
Friday 8 November 2013

Mixed bag for Saturday

Hi everybody!
I have had a couple of chaotic days here. My printer went on strike, the fridge gave up its ghost, I got soaked when I nipped out to the post, and in the evening a lightbulb exploded when I switched on the light....
The printer is running again, the fridge will have to be replaced, and all the glass from the bulb has been removed from my bedroom, so things can only get better - I hope.

I had a commission to make a card for a male 90th birthday. Not easy, especially as I don't know the recipient. I layered various papers in gold and bronze tones over each other, and printed the photo onto canvas. Apart from that I kept it simple, and hope the Golden Oldie will like it.

The photos are from my Wednesday walk, when I went to visit an old villa set in a beautiful park. I showed some of them yesterday, here are the rest:

This tree was so beautiful:

The villa looks rather neglected:

I wonder who this is?

The remains of the old farm:

The porter's lodge :

The beautiful ironwork of the gates:

The village:

I am linking to Manon's Paper Saturdays.
Hope you enjoyed your walk.
Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ooohh Was für ein stolzes Alter,die karte ist richtig klasse und wird dem oldie gefallen.
    boah,bei dir ist ja auch immer was los,hoffentlich sind alle glas klein teile von der Glühbirne nicht mehr in deinem bett,bitte pass auf dich auf,es kann nur wieder besser werden.
    tolle Bilder sind das wieder,besonders diese Schloss gitter und die schönen Strassen sind klasse,und bäume mag ich auch sehr.
    ich war auch heute abend nochmal spaziren,die luft ist so schön frisch und klar,kann ich besser schlafen,wünsche dir auch eine gute Nacht,schlaf gut!

    GLG Jeannette

  2. That's a gorgeous card for a 90 year old--I am sure he will be pleased. Enjoyed the walk around--seeing the beautiful horse, too!

  3. Beautiful photos again, and the card you have made is very elegant, he should like it! Hugs, Sarah

  4. I think the card will be much admired, its a fantastic vintage image with great colours and layers. Super photos of your walk loved the models of the old couple on the seat.
    Yvonne x

  5. Very lovely card for a gentleman - great photo. Always so interesting to walk with you - certainly so much to see - always different. Thanks for taking us with you. hugs, Donna

    1. Pity it's not near enough to really go for a walk together!

  6. Die Glückwunschkarte sieht sehr edel aus! Hast du sehr schön gemacht! Und wieder so tolle Fotos und beneidenswert deine Umgebung für die Spaziergänge! Was die chaotischen Tage stimmt, manchmal kann es nur besser werden! LG, LonettA

  7. Hi Valerie, The card you designed for the 90 year old is wonderful. I am sure it will be the best they receive. Love the color you chose to use with the pop of gold. Stunning.
    Your walks are filled with such beauty to see. I love your pics. They are magazine worthy and could be framed. Thank you for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  8. Hi Valerie, I think your card is beautiful and perfect for a special 90 year birthday. What an accomplishment to reach that age ! Your photos again are beautiful, thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend, Shirleyx

  9. Oh no . . . just as your life was getting back to normal your refrigerator went out. Now what? However, keep your camera working because your photos are so lovely. Your card for the 90 year old gentlemen is perfect and he will enjoy it even more knowing it was made especially for him.


  10. So nothing new happening with you then Valerie lol. Things really can only get better! Your card is fab, I love the idea of printing onto canvas, and your photographs are wonderful xx

  11. As always, I really enjoyed our walk. What a cute elderly couple sitting on the bench. It is always great fun to have some whimsy in one's life! Your card is really gorgeous and I would say very appropriate for male or female especially when turning 90.
    I am so sorry about your chaotic day and it seems like when thing go - they go all at once. I wonder if things really come in threes not counting getting soaked in the rain.

  12. I really enjoyed your photos from your walk. I just love all the fall colors. And those brick buildings look beautiful. Your card looks wonderful my friend..


  13. Poor you Valerie....don't you just hate these days x your card is fabulous. The image is perfect and will be a treasured make. Wonderful photographs too

    Hugs Annie x

  14. I think your card is beautiful. I hope it was enjoyed. You photograph the most interesting places! If I had such wonderful places to walk, I would walk all the time :)

    1. Now ypou know why I always try to get out and walk!

  15. I enjoyed our gentle stroll together taking in all the sights.
    What a time you have had!
    Lovely olde worlde style to your card with the hints of gold and copper - they will be delighted with your creation.
    Here's to next week being kinder to you.

    1. Hmmm, today my mouse has died! And it's not the battery....

  16. I'm sure the Golden Oldie will love your card and I love the golden oldies on the bench too. Lovely pics. Hope you don't encounter any more electrical problems this week, it's such a costly pain in the butt when electrical items give up the ghost! Xx

  17. Love seeing a horse on the road. What a charming village! Thanks for taking us on your walk. You card is quite sweet. xox

    1. I often meet more horses than people when I go out walking!

  18. I don't know how I missed this post, Valerie, and I was just thinking this morning that I had missed my Saturday walk in Germany. I love your photos of buildings and gates and everything else.
    I'm sure your oldie will love the card.
    It's very frosty here.

  19. I don't have to go on a walk anymore when I come and visit you! Wonderful photos. I love to see neglected houses because a story to how that happens always comes into my head. Happy Paper Saturdays! ManonX

  20. Gorgeous card, I am sure it will be well appreciated! Great walk, was that you riding the horse? ~Diane


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