
Thursday 18 July 2013

Paint Party Friday and Sommer of Colour

Hi everybody!
Another week has sped by and it's party time again.
PPF is hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin, and SOC by Kristin Twinkle-Like-a-star.

For PPF I am sharing some journal pages I made with a green man. The background was another smear and wipe sheet, with a bit of spray added and a lot of background stamping.

I am also linking to Simon Says Stamp and Show, 'Good to be green'

 For SOC I made another journal spread, this time with the theme architecture again, and am also linking to Art Journal Journey.
 I used gesso for the background, and then added in the colours over the collage and tissue transfers with pastels.

And we're not finished yet. I made myself a journal using some of the fabric scraps Donna sent from Mexico. First I had to persuade my machine to sew, not an easy task, but with some online help from a nice chap called Alex in England, it worked. Sewing is still not easy, as I need to work with my nose next to the needle to see what I am doing, and it is not perfect, but I LOVE it!

This is the back:

And last, but NOT least, I received this beautiful picture from Sandra in Australia. She has done a giveaway each week with her SOC paintings, and I was lucky to be one of the winners. Thanks Sandra, it is hanging in my Arty Kitchen and will be treasured.

Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. lots of wonderful work today Valerie, congrats on your win from Sandra.

  2. Love your green man. You've done a great job with his eyes. Your SOC entry page is also fabulous and so is your fabric journal.

  3. Erstens hast Du ein wunderschönes Bild gewonnen! das ist eine Pracht!
    Dein genähtes Cover... ist phänomenal ... MORTALESgenial würd ich das nennen!
    Dein grünes Blattgesicht ist expressiv und die Gedanken dazu sind leider nur zu wahr... was wir unserer Mutter Erde zumuten ist ne Schande!Kein Wunder wenn uns Papa Naturgewalt ab und an daran erinnern muss..aber wir sind eben "Kinder" und lernen nicht schnell genug.... ob das gutgehen wird?
    Deine Architekturseite mit Leonardo und Michelangelo machen mich freilich glücklich!All dei Transfers und die edle und perfekte Komposition... schwärm!
    Einfach wunderschöööön Valerie!
    Hab einen schönen Freitag!
    Happy PPF !

  4. What a lot of wonderful work, love it all. Your sewn journal is totally fantastic! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Wonderful work - I LOVE your Frida Kahlo book cover - the black with the bright colours is so stunning, and the architecture pages are beautiful - such a subtle, gentle effect.

  6. Where to start--there are so many wonders in this post.

    Think I will start at the end as the picture from Sandra is so beautiful and the eyes look straight at you.

    Moving upwards--you have certainly made a wonderful book cover from the pieces of material that Donna sent to you--aren't they just delicious colours and images.

    I am almost speechless with your Art Journal pages. The architecture ones are wonderful-I didn't know which bit to admire first.

    Piece de Resistance has to be the Green Man for me- marvelous!

    You will need to have a lie down after all that artistry

    Have a wonderful day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. So much to see this week, you've been busy! Love your green man and the message he's bringing. And that's a great journalcover you made! Congrats on winning Sandra's lovely painting!

  8. Deine seiten sind alle wieder wunderschöööön,das grüne Männchen ist genial und der text ist nur zu wahr.
    schöne sachen hast du gewonnen,ich wünsch dir viel spass damit.

    Schönes WE :-) GLG Jeannette

  9. I love your journal pages--especially the DaVinci, architechtural ones, and the journal you made is so cute! I have two ancient sewing machines here that I'm tempted to see if they'll work just so I can try a little stitching...?? Fun!

  10. Congrats on your win :)

    I love everything! Especially the colourful notebook. Beautiful!

    Karen x

  11. What a wonderful collection of work. I love your journal pages especially the green man.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Great post! Everything is so colorful. Your fabric art is gorgeous to look at. Thanks for persevering with your nose next to the needle. I think my favorite is the lovely Dreams built in Stone journal pages. I love the dreamy look to it.

  13. Lovely creations, I like their colors, beautiful works of art!

  14. Terrific post, loving your wonderful pages and the great words for the Green Man, but the Frida journal cover is out of this world gorgeous. Congratulations on winning such a stunning painting. Happy PPF and SOC, Annette x

  15. Wow..such a gorgeous and enchanting post..the greenman always steals my heart..beautifully done. All your pieces are amazing and captivating..I love them all..and especially this last piece..this lady really is deeply soulful in her expressive eyes and spirit.she is totally fantastic! What a beautiful array of art!

