wanderstante!!!

    1. Jetzt möchte ich singen, 'Mein Vater war ein Wandersman, und mir steckt's auch im Blut!'

  10. Your wreath is gorgeous - you do have vision. I went back to look at it again and it really is smashing. Who would have thought it started off as plastic orchids. Not I!!! What a splendid adventure. Even if I had tons of money I could not have gone up in the wheel. I have vertigo and I do not know if I could have done that. I do believe they charge such high prices cause they know that there are people who will pay. I did enjoy the pictures of the Christmas market. So smart of you to go before the crowds - I do not like being in the mist of a lot of people. A long hike home but you made it.
    Again Valerie - your wreath is spectacular and even more so when you explained how you made it.
    Wishing you Happy Holidays!

    1. It would have been a bit scary going up in the wheel, but I wanted to take photos from the top! Some will pay any price, so they take what they can get!

  11. Stunning wreath..such silvery enchantment...gorgeous...very elegant too! I love the silvers and metal color palette..spectacular...looks wonderful kindred! And wow..fabulous photos...such a wonderful festive time...wowness! Such beauty! Thanks for sharing the magic!

  12. Sounds like you had a lovely, albeit tiring day, you would have needed to steep your feet in a basin after that walk home! Lol! Wonderful pics and I love your recycled wreath. Hope today has been more leisurely for you! Xx

  13. You are such a versatile artist, I love this wreath made from "nothing".
    A good walk today, with the blue clock, the Rathaus and the wonky spire.

  14. Gorgeous wreath Valerie, it looks very high end too. Beautiful photos from your loooooooooooonnngggg walk, wow, what an excursion that was! Hope you have had a chance to catch your breath and rest those feet! ~Diane

  15. I imagine the wreath looks gorgeous and welcoming on your door. Great recycling Hope you have recovered from your long walk home, you must have been exhausted.
    Yvonne x

  16. How nice to have such a unique wreath that also reminds you of your walks. Speaking, of walks...that was really a hike! I keep thinking about your poor broken toe, but since you no longer mention it, I assume it is all healed up! The town market is very festive and just looking at your photos makes me smile.

  17. What a fabulous recycled wreath Valerie, cleverly made and I bet it looks wonderful on your door. I love your outings. Such great photos and explanations and what a long walk home this time. Hope your feet have recovered.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  18. LOVE the wreath - looks like a great market! hugs, Donna

  19. Your wreath turned out wonderful. And looks like your outing was wonderful. Love all the site you shared with us.. It looks like you got a lot of exercise indeed.


  20. Lovely wreath, and what a neat market!


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