
Tuesday 11 June 2013

Just my ticket....

Hi you all!  I heard on the news that the floods are really reaching epic dimensions, with 45000 people evacuated, and 2 more dams which have burst, flooding more villages and communities. Poor people, I can't imagine how dreadful this must be for them.
They also told us on the news that the NSA are reading Google, Facebook etc to - err -'keep up with what's going on in the world'. Well, if any of you reading here today, you're welcome guys!

I made this card for the challenge at OOAH, 'tickets please'.
The background has been made from some card that not only has this wild pattern, but is also embossed to look like fur. I am always astonished what I find in my bottomless pit AKA hall closet. The image is from a Gecko Galz collage sheet 'The cat's Meow'. The ticket cardstock is from My Mind's Eye, and the embellishments from my stash. This was fun to make.

At Moo-Mania the challenge this week is to use the triple stamping technique. Okay girls, I tried. I tried so hard that I ended up with 5 layers instead of three. I think I will now have to call it quintuple stamping and layering. Sounds grand, although I can't say I like what I have made, but I tried! Not easy with shaky fingers, but I tried. No comment! The thistle stamp is from Crafty Individuals, and the swirls from I don't know who, but it's a stamp I like.

Also linking to Rogue Redheads 'Slender Benders' Challenge

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. It is so sad about the floods Valerie and I am with you in thinking of all the poor people affected by them.

    Your piece for Out of a Hat is amazing and love the way you have used the tickets.

    What a wonderful use of the Moo as well and the colours on that piece go so well together.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. The leopard lady card is fantastic, great take on the challenge, and I also like the one you don't like! Hugs, Sarah

  3. oh do love the leopard card - great paper isn't it! Love the ladies little corset - all in all a great piece. The other piece is great as well, perhaps you just don't like the style. Hope you find some more wonderful play things in your bottomless pit of a closet. The floods --- terrible! Glad you are safe and sound. hugs Donna

  4. die gelayerte Karte für die MOO Mania Cahllenge ist ne Wucht in Tüten Valerie und die Tickets-Thema -Karte find ich auch super..wieder mit vielen raffinierten Details !

    Oh ja ... die Nachrichten derzeit...
    es ist bedrückend...

    es geht mir sehr nahe..

    mein pPpa hatte auch Wasser im Keller ( meine Güte war nicht schlimm..nach drei Tagen alles erledigt - nur im Keller halt- aber er hat sich dermaßen aufgeregt innerlich... weil er sowas noch nie mitgemacht hatte ... dass er zum Arzt musste hat es ein wenig mit dem Herzen) und ein Nerverl ist er auch..hab ich von ihm...

    ich stell mir dann die unglaublichen Schicksale vor... meine Güte.. wir hatten letztes Jahr hier nen orkanartigen Sturm.. da hat es von fast allen Dächern was gerissen ( eine Scheune mit Pferden und noch ne Lagerhalle komplette zertört) Wald kaputt ohne Ende.... da hab ich auch das erste Mal in meinem Leben diese Gewalt miterleben können.. beim Gegenübernachbar hat es eine 18 meter hohe Tanne umgehauen.. die fiel auf unsern Zaun----

    ich hatte solche Angst...

    ist nichts sonst passiert --- bei uns -
    aber diese Angst und Bedrohung des Lebens ...ich kann ein ganz klein wenig mitfühlen....

    einfach schrecklich!

  5. Fabulous makes Valerie, so sad for all the people affected by the floods must be awful.

    Thanks as always for visiting me!


  6. Beautiful cards Valerie, the leopard print is so glamorous! The flooding looks awful, those poor people having to leave my home and not knowing what's state it will be in when they can return. Keep dry! Xx

  7. Two fabulous cards Valerie, gorgeous GG image on the first one.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Both terrific cards Valerie. You could enter your moo card into the Rogue Redheads challenge if you'd like it would perfect. Annette x

  9. Fabulous projects Valerie. Love the textures and patterns on your 'Ticket' project and your MOO is wonderful too - great layering and love the thistle image.

