
Sunday 17 November 2013

Apple pie & slippers

Hi everybody, hope you are enjoying your Sunday.

It's a cold and rather misty day here, but my apartment is filled with the aroma of freshly baked apple pie, yummy!
 I tried a different recipe this time, using white and wholemeal flour mixed, and adding ground almonds to the pastry. I used soft brown sugar and cinamon to flavour the apples, and it has oozed out at the sides making a disgustingly delicious toffee crust, sigh! Here it is, fresh out of the oven:

And with the first slice taken out:

I didn't know who wanted cream and who wanted custard, so help yourselves and enjoy it with whatever you prefer:

And to go from the sublime to the ridiculous, here are some little slippers I knitted last week. They were quick to knit, and I have put stoppers under the soles (they were included with the packet of wool, buttons and needles) and they are warm and comfortable for lounging around at home.

At So Artful the challenge is to create a tree using orange and one other colour. Here I have used a photo I took on my walk along the Rhine yesterday, along the path leading down to the old ferry.

I played around and made several digitally altered variations.

With scratched and textured edges:


Tunnel vision?


And I saw this lovely bike on my way out yesterday, so pretty:

I'm off for a walk now, need to use up those apple pie calories!

Have a great day, whatever you are up to, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. What a wonderful post Valerie with everyone's favourite things in it-well definitely mine.

    The smell of apple pie and yours has extra in it to make it even better. Your wonderful knitted slippers and the beautiful photographs as well. You have made my day

    Lotsa Luv Chrissie x

  2. Hehe Valerie you made my mouth watery with your delicious pie..yumm! Wonderful colors on the tree and so surprising the kaleidoskoc-version! and the the bike...such a cool eyecatcher! Love those idea! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  3. your slippers are lovely with the cable pattern, beautiful rich color too.
    The apple pie I think I can smell all the way over here, delicious!!! Beautiful images and fun switch ups!

  4. And I wanted to start dieting today! After getting a whiff of that pie, I have decided I need something good, too! Wonderful, fun post - a ray of sunshine on a dark day. Love those slippers, too! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Beautiful looking pie. I bet it tasted great. Cute slippers, love that color. xox

  6. und wo bitte ist mein Stück vom Apfeltraum????
    genialer Pie , geniale Slipper ---wow!
    wunderbare Fotos und schöne digitale Werke damit!

    sei lieb gegrüßt von


  7. There is that apple pie that I have been waiting for! Delicious for sure! Thank you for taking me along for a morning walk! Happy Sunday! Hugs!

  8. Oh I forgot! Love those slippers! You are such a talent!

  9. What a scrumptious looking pie Valerie - very rustic looking - good hardy food. I will take my piece with a small hunk of cheddar cheese please.
    Love your slippers . I see that your toe still remembers sliding into the cabinet. No sliding with these slippers!
    How in the world did you learn to do all of this with the pictures. They are really grand - my favorite has to be the kaleidoscope but then again I do like the tunnel vision.

    1. I haven't got cheddar, but I could offer you some delicious, French Camembert - okay?

  10. Your pie looks delicious Valerie, the pastry looks so crumbly. I wish I could knit, your slippers look so comfy. Hey, that almost rhymes! Xx

  11. The crust on your pie looks soft and fluffy - and delicious. My slice of pie is making my mouth water (no cream thank you), but I just can't reach it.
    Love all the variations on the photo. The original is my favourite, I feel I just want to walk along the path to see what is round the corner. And then the kaleidoscope with its star and the tunnel.
    Happy toasty toes.

  12. Hi Valerie, Your pie looks so yummy good on an Autumn day!! Love your slippers. My they look so comfy. Your pics are incredible and your special effects are unique. Looks like you are having fun and spoiling us to see pics with every post. Just another of your talents.
    I adore that bike too.
    Happy Sunday, Hugs

  13. What a beautiful post, Valerie! Your photo of the trees is magical I think I like the Tiles treatment best, but it wasn't an easy decision. The photo of the bicycle too, is so well done. Thanks for joining us at Soartful, we always love to see your work!

  14. That looks so tasty. I will have custard with my first slice and for seconds I'd like a dash of cream!
    How amazing that you knitted your own slippers, you are such a talented woman.
    P.S. That bicycle is amazing!

  15. Oh I feel so full up now!

    What a lovely varied post! I am so going to look out for a cheap bike at the tip!!! I really LOVE that red bike! It is so pretty :)

    Karen x

  16. you are sooo talented, baker, photographer, artist!

  17. Yum, what a delicious pie! I will have some cream on mine please. The slippers look quite warm and very fashionable too. Loved the walk, the fresh air has made me hungry now! ~Diane

  18. The pie looks yummy! I'll have my slice plain! I bet your knitted slippers are great after your walks! I like the fun digital effects--kaleidoscope is cool!

  19. What a varied post today - really good knitted slippers, a fabulous recipe for apple pie (I'll have some yogurt or creme fraiche with it, thanks) and your fun and arty pictures with orange trees for Soartful, where we always like to see you.

  20. Hmmmmmmmmm - dein Kuchen sieht sehhhhhr lecker aus und deine Fotos sind sowohl im original wie auch nach der Bearbeitung absolut schön !!!
    LG Dagmar

  21. Dear Val.
    Thanks for your visit to my blog!
    Your pie looks so delicious and those slippers are just perfect for the cold weather
    Have a good week
    Sue xxx

  22. The pie looks delicious, it would be cream for me on the top. Loving the knitted slippers, they look so cosy and warm. What you did with the photos looks amazing.
    Yvonne x

  23. hhhmmmmmmm,der kuchen duftet bis hier her und sieht seeehr leeecker aus,die Strick schuhe sind wunderschön und bestimmt ultra warm,tolle Bilder hast du da gemacht,und das Fahrrad ist ja Suuper schöööön.

    wünsch dir noch einen schönen Sonntag :-) GLG Jeannette

  24. This entire post is incredible! The apple pie looks so scrumpdillicious! Slippers - so cozy. Photos - what a beautiful fall you are having. Hope you enjoyed your walk. hugs, Donna

  25. Terrific and varied post Valerie, although I don't eat pastry, would adore the filling with cream. Loving your slippers as am sure you do. Wonderful variation of photos. Hope you enjoyed your walk, hugs Annette x

  26. Hi Valerie - just catching up - I dn't suppose there's any apple pie left is there?
    Great pics, love how you've altered them inhto art!
    Avril xx


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