
Saturday 8 June 2013

May there be peace and prosperity....

Hi you all! The title is the first part of the quote for the challenge over at Artists in Blogland - 'May there be peace and prosperity within your walls'.
The background has been painted with acrylics using white, terracotta and pink, and then sprayed to give more colour. I then stamped the whole page with a stone stamp from Kaisercraft, to give the effect of a wall. I used a bit of Inka Gold to put a few shiny spots onto it, to look like sunlight. I wrote the text of the quote, which is Psalm 122, verse 7, in Hebrew, in an arc across the wall. I used a large plate to draw the curved line! I then added it in English, too. The pictures along the bottom edge are some I took in Israel, in Achziv (links) and Jerusalem. I altered the colour to sepia, and fussy cut the images. This brought back lots of memories for me, as Jerusalem is one of the towns I love very much, and another place where I feel at home. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey - 'home'

I was asked yesterday for instructions for the favour bag which I blogged. (Please see yesterday's post if you are wondering what I am talking about!) I hope you can read my scribble! Mine was made with A4 paper, but you can enlarge it if you want -  then the ribbon will need to be longer, though.  I made an oooops, as well. The holes have to be punched in D & F - please correct - they are marked correctly!Please feel free to copy!

Have a great Sunday, stay safe, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful! Love the colors and the inspiration!

  2. This is a wonderful piece, love how you have made it, especially the images from Jerusalem and the verse from the psalm. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Another very moving piece Valerie. The lettering and the old walls are all gorgeous. Beautiful quote too. ~Diane

  4. Absolut faszinierend und wunderschön...
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  5. Stunning page. Beautiful background and I love how you used the pictures along the bottom.

  6. eine ganz speziell geniale Seite .. mit diesem Effekt im Hintergrund und die Schrift ... auch in Hebräisch!
    Das ist eine absolut traumhafte Umsetzung zu dem Psalm!

    Und dass es auch noch für Art Journal Journey passt ist doppeltes Glück!

    Einen wunderschönen Sonntag Valerie!
    Danke für diesen Beitrag!

    lg Susi

  7. uups vor lauter Aufregeung - vergessen - danke für das Template Valerie!
    sowas ist immer praktisch...

    kann frau immer brauchen!

  8. Hi Valerie, this is beautiful. so unusual and i love that crackle effect. I wanted to say thank you for your thoughtful comment on my blog, its nice to be back
    hugs June x

  9. Loving the texture, colours and layout Valerie. Annette x

  10. I appreciate very much your composition! Peace and happiness to everyone!

  11. Had to look twice to take it all in - the background looked so lovely I almost overlooked Jerusalem! Love it! xx

  12. Valerie you amaze me - this is beautiful with the colors and texture and even though I cannot read much less write in Hebrew, I have always thought that looking at text written in Hebrew looks like art! I would love to be able to go to Jerusalem.
    Now maybe next time you can give us your homemade cookie recipe!

  13. Love this Valerie - great quote :)

    Karen x

  14. Really fantastic, Val! Hugs, Barb

  15. I was lucky enough to visit Jerusalem a few years ago, and I will never forget the view of the walled city from the Mount of Olives.

    Forgot to say in my last comment how sorry I feel for those flooded out. I'm glad the Rhine did not overflow its banks and that you stayed safe.

  16. beautiful wall! The favour bag looks a bit like sewing, never my forte!

  17. No, nothing to sew, or I wouldn't have made it!

  18. Stunning project. The colours are beautiful, can see why you have fond memories, the pictures make you want to see more.
    Yvonne x

  19. Valerie, was für ein bewegendes Bild!
    Als bekennende Christin gefällt mir das natürlich sehr.

    Der Vers alleine ist ja schon schön, aber was du daraus gemacht hast, ist einfach großartig!
    Der Hintergrund mit den Steinen ist fantastisch und dass du den VErs auch in Hebräisch geschrieben hast, gefällt mir besonders gut.
    Auch die Fotos passen hervorragend dazu. Ein rundum gelungenes Werk!

    Auch für die Bastelanleitung möchte ich dir herzlich danken. Ich habe sie mir gleich heruntergeladen.

    Herzliche Grüße

  20. Beautifully done, Valerie. Love the 'writing', the colours and the theme -- if only everyone could have peace within their walls - wouldn't it be wonderful. hugs, and love, Donna

  21. Beautiful page. I like the colours and texture of the wall and I've always loved the beauty of Hebrew writing.

  22. I don't know how you do it Val. You really have so many creative project. Amazing. You are a very talented person, I always love what you create. Thank you. Have a wonderful week.

  23. This is stunning! Love that you used hebrew and english.

  24. The page is wonderful Valerie and the stone stamp looks just right on the background. I can feel the heat from here.

    Thank you for the template for the favour bag

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  25. I always love taking a peek at your ART.. This look fabulous.


  26. WOW,valerie,die seite ist megagenial,und mit den steinhintergrund und den schönen vers richtig klasse,gefällt mir unheimlich gut,auch das der text in hebräisch ist,das passt so gut zum psalm.
    auch herzlichen dank für die tolle anleitung,die werd ich mir gleich runter laden.

    GLG Jeannette

  27. That's a lovely and complex piece for (I think) a difficult subject. I expect it is even more interesting when seen in reality. I also enjoyed the description of your techniques.

  28. This is beautiful Valerie, I love your colours and texture xx

  29. Very beautiful. I am moved by the heart in your piece. May it be so...

  30. It’s truly a one of a kind art piece you have there. It’s likewise inspirational having Israel posted on your wall. This is really amazing coz’ you can easily mix and play with the colors on hand. Congratulations for a job well done! Kudos to you! Hope to see more of your creations! Ciao!

    From Dorthy @Online Accredited PhD Programs

  31. Love this, the background, your writing even in Hebrew and the collage pictures. So apt to show it with this challenge.

  32. Congratulations on having your page chosen for Artists in Blogland, my friend!


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