
Wednesday 26 June 2013


Hi everybody, it's a chilly morning here, just 10° outside, really more like autumn than anything else! I had a long debate with myself about whether to leave my warm bed or not, but the thought of hot coffee drove me into the kitchen to make it, and now I am sitting here at my desk, enjoying my first mug of wonderful coffee.

I have 2 tags to share with you today, the one I made for tag Tuesday yesterday, where we have reached the letter 'Y', and the other one for the challenge at Artful Times. For 'Y' I chose Yacht, and used a stamp from LaBlanche for the main image. The background has been made with various scraps from my bit box, fussy cut and collaged. The bunting has just been stuck down at the top, so that it seems to be flattering in the breeze - sigh! - wish I was there! 

At Artful Times the challenge is white on white, so I gathered all the white bits and bobs together and threw them on. The tag has been peeled, and then painted with white gesso, to which I added some glitter. Actually it fell into the pot of gesso, but it looks okay so I left it. The TH dress-form has been dolled up with painted cardboard wings,  a piece of a doily and a rose. I added some tissue soaked in gesso - left over from another project I was working on - to give some texture to the background, and pressed the flowers into it.

That's all for today, it's time for my next cup of coffee! Have a good day, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Wundervolle Tags sind das geworden, Valerie.

    Das weiße ist der Oberhammer

  2. Just gorgeous Valerie especially the fab textures on the white one.
    Chilly start here too but the temperature is climbing very fast so hope yours does.

  3. WOW,beide tags sind große klasse,das weiße ist echt der knaller.

    GLG Jeannette

  4. Love what you have done with both these tags Valerie :-)

  5. Love both tags, but that white one is my fave, I still have the white one with birds that you sent me! Hugs, sarah

  6. Two beautiful tags, I love them both.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Both tags are gorgeous - but oh, I do love the all white one - all gussied up! Very lovely. hugs, Donna

  8. 2 fabulous pieces Valerie, but especially love the white on white - that really is beautiful. Great layers and textures. Gill x

  9. I love both tags, the Tag Tuesday Y tag is fabulous, but the white one really did it for me, I love it!

  10. both your tags are wonderful so lovely in their texture

  11. Gorgeous tags again, they are both stunning! hUgs, Barb

  12. Love both of these tags, the bunting looks exceptional! Your white on white is a class act as all your work is! ~Diane

  13. Gorgeous tags!!Beautiful work!!!

  14. beautiful tags, we have tall ships in the Toronto harbour visiting!

  15. Hope it is warmer now Valerie. We are having a mixed summer as usual and when it is dull it is quite cold here. Today has been sunny again but a cool wind kept creeping in.
    A lovely white tag with such beautiful bits and pieces on it. Gorgeous flowers and I love the heart shaped pearl centres.
    Thanks so much for entering with this beauty to our challenge at Artful Times.
    Hugs, Neet (who loves the other tag too and thinks the bunting is fabulous) xx

  16. I am partial to the white on white - beautiful! What a wonderful idea to leave your flags flapping about but I did get tickled at your "yacht" - honey, that is not a yacht that is a pirate ship!!!!!

  17. Well, good that you mention it, but I think most of the people who have Yachts in this size ARE pirates!

  18. super schöne Tags hast du da wieder gemacht - auf dem weißen schaut es aus als hättest du einen Engel gestaltet - sehr schön!!!

  19. I would gladly trade you some of the heat and humidity we are experiencing right now for some of your cool air--oh, if only it were possible. Gorgeous tags--wish I were there, too!

  20. Great tags, love the white on white it has beautiful textures and details.
    Yvonne x

  21. Love both of your beautiful why can't coffee work for me like that......mmmmmm must be drinking the wrong coffee.........Annette x

  22. Both are gorgeous Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  23. Fabulous Valerie!! The white one is just stunning for me! :0)

  24. Both of these are wonderful Valerie and the white on white is stunning with all the textures

    Live Chrissie xx

  25. I am laughing at your reply to my comment Valerie and I tend to agree with you!!!!

  26. Two beautiful tags - the white one is right up my street cos I also love
    bits and bobs! Lovely layering and texture - gorgeous work! Cx

  27. Wonderful tags, especially the white one

  28. Stunning tags Valerie. Your work is amazing. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx

  29. How beautiful! Love the white on white, especially. So many cool textures!


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