
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Tag for Tag Tuesday

Hi everybody!
Over at Tag Tuesday our theme this week is 'wings'- I did another edition of my fave Umbrella Man, and gave him wings to let him fly. I know Mary Poppins managed it just with her umbrella, but I thought Mr U.M. might need help. All parts have been cut twice, once from card and once from book paper/written paper.

I am also linking to ABAC - Hit the books.

I won a giveaway at Petra's blog a couple of weeks back, and at the weekend this beautiful armband she made arrived in my mail-box, and the pretty lace and charms, too. Thanks Petra, it is a treasure!

The weather has been cold, wet and windy since the weekend, so I decided I needed a nice soup, and made this one with pumpkin, carrots and tomatoes, crowned with sour cream - yummy!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Your tag is wonderful, and enjoy your lovely present. I would like to put my spoon into that soup, looks yummy! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your soup is the most wonderful vibrant red, and I imagine that it tastes just as good. I hope your umbrella man manages to fly, even in the rain - with hope anything is possible. You have such patience to cut things out so neatly.
    There is an interesting little details for me in your tag - the last word on the background looks like 'Wigan', which is a town not too far from where I lived as a teenager. The word probably means something quite different in fact!
    How lovely to receive an unexpected present - life must be about to turn better. I hope your hand is much improved.

    1. I remember Wigan well, and know all about the Pier, too!

  3. "DELICIOUS!!" your soup looks... "yum!" :]
    I also, adore your tag, great artwork, Valerie.
    Enjoy your day. take care ~xx

  4. Mr. Umbrella Man looks very fine here wearing his newspaper, very inventive, and I like your little "Hope" attachment too.

  5. A fabulous tag Valerie and your soup looks wonderful, it's coming in to soup weather here too. Xx

  6. Your soup looks divine! What a pretty bracelet, lucky you! Great idea to add the wings.

  7. The soup looks great, Val, really wonderful, and the tag is fabulous! Hugs, Barb

  8. Yum to that soup! The tag is great, love the wings and all the printed paper too! Beautiful treasures from Petra, so sweet! ~Diane

  9. Love the tag Valerie and Mr Umbrella man is certainly the right person to chose at the moment for us.

    Yummy to the soup--it is a great colour.

    Well done for winning the armband and stash-beautiful.

    Thanks for sorting out the Google Chrome thing I got straight to your blog this time :)

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. You are welcome, I don't know what was wrong - if anything - but I am happy it is okay again!

  10. Your texty tag is fabulous! Enjoy all your goodies and would love some of that soup at the mo - miserable weather here today. Nicola x

  11. I was sailing along pretty well until I saw your soup and now I ma just undone. Your soup looks delicious and you can put the recipe on your blog anytime you want!!
    You tag is wonderful - you have really been on a roll lately!

  12. I will post the recipe next week! It's quick and easy to make.

  13. Valerie, you even make artful soup! I'm sure it was as delicious as it looks. Mr. UM looks a little like a guardian angel-very nice! Beautiful bracelet, too--the colors are great for Autumn!

  14. I love the wings on the Umbrella Man! Too cool is this tag. Nice win at Petra's blog and that soup looks so delicious! Enjoy and stay warm!

  15. Great looking tag and I can smell the soup from here :)
    Von ♥

  16. Hi there! Your tag is so cool and I LOVE your Fall book below. Such gorgeous layers and yummy colors! xoxo

  17. Awesome tag, great embellishments :) Beautiful charms & tasty looking soup ! Have a great day, Shirleyx

  18. wunderbare Arbeiten Valerie! und ich nehm ein paar Löffelchen der Suppe wenn es recht ist!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt von


  19. Gorgeous tag Valerie, I love your neutral colours and it's good to see Umbrella Man again. Your soup looks wonderful - real comfort food xx

  20. Gorgeous tag Valerie I love U.M in his new suit and wings


  21. Valerie,
    ich liebe, liebe, liebe das Umbrella-man Tag! Das sieht so toll aus nur in schwarz und weiß! ?herzchenindenaugenhab*
    Und deine Suppe sieht lecker aus. Wir hatten vorgestern witzigerweise auch Kürbissuppe, nur ohne Tomate, dafür mit Kokosmilch. Auch sehr lecker.

  22. Fabulous tag, love how you added the wings to Mr U. M. The soup looks delicious. as well
    Yvonne x

  23. great tag and looks like a wonderful win!

  24. OOoooo, that black and white rain man is outstanding! Love your winnings and I'll be right over for soup. hugs, Donna


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