
Thursday 17 October 2013


Hi everybody!
Another cold and dreary day here, brrrrrr - it can only get better - I hope.
I made some journal pages for she-art at AJJ last week, and now have time to post them. I didn't get round to much this week, as I have been busy knitting, washing, even doing the dreaded H*******K and I*****G! Don't worry, the attack will pass.
The first piece is once again evidently influenced by Halloween.

The background was painted with grey, into which I added colours using pastel chalks. I sprayed some red and purple at the top and let it drip. The floating / flying figures have been stenciled and painted with black. The background colours still show through it. At first I wanted to give it a second coat, but decided I like it the way it is. The skellies have been stamped, as have the bats and spiders' webs, and the kid on the left at the bottom is a die-cut.

The second piece is rather a contrast programme, a double page I made using a photo of my Great Grandmother Rachel and the text 'woman of valour' (Eshet Chayil) from Proverbs 31.
The background has been painted with green and blue, and the patterns in the background have been stencilled and stamped.

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.
Have  a good day, take care, and thanks for coming by.


  1. Wow,deine seiten sind Obergenial valerie,die hintergründe sind spitze und auch die Gestaltung ist große klasse,gefällt mir seehr.

    GLG Jeannette

  2. Both journals are wonderful, and both so different. I like the movement and feeling of fun in the first one, and the page with your Savta is fantastic, a lovely tribute. Hugs, Sarah

  3. wow.. was für inspirierende Seiten Valerie.. Deine halloween angehauchte Flugseite ist ja allein schon ein Renner .. bei Deiner Uroma Seite gefallen mir die Farben so richtig richtig gut und irgendwie muss ich feststellen, dass alle Uromas sich irgendwie ähneln.. meine hatte auf ihrem Hochzeitsfoto sogar ne ganz ähnliche Frisur und auch von der Statur her könnte sie wohl die Schwester Deiner gewesen

    na seelverwandt sind wir irgendwie ohnehin auch ein klein wenig durch unser Hobby!--
    wer weiss?!

  4. Deine Ideen scheinen wirklich grenzenlos zu sein, Valerie. Was mir an dem ersten Werk besonders gut gefällt ist, dass die Hintergrundfarben auch auf den schwarzen Figuren zu finden sind, das macht sie sehr lebendig.
    Auch die Seite mit deiner Uroma ist toll geworden. Ich glaube, Tapferkeit war etwas, das viele Frauen der damaligen Generation auszeichnete, wie mir scheint. Es blieb ihnen ja auch gar nichts anderes übrig.
    Jedenfalls hast du die Würde der Dame sehr gut eingefangen!

  5. Ja, sie war eine sehr tapfere und resolute Dame!

  6. Both pieces are gorgeous, Val, I always love what you make! Hugs, Barb

  7. Recent souls leaving the earth flying betwixt and between. Quite an imagination you have. The skeleton in the red hat is wonderful . The pages using your great grandmother are wonderful with fantastic text. I love the color combinations you have used.

  8. Loving the spread of a Girls Night Out, so fab and also love your great grandmother spread Valerie. Happy PPF, Annette x

  9. Loving the floating figure in the first pages, had to smile at the caption about girls having a night out.
    Your great gran looks a formidable, regal lady again great words to go with the pages.
    Yvonne x

  10. Great pages Valerie, love the photo of your great grandmother. The first one reminds me a bit of Mary Poppins! Xx

  11. Yes, I was thinking of Mary Poppins when I did the umbrellas!

  12. Fantastic pages ! The first one is a great spooky one with the flying things etc and the 2nd is also beautiful in vintage style with the photo of your grandmother. Great artwork! Have a wonderful weekend, Shirleyx

  13. The Halloween layout is just fabulous! You are so talented--the composition and flow of your pages is always so perfect. The second page is so rich in detail and layering--such a beautiful tribute to your G-Grandmother!

  14. Your flying ladies pages are fun and you can just imagine it is Halloween with the spirits abroad. There's quite a contrast with your "Woman of Valour", what a good artist you are to have two such different pieces in the same post.

