
Tuesday 7 May 2013

Of soap, buttons and shells....

Hi you all! Today started out warm and sunny, but as I was on my way home this afternoon, it started to rain in torrents. I don't really mind, but I had no umbrella in my car - all 5 in my flat - no jacket, and was wearing sandals....So of course, I did not find a parking place nearby and was soaked by the time I got to the door! But at least it washed all the yellow pollen off my car, so that's something!

At Out of a Hat Creations the ladies want to see a picture frame, and at Pan Pastel Challenge Blog the theme this week is Fairyland. At Simon Says Stamp and Show they want to know what inspires us. This is my try at all three challenges.

I started off with a simple white-wood frame from IKEA. I grabbed one of my Bit-boxes, and shook out all the small bits that were in it. That gave me the angel/fairy - which is a soap! - the flowers, the button, the rosette, the bird and cage, some shells and some leaves. This was my inspiration! I like to use the things I have, and to put them together to make something new and different. It doesn't always have to be new designer stuff. I glued them onto my frame with the hot glue-gun (only one small blister this time), leaving space for the fairy and the unicorn. I sprayed it all silver, and did my stamping while it was drying. Nothing is made of metal, it just looks like it!  The unicorn - LaBlanche - has been stamped onto speciality stamping paper with archival black and fussy cut. The Unicorn did, of course,  have a rear end, which I have saved in case I ever need it! The fairy, wings and hat are stamps from Scrollswork. They have been stamped onto the same paper using clear embossing ink and silver embossed. I glued the fairy so that she is standing on the pile of leaves with the big shell behind her. I added the rose and sequin flowers, and some silver stickles, so that she glitters like a fairy should! The photo is one of my mother with my sister Ruth taken about 1940. I think my sister looks like the little fairy!

Also linking to Make my Monday - any thing that flies

This was a fun make!

Thanks for looking, take care, and have a great day!


  1. This is a real fun piece Valerie with some great ideas. Love the photograph that uou surrounded with special goodies.

    We could do with a little bit if rain please as everywhere in our garden is turning to dust.

    Lovely to have you join us at the Hatters

    Best wishes Chrissie xx

  2. Oooooh, I really adore this one - just beautiful! What a fun piece. Hugs, Sarah

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Aww Valerie it's adorable you certainly have some interesting things in your bit box and those sequin flowers where a great find :)
    Von ♥

  5. amazing what can become of a simple Ikea picture frame! Funny that you had all your umbrellas at home. I try to keep one in my car all the time.

  6. Look at all this metal goodness! WOW! No wonder you were inspired by all of these bits...they are amazing pieces! I love the unicorn...I can't remember the last time I've seen one on a project if ever! The photo is just lovely as well! This is a magical and special keepsake! Thank you so much for being inspired this week and sharing it with us at Simon Says Stamp & Show!

  7. Oh Valerie your frame is stunning, love the metal.
    Thanks for joining us at OOAH
    Janet x

  8. Fabulous finds drop out of that bit box of yours! What a great piece you have created. Love that you sprayed it silver. hugs, Donna

  9. What a gorgeous frame Valerie, the fairy does look like your sister, I love the unicorn and cherub too. Have a nice Monday. Xx

  10. This is extraordinary Valerie,I love that frame and the contrast between the silver and the sepia of the photograph is stunning. Beautiful work indeed.
    hugs June x

  11. Boah wow valerie,das ist ja hammermäßig das teilchen,ich mag die ganze zusammenstellung und den kontrast zu den metall silbernen,gefällt mir ganz ausgesprochen gut,ich bin hin und weg davon,wundervoll.

    GLG Jeannette

  12. Thats a WOW Valerie it is such a gorgeous frame. Your sister does indeed look like the little fairy, bless. Thanks for joining us at OOAH. Hugs Sandra X

  13. Love the frame! It has a steampunk feel to it. :)

  14. Valerie...your frame is awesome! Such an original and fun piece. All of those metal bits are such an inspiration. I love the way you have arranged each one of them, complimenting the other so nicely. The monochromatic silver works really well on this. I think it lets all of your pieces blend rather than fight for your attention. The addition of the unicorn and the little fairy are very nice! And...I agree with you! I think your sister Ruth does look like the fairy in that picture! Nice job! Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

  15. Looks like you had a lot of fun with this. Super images and elements all around the frame. x

  16. Just the right touch of whimsey in this frame. It is just perfect for that awesome photo!

  17. das ist ein bezaubernder Silberschatz geworden. Ja Deine Schwester ähnelt der kleine Elfe wirklich - der selbe Gesichtsausdruck!
    Und das ist alles so liebevoll und gekonnt arrangiert...und alles wirkt durch das Versilberte richtig schön verzaubert..kurz

    Ein Märchen!

    Liebe Valerie heute hat der Postbote Deine Wundertüte übergeben!
    Oh Du - ich freu mich riesig!!!!!!!

    Dankeschön... lauter Schätzchen!!!
    lg und einen schönen Feiertag...
    bei uns soll endlich schön werden... heute ist zwar schon Sonne aber mal sehen - morgen soll richtig Sommer werden! Na immerhin ist Dein Wagen sauber..hoffentlcih hast DU DIr keine nassen Füsse geholt!

  18. Soooooo schnell?? Wow, das hab' ich nicht erwartet! Freut mich, dass es gut angekommen ist!

  19. This is wonderful, I'm really interested to see what you do with the other half of the unicorn,
    Thanks for joining in at Make My Monday this week,
    Rosie x

  20. Wow, the frame looks amazing, love the metalic look. Great details and I wonder when the unicorns rear will appear.
    Yvonne x

  21. Stunning piece of work. Thanks for sharing with us at Make My Monday. Caz

  22. Your Art is truly amazing. I just LOVE this..


  23. This is soooo beatiful Valerie!! you started with a plain frame and made something just wonderful! I love the metal look.

  24. OH MY, Valerie... such wonderful work!!

    ** such details, tiny embellishments, and tons of creativity... I LOVE IT! :]

  25. WOW what a magnificent realization, you made a breathtaking art work!

  26. WOW this is wonderful Valerie, I can't believe you've painted soap!(actually I can, it sounds about right for you lol)It's an amazing piece beautifully put together, and you're right, you sister does look like the fairy xx

  27. Valerie this is so rich looking - like real antique silver. I am so glad you had fun making it cause I sure have had fun reading about this treasure!! Sorry about the rain kid. By the way, have I told you that I would recognize your eyes anywhere!!!

  28. oh wow Valerie this absolutely stunning. Hugs Annette x

  29. Such an original and fun piece. All of those metal bits look awesome.Thanks for joining us this week at PanPastel UK.

    Kerry DT Leader

  30. Stunning piece Valerie, hard to believe that angel is a soap, so clever to paint it silver and mount it to the frame! The whole piece looks truly magical! Don't you just love it when all the umbrellas are where you are not when it rains? Good thing you did not melt, ha ha. ~Diane

  31. Great project - so many lovely ideas that have all come together and work beautifully! x

  32. What a beautiful frame and I love the photo of your mom and sister smiling! What a lovely treasure! Hugs!

  33. Oh wow! What a fantastic frame, I love the combination of images and embellishments and the grey/silver tones are fab. Thank you for joining in with the PanPastel challenge blog
    Lindsay xx

  34. Thud. That's my chin hitting the floor when I read nothing is made of metal.... wow! What a stunning faux job you've done here. I love it!

  35. How did I miss this Valerie! What an amazing piece of artwork! Love it!
    Thanks for sharing it with us at MMM too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx


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