
Wednesday 21 August 2013

Mini concertina book

Hi everybody!
Just a quickie today as I need to go to the doctor's for some exams.

This is a little concertina book I made with some scraps of Halloween stuff leftover after making some other projects. The book is 2"x2", twinchie size.


Each page has been decorated with one spooky element:

From the other side:

The Back cover:

I gave the covers several coats of varnish to make them more durable, and there is plenty of space inside for writing favourite Halloween recipes etc! The edges have been inked with wild honey and gold ink.

I am linking to Artful Times, 'Twinchies' challenge.

Have a great day, take care and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh my... what a **sweet treat** for Halloween!! :]
    Great tiny book, Valerie.

    ** wishing you well, always ** ~xx

  2. Oooh Boah,dein Tiny Halloween Book ist genial,einfach richtig klasse,ich mag es seeehr.
    die andren Sachen aus den post davor finde ich auch Wunderschööööön,besonders deine tollen karten,aber auch die schönen Naturbilder sind richtig schöööön.

    GLG Jeannette

  3. Gorgeously creepy! My little A. LOVES everything with spiders etc! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Mööönsch DU hast nen Lauf Valerie! das sieht wieder absolut stark aus!

  5. Your art is always stunning, but in twinchie size, it is just amazing!

    1. Thanks! It was fun making a tiny book this time!

  6. What a fabulous wee book Valerie! You are always so inventive. I go away thinking, I must try that' and add things to an ever increasing 'want to do' list, haha.
    Hope you passed your exams, and you got A+ in everything. Put the certificate on the fridge ;) Mo x

    1. Yes, she was so pleased with me I have to go back next week!

  7. We are coming up on my favorite time of the year - Autumn. I love the colors and the crisp feeling in the air. And to top it all off is Halloween. Oh what fun - no seriousness allowed here! Your little book is wonderful and I am grinning from ear to ear. I hope everything went well for you at your doctor's visit. Boo to you too!

    1. Autumn - including Halloween - is my fave season, too.

  8. lovely little book Valerie and pleased you passed the test ;)
    Von ♥

  9. Great little booklet, Val! I know how you love Halloween. Hugs, Barb

  10. What a fab twinchie book Valerie, you've always got such great ideas. Xx

  11. You are most certainly Queen of Halloween (like that title?)
    This is what I need to get me in spooky mode.
    Hope all went well with the Doctor.

  12. Yes, I do, and any way, I don't mind being an old witch!

  13. That's a really excellent Artist's Book. I like the way you have a small illustration on each page which then allows for writing, and it's a good fun size, with lovely work for this very small scale.

  14. Oh it is creeping close to that spooky season of the year. Fabulous mini book.
    hope all went well at the doctors.
    Yvonne x

  15. oh yes! a wickedly yummy little book. hugs, donna

  16. WOW das Büchlein ist der Hammer, gefällt mir riesig gut!
    LG Anja

  17. Sorry I am so behind on visits! I love your mini Halloween book, so artsy and fun! Hope it was a good visit with your doctor! I have a funny story to tell you about doctors, so when you feel up to it, let me know! Hugs!

  18. Hope you pass your tests at the docs Valerie.

    What a wonderful little book idea with great images to use for the project

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  19. This is brilliant Valerie, just shows you don't need to be big to be spooky! Hope all went well at the doctors xx

  20. Love this! You put all together so well, as always greatest ideas! ~Diane

  21. Fun! Love all those sold/silhouette images. Hope all's well.

  22. What a fabulous idea! This is one heck of a gorgeous book. Love what you have done.
    Thanks for joining us at Artful Times
    Hugs, Neet xx

  23. Oh it's coming up to 'that' time of year again! Spooky work!

    Karen x

  24. So cute! I never thought of a tiny book - and I love the subject! Adorable!

  25. Halloween is always such a fun theme and your little book is fabulous!

  26. Fabulous Halloween twinchie book.

    Sylv xx


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