  15. Your journal pages are wonderful - love all the 'flying around'. The red show and heart included are great. You always have such wonderful family photos to use in your work. I enjoy that so much. Great piece. hugs, Donna

  16. Wonderful pages. Love the hat with ribbon on the skeleton--ingenious :)

    What a wonderful tribute to your great Grandmother. You have wonderful collection of family photographs and I love to see how you use them.

    Have a great day-hopefully no more of the dreaded words today-I have to do some and some gardening so wish me luck please

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. WOW! Love the drama & fun, just perfect pages, & your beautiful Grandma would be proud I bet :)

  18. I love both your journal pages demonstrating your wonderful imagination as well as sentimental makes.

    Best wishes
    Annie x

  19. Very pretty. Wonderful colors and flying figures , I love ... !

  20. Wundervoll fröhliche und kreative Ideen hast du in Deinen seiten umgesetzt, ich bin begeistert!
    Schönes Wochenende und lG Anja

  21. Love your Halloween piece, especially the skeleton with the red hat! :) The woman of valour looks very strong and beautiful! <3

  22. Both of these are awesome, I love the red hat on the skeleton, how fun! The journal page with your aunt is gorgeous, love the background and the quote is very touching, she would be very proud of you. ~Diane

  23. What fun Valerie! I especially love the skeleton with the hat with the bow on it!!!!

    Karen x

  24. spooky she-art Valerie! Happy PPF!

  25. Hi Valerie. Love the drips and the spraying I especially love your ggm's photo. Nice work as always. Thank you.

  26. Love your pages. The first one is so funny, your floating skeleton made me laugh =). The second page with your grandmother is so beautiful, she looks like a realy strong and warm woman.
    xx Monique

  27. These are fantastic pages. I really love the floating skeleton! And the green page is just gorgeous and very nice for your GGM :)

  28. beautifully spellbinding...colorful energy...the figures cascading downwards and floating seem magical and full of mystique! Fantastic dreamy work! and I love the image of your very special and amazing..she looks gorgeous! Wonderful tribute!
    Happy Creating my friend!

  29. So whimsical and dreamy! I showed this to my oldest daughter - and she loves it, too! Keep up the good work :)

  30. def. a contrast in projects but I love them both equally!!The Halloween pages are so fun, and I love the sweetness and soothing colors of the second ones with the photo of your great grandmother.

  31. Wowed Valerie both amazing and so different the Halloween made me smile for sure and love the fact you have used your great grandmother for your 2nd project wonderful. I am so sorry to hear about the housework affliction you have hope you recover soon :) hugs Sandra XXX

  32. Love both pieces, especially the one of your great grandmother, she looks awesome.

  33. Both of these journals are amazing and beautifully designed! I had to laugh when I saw the hat on the skelly! Love that photo of your great grandmother! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

  34. Wonderful work Val... The girls night out reminds me of Mary cool...and very nice words for your grandmother!!

    Hugs Giggles

  35. Loving your pages, You are so creative my friend.


  36. While I enjoy the 'girls night out', the 'Woman of Valour' double spread is so beautiful and holds such a story. She looks a strong woman who has survived much, and there is sadness in her eyes. It makes me wonder if she is a family member.

    1. She had a very hard life, but stayed a gentle and good woman.

  37. Its been said before but Mary Poppins did spring to mind!! Wonderful pages.

  38. Lovely pieces, I love the second piece, she has such a story to tell.

  39. Was für großartige und phantasievolle Werke!! Das erst ist einfach grandios. Tolle Farben und Figuren!
    Die zweite Seite mit deiner Urgroßmutter ist wunderschön und stimmungsvoll! Ganz, ganz toll!

  40. Hello again Valerie!!! Love both pieces ♥ Girls Night Out is so fun and love the tribute page .... beautiful choice of colors.

  41. Die fliegenden Figuren auf dem leuchtenden Hintergrund sind klasse und die Seiten mit deiner Urgrossmutter machen mich neugierig auf ihre Geschichte.
    Herzliche Grüsse


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