
Monday 28 October 2013

Tag Tuesday Tag Set

Hi everybody!
Hope you are all well and fit. Thanks for all your good wishes - my cold is getting slowly better. My toe is broken, it will need a couple of weeks before it stops hurting, but I try not to think about it too much, and have some old but comfortable shoes I can run around in. We had very stormy weather today, the dust-bins were rolling around on the road, and branches and twigs were everywhere. I heard the sirens of the fire brigade all day, I guess they had a lot to do. Some places it was really bad, causing enormous damage, and in a town near here 2 people got killed when a tree fell onto a car - a father and his child. So sad. And this evening, after the storm had blown over here, the sky was beautiful again:

Our theme this week at Tag Tuesday is 'Halloween', and I have made my last Halloween piece for this season- now I have no excuse more not to start on the Christmas cards....
I made a tag trio. The background paper is from TH, the witch and pumpkins have been cut out of a sheet of My Mind's Eye paper, and the witches' hats have been die cut with a Sizzix die. I decorated the hats with autumn leaves and a feather, and gave the little witch a pretty green necklace.

These three tags are up for grabs, if you would like the set, please leave a comment by Friday, November 1st, and I will pull a name out of the hat at 8 AM German time.
That's all for today!
Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. beautiful photos!!
    wonderful Halloweeny scenes!

  2. Hi Valerie............Love your tags and that fab witches hat. Horrible weather but the sky is amazing to look at

    Best Wishes

    Annie x

  3. Lovely set, just saw it on the other blog, and I would LOVE to have it! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Just seen the set on Tag Tuesday and I still enjoyed seeing it again.

    Wonderful pictures Valerie though the weather that accompanies such beauty isn't so good at all. The UK had bad weather yesterday as well but it didn't reach as far as where we live.

    Great that you have some shoes that you can wear that fit over your broken toe--must be painful though.

    Take care

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Your tags are great fun Valerie. Not so good about your toe though,, hope it doesn't curtail your walking too much. Fortunately we escaped the bad weather yesterday, we're having some lovely autumnal days. Take good care. Xx

  6. Ooh deine Tags sind ja herrlich,und die sky bilder traumhaft,ich liebe den himmel auch wenn er so rot am horizont ist.
    das mit deinem zeh tut mir leid,und ich hoffe es tut nicht allzu sehr weh,ich wünsch dir ganz schnell gute besserung,und pass auf dich auf,knuddel dich mal aus der ferne.
    ich habe heute nachmittag einen termin zum ultraschall,habe doch darmprobleme und schmerzen und hoffe sie können das klären was da los ist.

    Alles Liebe Jeannette

    1. Ich hioffe es geht Dir bald besser! Knuddel Dich zurück!

  7. Fabulous happy Halloween set, loved the eyes. Do they wobble?
    Super photos after the storm. Those shoes sound comfy, but I hope you don't, 'run' around too much, rest that poorly toe.
    Yvonne x

  8. I'm so sorry to hear your toe is broken, I was afraid it might be, your tags are beautiful, such fun for season, take care of the cold and your toe, heal quickly, the pink sky photos are amazing!

  9. Love your sky photos. Your tags are great fun, and yes I would love to have them. Please put my name in the 'hat'. hugs, Donna

  10. Deine Tags sind hammermässig, wunderschön dekoriert, mehr Halloween geht nicht!
    Wie doof mit dem Zeh, toll dass Du es so sportlich nimmst, ich hatte eine Nagelbettentzündung und konnte 3 Monate nicht gescheit laufen, hätte mie gedacht dass einen so ein Pillepatsch so ausknocken kann.
    Dir weiterhin gute Besserung und gute Laune:-)
    Liebe Grüße Anja

  11. lovely work, hope I win! So sorry about the toe and these tragedies break the heart. Your skies are beautiful!

  12. Hi Valerie, WOW you always amaze with your talents. Love you tag trio. Really creative.
    So sorry to read you have a broken toe. I know this too well as I have broke my little toe a few times. I know it is painful and takes time to heal.
    Hope you weather is better today. So sad about the father and daughter.
    Stay safe.
    Happy Halloween.

  13. Those sky photos are ace Valerie !
    Dearie me if it's not one thing it's another, sorry about the toe but glad the cold it getting better :)
    Take care now
    Von ♥

  14. Those cards are adorable--especially the eyes on the hats! Your creativity always inspires me. Lovely sky photos. I hope your toe heals quick. Always so sad to hear when Mother Nature wrecks havoc and takes lives...sigh.

  15. was für ein witziges Trio ..und wunderschön gestaltet!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt
    von Susi

  16. What a nasty storm and it is always sad when lives are loss! Can't even imagine what their family is going through! Take care of yourself and feel better! Your Halloween projects are great fun! Hugs!

  17. Sorry to hear about you toe Valerie. It will take time to heal. Love these wonderful tags. And once again Thank-You for sharing your beautiful pictures. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xxx

  18. Postcard perfect photos again Valerie, thanks for sharing. So sad to hear about the damage and the lives that were lost. Your Halloween scene is adorable, love the tags, you really are a wonder. Take care of that toe sweetie! ~Diane

  19. Your tags are adorable, Valerie. AND, the new photos so beautiful!

  20. Das ist ja ein witziges Trio! Gefällt mir!

  21. Great fun tags Valerie, and the sky looks wonderful in your photographs. We had a bit of wind here but nothing like what they forcast thankfully. Ouch for the broken toe! xx

  22. So cute those tags....Sorry about your toe. I heard you had bad weather, so sad that a Dad and child were killed, how tragic. Who can ever recover from that. xox

  23. This storm has done far too much damage in Europe (I include the U.K. in that - although not everyone would agree with the inclusion!). Four died in the U.K. It is dreadfully sad and lots of cleaning up in so many places.
    Your tags are wonderful, spooky but such great fun.
    Take good care.

  24. Isn't it amazing that such a horrid storm could leave such a beautiful sky. Very sad about the father and his child.
    I am not surprised about your toe - time heals all. All I can say is better toe than hip!!!
    Your Halloween make is wonderful - she sure does look mischievous doesn't she! Love your little squash and pumpkins - they look like candy. YUM!

  25. Super tags, sorry I am late posting a comment but real problems with blogger. Hugs Bee


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