
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Tag Tuesday, Moos, and more

Hi everybody!
Tuesday means that it's time for Tag Tuesday, and our theme this week is 'all stitched up'

The lovely image I have used is from Gecko Galz 'sew and sew' collage sheet, and has been printed onto canvas. I distressed the edges before sewing it onto the partly stripped and painted corrugated card from an old box.
I actually sewed it onto the card! As I don't see well, I needed a long time to get the needle threaded, but then it worked. And I hope that I will be able to see better after the eye operation at the beginning of next year. For the bow I used some very shabby seam binding, fixed on with a pin.

I made the cat  moos  for the last challenge at Moo-Mania, but I somehow forgot to show them, and 'hands' is the current challenge. For the cats I used some scraps of painted paper, and for the hands various tiny scraps.

The Rhine is carrying a lot of water just now, the 'beach' on our side has disappeared and a lot of the trees are getting wet feet. Not so the birds -I hope all these gulls are not waiting for the pleasure boat, as far as I know the next one doesn't come till spring....

And this beautiful Savoy cabbage was on special offer at the supermarket for 59 cents, so I brought it home with me, and tomorrow it will be turned into a veggie 'one-pot', with cabbage, tomatoes, onions and various other veggies.

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous tag, love the canvas and the stitching, didn't realise you could stitch through cardboard. Nice moos and photos, too - wonder what those gulls are up to? Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wonderful tag and terrific Moos.

    The one pot sounds a really great idea--enjoy it all.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  3. I love your tag and the moos are great - the veggie one pot sounds scrummy.
    xxx Hazel

  4. Dein Tag ist sehr,sehr schön und gefällt mir total,deine moos sind auch superklasse,besonders das mit den händen ist raffiniert gemacht.
    schöner bilder hast du wiEder gemacht,beim wirsingkohl bekomme ich gleich appetit,ach ja,ich muss immer ans essen denken *gg*

    glg jEANNETTE

  5. The sewing theme tag is a favourite, no two doubts about it especially how you managed to sew it directly onto the corrugated cardboard. So (or is that sew!!!) wish I had a proper sewing machine, I would love to explore sewing so much more.
    Another great post.

  6. I do like your sewing card with the corrugation and the cat Moos are rather nice too. I like your idea for the latest Moo, juggling hands - that's clever.

  7. das Tag ist himmlisch und die Moos sind alle drei wieder mal fabelhaft ... mir gefallen all die schönen Farben und die gedoodelte Katze ganz besonders....

    die armen Möven, hoffentlich warten die nicht wirkolich auf ein Schiff....
    und Dein Kohl sieht echt toll aus....
    hatte letztens auch einen gekrallt in Aktion..
    bei uns sagen wir KÖÖÖCH dazu

    irgendwie eine extraschlampige Ableitung von Kohl...
    ich mach den ganz klein geschnitten ( gemeine Elends-Arbeit) mit Kümmel gekocht und hernach mit angeschwitzten Zwiebeln und viel Knolauch und etwas Speck mit wenig Mehlschwitze zu einer
    spinatartigen Pampe..die einfach himmlisch zu gekochtem Rindfleisch mit Rösti schmeckt....

    manchmal lass ich mich auch hinreissen zu mit hack gefüllten Kohlrouladen...
    das ist noch mehr Elendsküchenarbeit,,
    aber was tut frau nicht alles, damit die Leibesrundungen erhalten bleiben!

    1. Deine Koch Ideen klingen herzhaft und guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, und werden hier auch über kurz oder lang probiert - danke für die Anregung. Jetzt gehe ich meinen Eintopf essen, ich habe Hunger.....

  8. Your canvas is fantastic & beautiful. I like the textures and colours (my two favourite things in artwork). Great Moos as well. The cabbage looks good and your plan for it sounds tasty. Have fun, Shirleyx

  9. Lovely tag and moos, glad you got the sewing done! What a gorgeous cabbage!

  10. What a gorgeous sewn tag and wonderful moos! What do you do with all of the art that you create? Do you trade at all?

  11. Your tag is stunning Valerie, I love the stitched panel. Don't love the sound of your eye op though :( xx

  12. Wow Valerie. How Fabulous this piece looks. Its so colourful too. As always I love your beautiful pictures. Please share your 'One Pot 'recipe too, it sounds like a real winter warmer. Hugs Rita xxx

  13. Gorgeous pieces, love those hands and the corrugated piece is stunning, love all the elements and how you used them, you are so creative. Beautiful walk we had today, thank you. The savoy cabbage was a real bargain and much easier to chop too I would imagine, and your recipe is delicious for sure. ~Diane

  14. Lovely panel Valerie and super colourful moo's
    Von ♥

  15. Deine Karte mit den genähten Details ist ein Traum!!! Auch die Moo´s sind klasse geworden - und deine Fotos wieder Herzerfrischend <3
    Ich liebe Wirsing in Streifen mit Zwiebeln und Knobi angeschmort mit gebratenem Hack dazwischen und das ganze dann kurz durchziehen lassen in eine cremigen Käsesoße - soooooooo lecker ;o)

  16. Your projects are fab as are your photos. Hope the eye op does the trick, Annette x

  17. Fabulous Stitched tag. Love it.. Your veggie dish sounds so good. What time it dinner??? LOL
    Enjoying your pics!

  18. Fantastic tag, I cannot thread needles either. Have a gadget for sewing needles and if its the machine have to get one a magnifying glass out. Hope the eye OP goes okay.
    Enjoy your one pot meat.
    Yvonne x

  19. Gorgeous tag and love the added stitching. The moos are fabulous as well! That cabbage does look delightful and I am sure will be delicious! Enjoy!

  20. Your tag is very interesting sewn onto the cardboard. We had a little snowfall this morning and as the temp is dropping it has stayed on the grass and bushes--looks very pretty! That's a beautiful cabbage-I'm sure it will be tasty!

  21. Love that tag Valerie - do you have a special printer? One could never tell that you do not have good eye sight. Your moos are so delightful and colorful - I love the idea of "MOOS"!
    Now you know that you simply must post a picture of your soup - better yet - give us the recipe!!!!!

    1. The photo of the one-pot soup is on my new blog post this evening!

  22. Love your use of corrugated on the charming. xox

  23. motivating me to sew......gorgeous photos!

  24. Großartige Werke sind hier zu sehen, Valerie. Ich liebe diese Farbenpracht.

    Danke für's Mitmachen bei MOO-MANIA

  25. Ganz tolle Werke! Die Karte ist zauberhaft. So viele schöne Details. Die Moo´s sind großartig!


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