
Sunday 19 May 2013

Warhol-Eyezing, More Mini Books and Happy Mail

Hi you all, hope you are enjoying the weekend. I don't want to say it too loudly, but we had sunshine all day and it was warm today. It felt like Spring! But - from tomorrow on will be wet, windy and really cold again. We just have to take it as it is!
The challenge at OOAH this week is eyes. I made some photos of my eyes a few weeks back, which I then drew, coloured and digitally altered, as I did the photos. Here I have taken my drawings and changed the colours.  I printed out small thumbnails, and cut them with an inchie cutter. Sorry about the poor quality of the printing, my HP printer is not doing a good job. I glued them onto scrap card  and made them into bookmarks.

It was a fun experiment, which I will repeat when I have a decent printer.

And I made 2 more mini books with pockets for tags or little pictures. They are really mini - the larger one is 2x1/2" and the smaller one 1 1/2" square. They can each be made from a 6" piece of DS paper.

Each book has 2 tiny tags, stamped on one side with a heart and with 'for you' on the other (stamps from stamping up)

And now for the star of today's show - a wonderful mini-book from Yvonne that arrived in the mail and caused very loud screams of delight, which caused my neighbour to ring and ask if all was well.... Yes, it was more than well! Just sit back and enjoy the beautiful photos, and look at the gorgeous papers, lace, ribbons, pictures, stamping and embossing - and it's MINE!!!! Thanks a lot Yvonne, it will be treasured!

I think that's enough for today. Take care, have fun and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely bright bookmarks Valerie and beautiful mini books.
    I can see why Yvonne's book made you squeal too - it's gorgeous.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Love the bookmarks with the Warhol touch! The mini books are lovely, and the album from your friend is wonderful - enjoy it! Hugs, Sarah

  3. great idea with the bookmarks and love your beautiful gift. Hugs Annette x

  4. Fantastic little books and those bookmarks are amazing. The eyes look Fabulous.
    So pleased you loved your surprise, I
    enjoyed making it for you.
    Yvonne x
    p.s. think I will have to get some lessons from you on how to take good photos.

  5. What a great day you have had. The bookmarks are exceptional - beautiful eyes! Love the wee books. Yvonne's book is indeed a treasure - it simply lifts ones spirits looking at it. Enjoy. hugs, Donna

  6. Beautiful eyes Valerie and love how the eternal artist in you captures them! Your mini books are beautiful, love the little roses atop them. You book from Yvonne is stunning indeed, I can see why it has you squealing for joy!! ~Diane

  7. Hi Valerie, what an amount of projects, and love each and everyone of them. I must say I don't find the striping in your eye prints disturbing. It looks as if it was put there on purpose. Hugs Frea

  8. What a great gift your received. Congrats. Love those eyes and those bookmarks are very nice. Have a wonderful week Valerie. Take care.

  9. lovely work and a sweet gift Valerie!

  10. "Fantastic!" Love your bookmarks, Valerie. :)

    ** it is so fun seeing all your creativity!! ~xx

  11. Wow Valerie, das sind ja tolle Lesezeichen! Auf die Idee muss man erst einmal kommen, seine Augen zu fotografieren und dann so etwas Wunderbares damit anzustellen. Hut ab!
    Auch die Büchlein finde ich richtig toll und dass du bei Yvonnes Geschenk laut jauchzen musstest, kann ich gut verstehen. Es sieht himmlisch aus! Man sieht, es wurde mit viel Liebe hergestellt.

  12. Lol, goodness knows what your poor neighbour thought was going on! It really is a gorgeous gift. Your eye bookmarks and teeny tiny books are fab. I think your sunshine has arrived with us today, it's lovely and warm. Happy Monday. Xx

  13. You've stolen our sunshine again - it's pouring here and really chilly!

  14. Hi Valerie, WOW you are one talented artist. I just love your eye bookmarks. What a creative idea.
    Hope you see the sun again soon.
    Thank you for stopping by.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  15. I am in love with your eyes!! And everything else you make! Hugs, Barb

  16. Sehr schöne Lesezeichen sind das! Aber auch die Büchlein sind spitze!

  17. Gorgeous projects Valerie. Love those bookmarks with the eyes. x

  18. Fantastic Valerie-I love all of the makes and the Eye projects are wonderful.

    I am still away on holiday and we have seen the sun but not much of it lol

    Great to have you join in at the Hatters this week

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. Beautiful bookmarks, (very clever idea), fabulous mini-mini books and oh my....I'm not surprised you squealed with delight on receiving such a gorgeous gift from Yvonne. WoW-Whee, it is super cute & pretty. Have a great week Valerie :0))

  20. Hi Valerie, Love those eyes they make perfect book marks, those mini books are just wonderful. Hugs Sandra X

  21. Your bookmarks are fab Valerie, I love your eyes. I can't believe you can create such beautiful books in minature, and lucky you for receiving such a fabulous gift xx

  22. I like your Warhol-style eye bookmarks! Yvonne's gift is gorgeous and so creative--no wonder there was squealing involved!

    We were actually Hot here today--too hot for Spring!

  23. Wow Valerie love what you have done with your image !
    Von ♥

  24. Valerie your "Eye" book markers are fabulous, what a great idea to use your own eyes.
    Thanks for sharing with us at OOAH
    Janet x

  25. Love that those are your eyes on the bookmarks... so special! And your mail day was definitely a treat. xx

  26. Love that those are your eyes on the bookmarks... so special! And your mail day was definitely a treat. xx


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