
Saturday 27 July 2013

Paper Beads for Paper Saturday

Hi everybody.
I am having internet problems just now, the connection is not working. I am using a rather unreliable USB internet stick, which is more stuck than stick just now, so if I don't visit your blogs , it is not that I don't want to, I just can't!

It was so hot and humid here yesterday that I decided to occupy myself making something small, so decided to make some paper beads, which I like to use to hang onto tags or wall hangings etc.

To make the beads, you start with a rectangle of thin paper, I used 1"x8", and cut it diagonally to make long triangles, which should look like this:

Roll the paper over a knitting needle, starting with the wide end, and add a spot of glue on the last inch. Press lightly till it adheres. Remove finished bead from needle. I gave all my beads a coat of paper varnish to make them more stable.

These ones have been made of strips cut from ads in glossy magazines, which make firm and heavy beads. I threaded some with some other  beads to show the effect.

These ones have been made from handmade Indian paper, and decorated with some gold wire, except for the 2 dark blue ones for which I used some fibres.

This batch has been dipped in cheap school glue, and coated with glass glitter or fibres. They need to be dried on a kebab stick for a few minutes (Not to recommend for people who don't like getting very sticky fingers!)

And here they are altogether for a family photo.

Have fun if you give it a try!
Linking to Paper Saturdays

Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks for coming by.


  1. Lovely beads - do you think I could do this with kids? Looks like a fun make! Hugs, Sarah

  2. It's donkey years since I've made these but what a fab idea for using up scraps of fancy paper (I love the ones with the added wire). Now the thing is, do I have knitting needles. I'm not a knitter but I'm sure I have some somewhere ....... Xx

    1. I used to knit a lot, so still have a lot of needles - I am sure everybody has some somewhere!

  3. Loveley paperbeads. Have a nice weekend.
    Liefs, Melanie

  4. die sind soo toll.. ich liebe diese bunten Perlen Valerie...

  5. Liebe Valerie,
    die kleinen Kunstwerke sind absolut genial- bin ein Fan davon ;-)...
    Herzliche Sommergrüsse, Sichtwiese

  6. Die sind toll gewerkelt, bin gespannt was Du noch damit machst.
    Zu den Beads hab ich auf meiner Hp auch eine Anleitung geschrieben.
    LG Anja

  7. Terrific beads, Valerie. I love the idea of making them from glossy magazines, but your hand-made paper ones are lovely too. Hope you get your Internet back soon, we can hardly do without it now.

  8. Such a great variety - all beautiful and fun. hugs, Donna

  9. Beautiful paper beads. They would be perfect on cards and art journals!

  10. beautiful paper beads! hope your internet comes back soon!

  11. All your beads are beautiful. My favourites are the ones with the gold wire wrapped around.
    I've always meant to make these - I had seen them used as earrings and intended to have a go at making a few pairs of earrings, but like so many other good intentions it got put on the very high 'to do' shelf.
    Perhaps your great post will give me that little push ...... no, did I get rid of ALL my knitting needles?

    1. They make wonderful earrings, you just need to give them a few coates of varnish!

  12. I feel your frustration because at the moment I am unable to access my Blog. This has been happening all week but this is the longest time and it is frustraing especially when I need to be drafting and scheduling.
    I haven't made those in the longest of time, they are so therapeutic to create.
    A gorgeous little collection!

    1. Sorry about that Lynne, it is totally frustrating!

  13. These are all gorgeous Valerie, I too like the wire wrapped ones best. Could they be wrapped on a kebab stick instead of knitting needles? ~Diane

    1. It's difficult to remove them from kebab sticks, as the wood is rougher than a knitting needle!

  14. Haven't made these for ages. Loving all yours..I wonder if your fingers stuck together like mine........Annette x

  15. wonderful paper beads! Thank you for sharing! They look great with the different embellishments!
    Ilona xx

  16. Beautiful beads and so unique when they are hand made. Hope your internet gets sorted soon.
    Yvonne x

  17. Oh LOVE your beads Val... especially the ones made from the glossy magazine pages... you are so inspiring...

    Jenny ♥

  18. Such a great project! You make it look easy! Thanks! Patsy from

  19. Love these, looks fun to make, even if you get sticky fingers.

  20. I haven't made paper beads in years! These are all so pretty & what a good way to recycle magazines and other paper! I'll have to try making these in clay!

  21. Valerie these are fantastic and wonderful to see your work every week at Paper Saturdays. Lottie is saying Hi to you :)

    1. Say Hi to Lottie from me, too - and tell her to be good!

  22. Beautiful! These are such wonderful accents.

  23. That's such a great idea...I'm off to cut up some magazines.

  24. these are just wonderful! What a great idea!

  25. It is a rather complicated task for me, but of course the result is fantastic, it's the kind of ornaments that I like to buy to use in summer. Saludos

  26. Wonderful beads, so pretty! <3

  27. Beautiful. I did these kinds of pearls at school once. They are fun to make indeed. Those mady from Indian paper shine so pretty.

  28. Val, these beads are beautiful. I love the magazine ones. These are fun to make; I haven't made any for quite a while. Will have to put that on my "to do" list.


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