    Not seen news and updates on the awful flooding today - hope you are safe where you are.

    Gill x

  10. Racy card Valerie :)
    Raining here today should have done the washing yesterday :(
    Von ♥

  11. beautiful work, you may have started a new trend with the 5 layer card, I love it!

    So glad you are ok and not affected by the flooding, so scary.

  12. That Gecko Galz image looks fabulous with the leopard prints. Wonderful project! I like the triple layering too!

  13. Awful for the people who are flooded. You said earlier how much it was raining but we never dreamt it would be as bad.
    On a lighter note, I really like your triple stamping Moo, a technique I hadn't come across until Moo Mania posted it, and I love the way you have added an extra thistle to give the 3D effect, very clever indeed.

  14. Gorgeous projects! Thanks tons for joining us in our Slender Benders Rebel Challenge on RRD!

  15. Love your card and the MOO card. Beautiful layering!

  16. Both cards are terrific. Such lovely detail and layers. There is really something fun about animal prints isn't there? Tracy:)

  17. So sorry to hear of the flooding still going on, those poor people! I love these, the fab and furry piece is awesome, love all the bits you found to add to it! The layering on the flowers is gorgeous, shaky hands or not, it looks awesome! ~Diane

  18. Sorry to hear about all the flooding. It's scary. Yes we are being watched.:)or read, or heard. Whatever rocks their boat.:) Great work Valerie. Love them all, especially the 20's leopard lady card that shines. Take care.

  19. I love your pieces with all the wonderful details. And only hope that everything works out ok for all people who are flooded and have lost everything.

  20. Fabulous projects as always, Valerie! Love them both! I have heard about the flooding and I feel so badly for those in the path! Be safe! Hugs!

  21. Fabulous projects once again my friend. I had to smile at your comment on welcoming the NSA to read your blog.. That gave me a good chuckle this morning.


  22. WOW,valerie,deine leoparden karte ist der hammer,so geniale details,ich liebe das corsett und die coole brille,und deine Moo karte ist echt die wucht in tüten,absolut traumhaft schööön,bin richtig begeistert.
    danke dir auch für deine lieben genesungswünsche und die kraft die du mir schickst,ich bin so froh das ihr alle an mich denkt.

    GLG Jeannette

  23. Lovely work again Valerie...your hall closet must be related to a tardis!

    Karen x

  24. It is - I always wonder WHO puts everything in there....

  25. Fabulous cards Val, great how you have used the ticket theme. thanks for joining us at OOAH.
    Take care
    Janet x

  26. Love the animal prints backgrounds, its a great card. The moos look fabulous as well.
    Yvonne x

  27. We're in the two days of rain, two days of sun, back to rain again pattern! I really do feel bad for those flooded out of their homes.

    I enjoyed your post as well as the Tardis/Who comments!

  28. I love these Valerie, very grrrr lol. I really like your moo (how can you type that without smiling)the thistle is the perfect finishing touch. I'm glad you're not affected by the floods but really feel for those poor people that are xx

  29. Love your Moo card and all of the dimension you have created. Thanks for joining the Rogue Redhead Rebel Challenge!

  30. Hi Valerie wonderful card and moo she is so gorgeous and love the animal print. Thanks for joining us at OOAH. Hugs Sandra X

  31. Your card reminds me of the musical "Chicago" and for some unknown reason, I cannot picture either one of us in the OOAH costum!!! Well done - you just have to love that pretty lady and the mask she took to the costume ball.

  32. It's always exciting to find stash that you'd forgotten about and it made for a fun card too. x

  33. Meine Güte!
    Das ist ja ein wunderschönes Kunstwerk! Das sieht traumhaft aus.

  34. You've been so busy this week! Glad to get over finally and catch up. This gal on the dictionary paper is a real eye catcher as is her garment. Lovely! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. xx

  35. Großartige Werke, Valerie.

    ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

  36. Just been having my usual weekly catch up on your posts Val. Your journalling and cards are such brilliant and inspirational creations once again. Love the stamp you used on your slender bender too. Must see whether I can squeeze a card in there. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs from the uk.


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