  16. Gorgeous work!! I love the sewing's brilliant!! Your green man is fabulous and I'm proud to say my province is one of the greenest in Canada! Where I live our Mayor implemented the most amazing recycle program for garbage...we have three for organics that they make fuel out of, one for recycle and one for garbage. The recycle one is huge it's so awesome! Great work here!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. I can see a children's book with the Green Man. Wonderful picture. The sewing is fantastic, sort of like the crazy quilts the quilting ladies do. I love how it turned out. Blessings, Janet PPF

  18. Love your architectural SOC pages and also your green man pieces too. Thanks for visiting my Owl this week. BJ

  19. Oh what a treasure trove of goodies we have here today. You have been busy. Always go gah gah over your journal pages. Did you draw the green man - he's awesome! Love the architecture pages - one my my favorite subjects. Your Mexico bits and pieces turned our fabulous. Glad you like them! and the painting you won is just beautiful - love the sentiment - so true! You are going have have to work hard to beat this lot! Have a great day. hugs, Donna

  20. That settles it, there must be a group of Valerie elves in your studio, such is your prolific artistry! I love the Green Man, super fun, but he looks a bit worried at the task ahead and needs all the help we can give him. Your "Architecture" pages are lovely and subtle and your textile journal looks as if you had a good time making it, it's great.

  21. Oh my goodness!!. What a spectacular end to SOC this week, LOVE LOVE both your journal pages!. I especially love the Green man quote, we are ONE!. The green man is gorgeous, detail illustration. And then, the Renaissance vintage page is stunning!!. How gracious each image is, LOVE!. And the fabric quilt cover for the journal is amazing!!. Summer is here to stay :).

    1. Thank you Sharul, I had fun making the pages!

  22. Just had a really good catch up of all your delicious artiness Val. I adore the book cover you made and the journal page I love Freda's work too, but everything you do has such meaning and is so well thought out. Love it all. Sorry my visits are not daily atm, trying to cope with family issues right now and I do appreciate it when you come and say hi.

  23. So much wonderful creativity!
    Your Green Man is super
    your DaVinci pages are dreamy and beautiful
    Love your Friday
    so much to Love!

  24. wow, you have been really busy! LOVE your Green Man his eyes are perfect, and your sage/sepia pieces are gorgeous! HPPF and Soc!

  25. Wow, where do I start! So many gorgeous projects! Green man is awesome, love the quote too. His eyes are perfect! Those tissue transfers are stunning, love the soft and flowing look you have accomplished. And that fabric journal cover is perfect, I love how you put the pieces together so beautifully. And Sandra's painting is stunning, you are so fortunate to have such talented friends! ~Diane

  26. Great minds think alike - we both worked on our art journals! I absolutely love your Green Man, and that quilted Frida Kahlo cover for your art journal is spectacular. Blessings, my friend!

  27. your greenman is wonderful as is Terri's quote. a perfect piece for the last SOC

  28. Der grüne Mann sieht vertraut aus, er erinnert mich an Märchen und die Botschaft ist nur zu wahr, wann werden wir klüger?

    Deine Journal-Seiten sind schön, Architektur hat etwas ansprechendes (für mich).
    Und deine Textil Collage ist so erfrischend bunt und anders.
    Vielen Dank für deine Besuche bei mir!

    Herzliche Grüsse

  29. wow- you have been prolific this week and what a GORGEOUS array of art!! Your green man is magical and yet mysterious looking. I love all the floating, flowing layers of the Italian spread, and the Frida cover is fantastic!

  30. your talent never ceases to amaze me! so much gorgeousness!

  31. Your Green Man is adorable, and that architectural piece is stunning. I also like your journal cover. It is quite colorful. This is a lovely entry for the final SOC colors.

  32. Your Mexican style journal is really nice--I like the collage look to it. The Italian pages also caught my eye as did your striking Green Man! Have a wonderful weekend!

  33. Wow, Absolutely Fabulous. Don't know how or where to begin. All the pages are so detailed and interesting. The Green Man looks awesome. The sewing is spectacular good for you to get the machine out.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne x

  34. Crikey you have been busy Valerie. Busy making beautiful art. I just love your green man. He has such soul in his eyes and all the colours around him are just fabulous.
    Your stamped pages are wonderul too and your sewn journal fantastic! You are quite right to be pleased with it.
    Have a brilliant weekend Valerie :0) x

  35. ooohhhhhhh!!!! I love love love that first piece and then the skull piece and well you are fabulous!!!

  36. Not only are you extremely talented, but pretty awesome! These are all so cool and the eyes, get me everytime! Love!!! Enjoy the weekend!

  37. Love these, especially the green man!

  38. Your work is so varied and beautiful too! Those bright fantasy green images , then the soft journal pictures with all those transparencies and then the bright contrast of the Mexico series.

  39. Wow ! You really have such fab pieces this week! Love them!

  40. **FANTASTIC!!** post Valerie... Love seeing all your creations!! :)
    The Frida book, is my favorite.
    Love what you did with everything...

  41. Awwww! Sandra is so wonderful to hold her give-aways and the piece of art your received is beautiful!!!! And I absolutely love everything that you posted here today, and want to say how beautifully you used this week's SOC colors! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with all of us! So inspiring!!!!!

  42. Fabulous journal pages, love the travel one, such beautiful images.
    Avril xx

  43. You have outdone yourself - love that green man and all the background texture. The SOC pages are wonderful. The colors are perfect for them. And the fabric journal - wow!! Those are colors I really love. They work so well together - just gorgeous!

  44. all was very pretty :) I love Your art.

  45. Oh my goodness, so much art to enjoy today! You have been one busy gal. I really love your green man page and the dreamy qualities of the ones that follow. Gorgeous!

  46. Absolutely wonderful pages! I especially like the Freda cloth page. Our sewing looks fine to me!

  47. Hi Valerie (take two, first didn't take?)... Love your green man, and your architecture pages too!.. And your journal covers are gorgeous!!!... Have a great weekend! I'm happy to say the temps have finally dropped a few degrees around here. I couldn't be happier to say that I was actually cold when I woke up this morning!! ~tina

  48. Good for you - here it's still very hot, getting hotter, and will stay like this all week - sigh!

  49. I wish some one would tell me where to start! Sandra's painting is gorgeous you lucky lady!! You sure have made a wonderful start on a new journal. The fabrics look just like Donna - so colorful and joyful. Smart lady, you have cut your Frieda image perfectly. I know you will have fun filling your new journal.
    I would say you are inspired by classical art and architecture. And you love the Renaissance period as well.
    Your Green Man is strangely beautiful in a weird sort of way. He scares me and looks like he has come from the primordial ooze. Both the sentiment and the image are perfect and paint a message relevant for all!

  50. What a fabulous collection of work Valerie, your Green Man is so striking, and your journal is a real beauty. My favourite has to be your notebook, such gorgeous bright colours and my admiration to anyone who can use a sewing machine! xx

  51. Another amazing collection of awesome art!!!!!! I LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! what you did with the fabrics from Mexico ♥♥♥♥♥ So glad you stuck to it and shared it with us :) You always get so much done in a week it leaves me breathless!

  52. Your Green man is stunning!! Love the line work. Love the Frida work as well. I adore her. Also love the way you have used this week's colours from SOC. Gorgeous images you decided to use. Lucky you for winning such a precious gift. :)

  53. Oh Valerie I love your Italian collection! The birth of venus is my very favourite painting, I was lucky enough to visit Florence a few months ago and for me the highlight was seeing it for real at the uffitzi! The colours close up are so fresh and pure! I also love your green man, It is such a powerful image, full of mystery!

  54. Liebe Valerie, Deine Journalseiten sind zu schön, love, love, love it. Der grüne Mann, die mexikanische Farbpracht und der italienische Stil, ich bin von allen sehr begeistert. Es ist immer schön, Deinen Blog zu besuchen. Liebe Grüße - Erika

  55. Words of praise keep rushing into my brain and I can't get them all down on the ipad. You are so fantastically talented. Your collages are wonderful, the Kahlo fabric makes such a great journal cover - it asks for pages of bright and beautiful contents. Your drawing of the green man is terrific. I have always been frightened of the Green Man, and lovely as your drawing is, he does frighten me still, shivers up my back, which shows what a powerful image it is.

    1. Blogger Valerie-Jael said...

      There was a pub with a green man sign near where we lived when I was a kid, and I was always scared stiff because I thought he was watching me - perhaps he was!

  56. Love your journal! That Green Man is awesome!


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